When Xiaozhi woke up again, he was already in Shuangye Town.

After returning from Linglan Island by boat, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang went to Xiaoguang's house together and stayed for one night temporarily.

As for Ajin and Chris, they separated from Xiaozhi and his party when they were in Lily of the Valley, and went to operate the city festival again, and went to promote the world travel.

As for Xiaowang, he went directly to the Fangyuan area.

She is already behind Xiaoguang now, knowing her shame and then being brave, Xiaowang did not choose to rest, but directly chose to start a new training practice.

In contrast, Xiaoguang's post-match life is much more leisurely.

It was already high in the sun, and she came down the stairs in her pajamas.

"Good morning, Mom...and everyone."

The long black and blue hair was not combed, and it looked fluffy and messy. He greeted several people sleepily.

After finally returning to my own home, I naturally wanted to get up in the most comfortable way.

"Xiaoguang, this kid is really...!"

Mother Ayako covered her face helplessly, but she didn't bother to criticize.


The capuchin cat lying in the corner opened its eyes a little, glanced at it casually, ignored the sudden crowd of people in the house, and continued to sleep on its stomach.

While eating breakfast, Xiaoguang suddenly thought of something, looked at Caizi, and said expectantly:

"By the way, mom, you will accompany me to practice for the gorgeous contest later!"

Caizi is a top coordinator with seasoned experience, but she didn't even have Pokémon before, so Caizi didn't teach her any skills.

But now I can be regarded as a mature coordinator, maybe I can get some new secrets and profound meanings from my mother?

"I can practice with you. But you should accompany your friend today~"

Caizi had already finished her breakfast, turned around, and cleaned up the pans and tableware.

Xiaoguang bit the sandwich, his eyes fell on Xiaozhi and Xiaogang in front of him, he was stunned for a while before he realized, and he stood up abruptly.

"Ah! By the way, you two are going back to the Kanto region in the evening!?"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at each other, and replied helplessly:

"Yeah, are you just remembering now?"

"I told you yesterday."

It was time for them to leave the Sinnoh region.

"Since it's the last day, I'm going to take you all to visit Shuangye Town!!"

Xiaoguang suddenly thought of something, gulped his breakfast into his mouth, and ran upstairs in a panic to get dressed.

For her daughter who likes to shout "no problem" when she is fine, but actually has a big problem, Caizi is also very helpless, turning her head and thanking Xiaozhi and the other two seriously:

"In short, thank you both for taking care of Xiaoguang along the way."

"Where is it, Aunt Caizi?"

"We are also very happy to travel with Xiaoguang~"

The two quickly returned the salute politely, and then looked at each other and laughed.

Half an hour later, the three of Xiaozhi had arrived at the door of Xiaoguang's house.

Shuangye Town is a simple town surrounded by vast fields and lawns.

You can smell the smell of young leaves everywhere, and there are no powerful wild Pokémon, so it is very suitable for living.

The two booked an evening boat ticket. Since Shuangye Town was originally located in the corner of the Sinnoh mainland, the location of the pier was not too far away, so they did not go to the pier ahead of time.

"Let's go, let's take you to Xinqi Lake first~"

Xiaoguang held Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's arms from left to right, and led them towards the north of the town.

Next to it is the house of Ah Xun's family, but it seems quite quiet now. It is estimated that this irritable guy has not returned home yet.

After a while, the three of them came to the shore of Xinqi Lake.

Unlike the bustling Lizhi Lake, the surrounding area of ​​Xinqi Lake is very quiet, with lush and dense trees growing, it is an original ecological area.

The water surface of the central lake is even calmer, shining beautifully under the sunlight.

"I was here when I saw Mingyao falling from the sky~ I was so shocked!"

"It is said that before this place, some people saw the red Gyarados~"

The three of them were sitting on a ramp by the shore, and Xiao Guang introduced the news about Xinqi Lake to the two little friends all at once, unable to stop talking.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang knew this well, they didn't interrupt, but responded cooperatively.

He has been traveling with the two of them, and when they are about to part, Xiaoguang is a little flustered.

Only when you can't stop talking like now, can you not show any sadness.


At this time, the three of them suddenly heard a flickering sound, and a pink figure appeared above Xiaoguang's head out of thin air.

It is the legendary Pokémon that represents emotions, Emrido!

"That's right, Emrido is the gods of the lake who live in Xinqi Lake!"

Xiaoguang remembered it now and said in surprise.


Sensing the appearance of the same kind, one of Xiao Gang's elf balls bounced off automatically, and Yu Kexi, who represented knowledge, came out.



The two Pokémon flew around a few times, and after saying hello, they slowly fell from the sky and landed in the arms of Xiaogang and Xiaoguang respectively.


Xiao Guang hugged Emrido in his arms, as if he was infected by the god of emotions, sad emotions finally came to his heart.

She lowered her head, her originally cheerful voice was a little choked up.

"And Xiaozhi, Xiaogang really hopes that he won't part with you so soon, and can travel together forever."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang could only comfort each other repeatedly.

"There will be a chance to meet again in the future~"

After all, this is not the first time to travel, and the two of them have a certain buffer of resistance to the sentimentality of parting with their partners.

In the end, the three just held the Pokémon in their arms, looking at Xinqi Lake.

While talking and recalling the bits and pieces of the travel for more than half a year, there was a burst of laughter from the lakeshore from time to time.

It wasn't until dusk fell that the entire Xinqi Lake was dyed golden, and the three of them got up and left reluctantly.

"Then let's say goodbye here, Xiaoguang! Continue to be the best coordinator!"

"I know Xiaozhi! You also want to become the strongest trainer in the world!"

On the pier, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, cheering and encouraging each other.


Then they held their palms high and clapped them together, and the sad emotions washed away a lot.

Xiao Gang watched silently from behind, filled with emotion in his heart.

Another wonderful trip!

chug chug.!

Finally, amidst the huge roar of the ship, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang had already boarded the cruise ship.

In the setting sun, the two stood at the end of the deck, waved goodbye to Xiao Guang on the pier, gradually went away, and officially embarked on the journey home.

(End of the Shenao chapter.)

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