He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1922 Mysterious challenger!

Next, Xiao Zhi naturally wandered around in his backyard.

After walking more than ten meters, he was able to see the familiar Pokémon, which immediately brought countless memories to Xiaozhi's mind.


The king of the backyard, Miaowacao, also heard the news of Xiaozhi's arrival, ran from a distance excitedly, and finally plunged into Xiaozhi's arms.

"Frog Grass, long time no see!"

Hugging Frog Grass's head, Xiaozhi rubbed it vigorously.

The body of the latter seems to be a bit bigger, much larger than the average froggrass.

The petals on the back are completely blooming bright red petals.

But it is not like the frog flower, carrying heavy and huge plantain petals. Presumably the current frog grass can still make perfect and fast grass slide movements.

Next, under the leadership of Froggrass, Xiao Zhizhi searched for his Pokémon better.

However, all the Pokémon encountered along the way, even the Pokémon stored here by other trainers, will greet Froggrass very honestly, as if respecting their subordinates.


As the noble 002, Froggrass walked in front with its head held high, and it was very beneficial to this feeling of surrender.

No matter what kind of quarrel there is in this yard, it will become quiet under its strong whip.

The strong strength has also allowed Froggrass to gain unquestionable dominance here.


Xiao Zhi followed behind with a dry smile. Why does it feel like Frog Grass has a bureaucratic feel?

But when passing through a forest, Xiaozhi suddenly found a Pokémon he had never seen before.

This is a Pokémon that looks like a blue otter, about one meter in size, with a round head and white beards growing on both sides of its cheeks.

The lower body is covered with dark blue fur like pants, with a yellow shell on the left and right.

"Is this Pokémon...?"

Xiaozhi became interested and quickly took out the illustrated book.

Not only because it was the first time I saw it, but also because this Pokémon has an aloof aura about it.

Like his lizard king, he likes to lean on the tree trunk with his arms around his chest, sleeping coolly and soundly.

"Didi. Shuangrenwan, the evolution of the water otter, water attribute, one of the three royal families in the Hezhong area, through strict practice, can use the knife technique using two scallop shells smoothly."

The picture book suggested.

Xiaozhi was slightly taken aback, is this the Yusanjia in the Hezhong area?

He had seen pictures before, the Yusanjia water otter of the water attribute, it looked silly and silly.

I didn't expect that after evolution, it would become so lonely and cold.

Is this a Pokémon stored here by another trainer?

but most importantly

This Pokémon had already woken up. After glancing at the crowd for a while, it continued to close its eyes and meditate, ignoring them.

This made Froggrass Mulberry suddenly feel unhappy, even here, who dare not give it face?

"Grass! (New here, come down and call second brother!)"

Froggrass called out to the tree, and the Shuangrenwan frowned, and immediately jumped down from the tree.

Not only that, but in the air, it grabbed the shell at its waist, made a dagger shape, and at the same time swooped down, it actually attacked the frog grass on its own initiative!


However, Pikachu had already made a move first, jumped up, turned his body, and swept out with a powerful steel tail.

Seeing this, Shuangrenwan immediately reversed the shell slightly, put away the sharp edge of the shell, and used the hard shell on the back as a resistance.

Bang bang! !

There was a loud noise when the iron tail collided, and the powerful force pushed Shuangren Wan back, and he took several steps back to stabilize his figure.


The weird double-edged pill let out a low snort, this time grabbed the scallop with both hands, and swung it violently in front of him.

Immediately, the energy water flow attached to the shell and extended upwards, forming two bundles of sharp short shell blades.

"Interesting, are you going to fight me? Froggrass, leave this to me and Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi became interested and came to the front of Shuangrenwan.

The Pokémon in front of him is obviously not the Pokémon kept by someone in Zhenxin Town

It's a wild Pokémon, did you accidentally enter here?

But the fierce assassination dive just now, and the decisive change of tactics, all seem to have been professionally trained.


In the next moment, Shuangrenwan rushed forward brazenly, holding the double-edged shell.

"Here comes Pikachu, use the power grid to block its movements!"

Pikachu's eyes were fixed, observing the movements of Shuangrenwan, and then he flicked his tail violently, throwing a large lightning net, which was about to completely cover it.

Its prediction was very precise, and it happened to be where Shuangrenwan would arrive in the next sprint.


Seeing this, Shuangren Wan immediately turned over the shell, and in the upward posture, completely split the oncoming grid.

"One hundred thousand volts!!"

Facing the powerful electric shock released by Pikachu, Shuangrenwan lifted one of the shells in front of him and rotated it at high speed.

Sizzling! !

Even powerful lightning is bounced off by the airtight shield formed by insulating shells.

"What a strong fighting quality!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help exclaiming.

Obviously, he has specially trained to restrain himself from electric-type moves, and he has resisted all of them impeccably.

This also gave Shuangren Wan another opportunity to attack. When he sprinted to within two meters, he grabbed the shell water blade and decisively slashed straight at Pikachu's head.

Pikachu had no choice but to raise the steel tail to his head, forcibly blocking the blow.

Bang! !

There was another explosion, the level of this double-edged pill is definitely not low, the shell blade directly pressed the iron tail violently, almost sticking to Pikachu's body.

"But now it's zero-distance Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

However, the stiff collision between the shell blade and the iron tail at this moment also gave Pikachu a chance.

Boom! !

In an instant, a dazzling lightning flashed on Pikachu's body, sprang out quickly, and hit Shuangrenwan directly. The terrifying lightning force formed an impact, and directly blasted Shuangrenwan.

The effect is outstanding!

Although there is a way to resist electric attribute moves, it is impossible to have resistance to 100,000 volts.

However, this blow did not completely determine the outcome.


There was already a scorched black mark on the chest, but this Shuangren Wan gritted its teeth and stood up.

With resolute and firm eyes, he stared at Xiaozhi closely.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi could only shrug his shoulders, and put away his fighting spirit for the time being.

Then, he shouted loudly toward an open lawn diagonally behind Shuangrenwan.

"Come out, Shuangrenwan's trainer! Don't lie there any longer!"

The fighting method of this Shuangrenwan is obviously impossible to be a wild Pokémon, and it is obviously very good at fighting with trainers.

Then this trainer who has bred a powerful Pokémon must be nearby to command

Of course, under the investigation of his waveguide power, this mysterious person who had been hidden had nowhere to hide.

This is not a chance encounter, but has been waiting for him for a long time

So is it a challenger?

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