He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1923 International patrol, black time!

There is a lawn clearing diagonally behind Shuangrenwan. From the outside, there is nothing unusual, except that there is a slight slope of a few centimeters.

But after hearing Xiaozhi's voice, the turf actually started to shake, and finally lifted from the bottom. It turned out to be a finely crafted turf auspicious suit.

A figure also stood up from it.

About 13, 14 years old boy, wearing a red empty hat on his head, but still has fluffy brown-black hair turned out from the hat.

His face is handsome, and he has a mature and capable temperament far beyond his peers.

Wearing a dark blue tight top and beige baggy shorts, it looks like a convenient and flexible outfit.


The double-edged pill in front of him immediately flipped back in front of him, and the scallop in his hand was still raised in front of him vigilantly.

"Enough, Shuangrenwan, they are not enemies."

In the low voice of this strange trainer, Shuangren Wan completely put away his fighting spirit, put Scallop back in his thigh, and leaned against the tree trunk next to him with his chest in his arms.

The man also put away his solemn look, showed a friendly smile, and introduced himself:

"Excuse me, let me introduce myself. My name is Gong. My name is Heici, and I am an international patrol officer."

"International Patrol?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, and looked up and down at the peer in front of him.

Wait a minute, people of the same age, and the strength of that double-edged pill is definitely not weak.

You must know that the hasty fight just now was completely a solo battle of Shuangrenwan, and the strongest battle can only be played again with the trainer.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but said:

"So you are Mr. Hansen's boss?"

Hei Zi raised his eyebrows, a little surprised:

"Oh, did that guy Hansen mention me? That's right, Hansen is my direct subordinate."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately clicked his tongue in amazement, and let go of most of the guard in his heart.

Although the international patrol police usually act in an eclectic manner, they have no scruples about such gray methods as undercover agents and cooperation with villain organizations.

But in general, it is still a decent organization, not an enemy.

It was the face of the other party who was the same age as him, but made Uncle Hansen, who was in his thirties, his subordinate.

It's kind of weird.

So this is what Hansen said, the strongest genius among the international patrols, the strength is by no means inferior to his own monster trainer?

Xiaozhi had the idea of ​​continuing to fight with the latter.

But when Xiaozhi looked at Heici, the latter was also observing Xiaozhi.

As an international patrol, intelligence is the most important.

After knowing Xiaozhi's information, and at such a young age, Heiji was also taken aback.

"Could it be that he also exists like me?"

Heici frowned lightly, thinking to himself.

He's not actually from this world

2 years ago, inexplicably appeared in this world, and possessed the body of this boy named "Gonghei".

Although he was completely clueless, but relying on the ability he had cultivated in the International Patrol in the previous world, Heiji immediately looked for opportunities and joined the International Patrol Organization in this world.

Relying on strength and means far superior to those of his peers, in just two years, he has continuously climbed the ranks of the international patrol police and was promoted to the position of police.

And the name "Heici" from the previous life as his code name.

But the person in front of him doesn't seem to be any more normal than himself.

"And the one just now was, super power?"

Heiji glanced at the auspicious suit that fell at his feet. His disguise was undoubtedly perfect. Unless it was a supernatural ability to detect, he didn't think anyone could see through the flaws at a glance.

This is another new piece of information.

"Well, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and this is Pikachu, and Frogweed~!"

Xiaozhi pointed to the Pokémon beside him, and introduced himself with a smile.

It must have been introduced by Mr. Hansen, right?

"Oh, I'm sorry, the sudden attack today, I'm really curious about what kind of existence Hansen said about the powerful trainer, so I tested it on my own. This is my double-edged pill, and it's the best partner~!"

Heiji also put away his thoughtful expression, and continued to explain with a smile.

But this smile was obviously faked.

The standard of laughing is very standard, so standard that it is a bit disobedient.

Xiaozhi didn't think too much, international patrols should be like this.

It seems that Mr. Hansen is an exception, a little lame?

The two walked side by side on the jungle road, and Pikachu and the others followed behind. Xiaozhi couldn't help asking:

"So the international patrol is here, what's the matter?"

Is there any major event that endangers the world?

"No, this time it's my personal behavior."

Unexpectedly, Heiji shook his head.

Immediately, he gave a helpless wry smile, which lost a little bit of the previous sense of distance.

"I would like to ask you to go to the Hezhong area, become a companion of a person, and protect her from being harassed by the plasma team. The plasma team is a dangerous organization in the Hezhong area, probably the same as the Rocket team here."

Afraid that Xiaozhi would not be clear, Heici added an explanation.

"Protect someone.?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, a little puzzled.

Why go out of your way to protect yourself?

It sounds like an existence threatened by this plasma team, so there should be many more suitable candidates in the international patrol, right?

"Because this is just my personal request and has nothing to do with the international patrol. I need someone of my age who is powerful and just to help me, so I thought of you."

Heici looked at Xiaozhi seriously, and said seriously.

After reading Hansen's report not long ago, Heici judged that Xiaozhi was a trustworthy person and strong enough.

Or completely oversubscribed.

Even if Xiaozhi's strength is cut in half, it is within his expectations.

In the short fight before, Xiaozhi is a mature and powerful trainer as shown in the data.

Through a special channel, he also found out that Xiaozhi will most likely travel to the Hezhong area next time, so he came to him in advance.

"Although I will indeed go to the Hezhong area next time."

This kind of direct request surprised Xiaozhi a little.

He scratched his head and didn't agree directly.

Xiaozhi is not used to traveling alone, so he should find a few suitable companions like Xiaogang and Xiaoxia at that time, it will be interesting to travel and adventure together.

If you form a companion with someone and protect them by the way, it's not a big problem

But how did he know who this person was?

If you are a person with a bad mouth like Shinji, when you think of traveling with Shinji, you can see his stinky face every day when you wake up

Xiaozhi suddenly shuddered, feeling a chill in his heart.

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