He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1924 Brother Chi who is causing trouble!

The World Championships in Fanba City will be held in 4 months.

Xiaozhi planned to rest in Zhenxin Town for 1 to 2 months, and then set out to travel to the Hezhong area.

After all, this time, he didn't need to challenge any gymnasiums.

Walking around the local scenery, seeing the Pokémon in the Hezhong area, and participating in a tournament is almost enough.

I don't know what plans Xiaogang and the others have next, and whether they have time to go with them.

Xiaozhi planned to ask these old friends again before leaving.

Seemingly seeing Xiaozhi's worries, Heici took out a photo with his backhand.

"Don't worry, the person I asked you to help take care of is not some rude and rude person, on the contrary she has a very gentle personality. This is her picture."

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, so she was still a girl?

After receiving the photo, I found that it was a pretty and lovely girl, giving people a soft and cute feeling.

The photo only has the upper body, and they are about the same age as them, with long brown hair tied into two balls, falling down like twin ponytails.

Blue and white tight-fitting short-sleeved, he is not very old next year, but he seems to have grown to a considerable size.

"This girl's name is Naruto, and she lives in Hinoki City. She will become a rookie trainer in a week, and she will officially start traveling after receiving Pokémon."

Heiji introduced in an orderly manner.

The legal age for becoming a rookie trainer in the Hezhong area is relatively late, usually 12 or 13 years old, which is the time for newcomers to start traveling.

"She was just an ordinary girl but Mingyi's mother used to be a high-level member of the plasma team and quit the plasma team a year ago."

"Because of some special reasons, if Mingyi wants to travel alone, he may be maliciously harassed or even attacked by members of the plasma team."

Xiaozhi nodded and listened, the relationship sounded very chaotic.

And this Plasma team, sounds really weird too.

"Well, because a major event happened to the Plasma team a year ago, the entire organization was almost subverted. Since then, the organization has been divided into two factions."

Heici didn't hide anything, and told the information one by one:

"Speaking of which, this incident has something to do with your Kanto region. The big incident of the plasma team a year ago seems to have been caused by a trainer from the Kanto region."

"A trainer in the Kanto region?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi got up his spirits, he was familiar with the powerful trainer in his hometown.

Could it be that Mr. Du or Master Xiba is going to make trouble?

"It's not a league champion or a king of heaven, but a trainer whose background is completely unknown, but it is said that he wears a red hat, and like you, he also carries a Pikachu with him."

Kuroji's eyes fell on Pikachu behind him.

Very mysterious people, they only judged that they were from the Kanto region through the clue of the electric mouse in the Kanto region.

At first, Heici thought it might be Xiaozhi.

After all, Pikachu, a vase Pokémon with little combat power, is rarely used by trainers.

But the trainer who was doing trouble in the plasma team was said to be 1.7 meters tall and 1.8 meters tall as an adult, so it was obviously impossible for him to be Xiaozhi in front of him.

"Then I know who it is"

After listening to Heici's description, Xiaozhi's eyes fixed and he came back to his senses completely.

He knows a Pikachu who is much smoother than himself!

A year ago, in terms of time, it was almost the same.

It seems that Brother Chi is in the Hezhong area, and he is having a good time!

Is this almost dismantling this amazing-sounding plasma team? !


Noticing the change in Xiaozhi's expression, he probably already knew who this mysterious person was, but the other party didn't make it clear, so Heici couldn't ask directly.

The Kanto area, this ancient area, is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

After telling the general information, Kuroji asked Xiaozhi to go to Hinoki City in the Hezhong area next week, and become a partner with Naruto, and travel together.

"Next week?"

If it was two months later, Xiaozhi could agree immediately.

The Plasma Team and others just happened to be here, and he happened to be able to dig out some information about Brother Chi from this group of people!

But is a week too fast?

And what made him even more curious.

What is the relationship between Heiji and this rookie trainer named Mingyi?

According to what he said before, this matter has nothing to do with the international patrol, it is a private request

And with Hei Ci's skill and ability, he is the best candidate, right?

"I'm a complete stranger to her, but in the last life, anyway, I did some wrong things to her. This is to make up for her, or myself."

There was a bit of sentimentality in Heici's words.

In the previous world, he always acted with absolute reason as his purpose, which caused a lot of harm to this girl.

Now that he came to the new world, Heiji didn't want to have any further entanglements with the other party, after all, the other party was a completely different person in essence.

In the past 2 years, he has checked many times, and there is no time-traveling situation similar to himself on Mingyi, he is just an ordinary trainer.

Please protect Xiaozhi at this moment

Let's say my last goodbye to this girl.

"I won't let you help me for nothing, Xiaozhi, you probably need information about the legendary Pokémon, right?"

Putting away his emotion, Heici's expression straightened, and he looked at Xiaozhi.

Although I don't know what the purpose is, it seems that Xiaozhi has encountered various mythical beasts along the way, just like his collection task.

"At the end of this journey, I can tell you all the information I know about the legendary Pokémon. The scope is the whole world!"

Heici said in a deep voice, this rich and powerful appearance stunned Xiaozhi for a while.

It sounds like a very good reward indeed!

Backed by the international patrol, a large worldwide organization, it is estimated that they have more or less information about legendary Pokémon all over the world.

"In that case, then I promise you!"

After thinking for a while, Xiaozhi nodded and responded seriously.

It just so happens that I have a new companion for the journey.

But Xiaozhi quickly added:

"But agreeing to protect that girl is not because of the reward you said. After all, if I want to meet the legendary Pokémon, I don't need any extra information at all!"

Answering inexplicably, but with a confident tone, it was Heiji's turn to be stunned this time.

Thinking about it carefully, Xiaozhi seems to have encountered all the legendary Pokémon that can be encountered in the local area when traveling around without obtaining his information?

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