He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1925 Extra Gift

The matter came to an end, Heiji was ready to leave.

This time, he came to the Kanto region for personal reasons and could not stay long.

After exchanging communication methods, Heiji put away the phone.

"This is my private number. If you need any information about Legendary Pokémon in the future, you can contact me through this number."

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Xiao Zhi also put away the illustrated book, waved and said:

"Then Hei time, if we meet again next time, let's fight head-to-head again!"

In the short confrontation just now, they didn't see the real strength of the opponent at all.

"Okay, let's fight seriously next time."

Heici smiled and nodded in response. Apart from the position of international patrol officer, he also had the idea of ​​competing with Xiaozhi, an extremely powerful trainer of the same age.

But now is not the time to fight.

Before leaving, he suddenly thought of something, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Xiaozhi:

"By the way, I will give you another gift at the end."

Xiaozhi thought he was going to give something, but he saw that Heiji suddenly took out a poke ball.


As the Poké Ball was opened, a humanoid Pokémon appeared, about the height of a human being, with a sharp blade structure all over its body, and a crimson armored body that looked like a samurai armor.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?"

Before Xiaozhi had time to take out his illustration book to check, the Pokémon named Commander Slash had already rushed over.

The arm with the blade flashed coldly, and it slashed straight at Pikachu.


Although he didn't know why the opponent launched another surprise attack, Pikachu still let out a low cry and fought back with his steel tail.

Bang bang!

Bang bang! !

There were frequent metal explosions at the junction, and the iron tail collided with the iron blade, bursting out bursts of Martian debris.

Obviously, the other party is an extremely hard steel-type Pokémon, whose whole body can be used as a weapon.

"One trick, two tricks"

And Heiji was muttering something silently behind.

Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on, but this Commander of Chop and Slash was only putting on an offensive posture, but there was no actual hostility.

So he didn't make a sound to stop him, and let the opponent attack, to see what Heiji was going to do.


And Pikachu suddenly had an idea, and when the steel tail whipped out, the movement suddenly became slow.

This time when it collided with the opponent's test knife, unexpectedly there was no metal explosion.

Immediately afterwards, Pikachu's tail bent back, as if the iron tail had turned into a magnet, and it was actually attracting the commander's test knife and swung forward half a meter, causing the latter to almost fall forward.


Pikachu's sly eyes rolled, although Iron Tail's moving speed was not fast, it could even be said to be very slow, but it completely entangled the opponent's offensive moves.

Commander Chopping's signature sword-testing move was like being stuck in a quagmire, and he couldn't get out of it for a while.


In the end, with a low shout from Pikachu, it suddenly increased its strength, which seemed to be superimposed on the strength that had disappeared due to the slow movement before, and it burst out all at once.


The iron tail slapped Commander Chop on the chest, and the latter suddenly burst out, his iron body trembling faintly.

"What kind of move is this?"

Heici's eyes widened, and it didn't look like a specific move, but a technique of using a move.

Obviously moving so slowly, it looks very weak

But can the enemy's offensive completely unload, or even bounce back?

Sure enough, neither this trainer nor his ace electric mouse should be underestimated!

"Is it the aerobics of the magic wall puppet...?!"

Xiaozhi was also taken aback, it seemed to be the weird aerobics that the magic wall puppet led Pikachu to dance before!

I didn't expect it to be used in combat.

Could it be that the magic wall puppet is actually hiding something deep?

"Thank you for your hard work, Commander Slash."

Afterwards, Hei Ci took back Commander Chopping, and did not explain why he suddenly attacked again.

"Anyway, I've delivered the extra gift. See you next time, Xiaozhi from New Town."

Hei Ci beckoned, and subconsciously took out a smoke bomb in his hand, ready to throw it on the spot and explode.

As mysterious and unpredictable international patrolmen, their way of leaving naturally cannot just leave in a normal way.

Use the smoke bomb as a cover, and then hide under the grass auspicious suit to complete the magical skill of disappearing instantly

But thinking of Xiaozhi's super detection ability, Heiji still trembled, coughed, and retracted the smoke bomb.

Well, let's leave as normal today.


Shuangrenwan beside him also silently followed, and the two gradually left the backyard of the Oki Research Institute.


It wasn't until after watching the other party leave that Xiaozhi looked at his Pikachu in a daze.

Can the attack of Commander Chop and Slash be considered a gift?


Froggrass extended its rattan whip, lifted Pikachu high, checked its body in 360 degrees and found nothing unusual.

Xiaozhi didn't think too much, shrugged his shoulders, and continued to wander around Nuoda's backyard with the two Pokémon.

After eating the lunch specially delivered by Hanako, Xiaozhi lay on the soft belly of the Snorlax, hugged the back of his head, and looked at the sky leisurely.


His Snorkel was completely lying on the lawn, with its round belly standing up like a hill, and it was estimated that it would sleep for several days.

Beside him, on one side was the beautiful maid transformed by Latias, who from time to time handed out the after-meal plate.

On the other side is the docile Geranium, staring at Xiaozhi with watery eyes, and rubbing his head down from time to time.

In one morning, Xiaozhi basically encountered all his Pokémon.

In the air, several housebirds flew by at this moment. This is a racing competition that Xiaozhi's housebirds will stage every day.


This time, Mukhawk was also added, combined with the wind wing characteristics endowed by the sharp beak, the flying speed of the newcomer Mukhawk was not much weaker than that of the predecessors.


The Scorpion King looked curiously at the Giant Claw Crab. The latter was opening its giant pincers at an angle of nearly 90 degrees. The sharp edge of the knife could perform its unique skill - guillotine.

The Scorpio King became interested, and opened and closed his pliers beside him with a "click".

However, compared to the guillotine's trick, the giant claw crab wants to teach Scorpio King how to become a qualified old-age Pokémon.

The snorkeling ferret followed a group of water-attribute Pokémon, dived into the lake to collide and play.

To say that the highest status is to bite the land shark.

Although there was nothing to do at the Lily of the Valley Conference, as soon as he returned to the backyard at this moment, Xiaozhi's Bankiras and the giant golden monster came up to meet him, and led Lie Bite Lu Shark to the back mountain.

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