He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1927 Pokémon Virus

Hearing the movement outside, the door of the room opened, and Dr. Oki came out with dark circles under his eyes.

Although he looks tired, his expression is very excited:

"Oh~ isn't this Xiaozhi? You came just in time, and I just happened to have the latest illustrated book. Hey, why did Pikachu get a tattoo?"

As soon as he came out, he saw Pikachu covered in purple patterns, which looked quite bluffing.

Xiaozhi also noticed that Dr. Oki was holding an ipad-sized tablet in his hand at the moment, which seemed to be the so-called Rotom Illustrated Book.

But the focus now is not the new illustrated book.

"Dr. Oki! Take a look at Pikachu's body, it's just like this when it woke up in the morning!"

Xiaozhi quickly lifted Pikachu up to Dr. Oki.

"Isn't it a tattoo?"

Dr. Oki also temporarily put down the illustration book and looked at Pikachu carefully.

"Any other symptoms? Could it be pain, or loss of strength?"


Pikachu shook his head, but he didn't feel anything unusual about his body.

Just like this tattoo, if you go out in the future, you may be regarded as a bad Pokémon.

"Strange patterns, sudden appearance, and no symptoms."

Dr. Oki stroked his chin, muttering incessantly, lost in thought.

His pupils shrank suddenly, his face was serious, this couldn't be that thing, could it?

He seems to have seen it once before.?

"Anyway, let me check Pikachu's body first, Xiaojian, you go and open the switch of the laboratory."

Dr. Oki quickly took over Pikachu, and did not easily draw a conclusion.

But seeing Xiaozhi's anxious look, after all, Pikachu was his first and most precious companion.

So Dr. Oki said comfortingly:

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi, this may not be a bad thing, maybe it's still a good thing for Pikachu."

After speaking, he carried Pikachu into the laboratory.

This made Xiaozhi wait anxiously outside, wondering what good could this weird purple pattern be?

Half an hour passed.

"Xiaozhi, Pikachu is fine, you come in first."

The closed door of the laboratory opened, and Xiao Jian came out and said.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly walked into it.

However, Pikachu was sitting on the detection instrument and hadn't come down yet, while the screen in front was on, as if Dr. Oki was having a video call with someone.

"Oh Xiaozhi, you are here, Pikachu is nothing serious, but he won the lottery~!"

Dr. Oki looked a little excited, and then pointed to the picture on the screen.

"There is also this one, let me introduce you, this is the young and promising Pokémon doctor in the Hezhong area, Dr. Yew!"

Xiaozhi looked at the screen, on which was a young and beautiful female doctor.

With curly brown hair, fashionable earrings, and light makeup, he is very different from the old-fashioned Dr. Pokémon in his usual impression.

"Hello! I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

Xiaozhi hastily bowed solemnly. Is this the two doctors working together to treat Pikachu?

It's just winning the lottery, so what's going on?

"Because Pikachu is infected with Pokémon Virus!"

Finally, Dr. Oki gave a conclusion in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was surprised at first, although he had never heard of this, but viruses should be bad things, right?

Is there any connection with the highly toxic state?

Dr. Oki signaled Xiaozhi to be calm and calm down, and began to explain:

"First of all, this Pokémon virus has nothing to do with your poisoned state during the battle. This is a very special phenomenon, caused by a tiny life form attached to the Pokémon."

"It doesn't do any harm to Pokémon, on the contrary, it's a great thing!"

Don't look at the names of viruses to bluff people, but not all viruses are harmful to living organisms.

"That's right, this kind of Pokémon virus, according to the current research, probably has the effect of increasing the ability of infected Pokémon. The speed of physical recovery and even endurance has a considerable effect of increasing."

On the screen, Dr. Yew interrupted and added.

This is a totally positive virus!

Nature is full of wonders, and this magical virus was born!

"Is it so powerful?"

Xiaozhi opened his mouth wide when he heard this, as if he had opened up his worldview.

Does that mean Pikachu is stronger now?

"Didn't you understand, the current Pikachu has not become stronger, but the time to become stronger has been shortened, that is, the efficiency of exercise has increased."

Dr. Oki concluded.

This is not an rpg game. Pokémon does not have the concept of full level and full effort.

As long as Pokémon continues to exercise, although it will be more difficult to improve in the later stages, it can always become stronger after all.

And the Pokémon virus makes Pokémon seem to be on an accelerator, which can make the speed of improvement faster!

"As for these weird purple streaks, don't worry, because it's still the infection period. In two more days, it is estimated that it will enter the immune period, and these purple streaks will disappear."

Of course, the immunity period does not mean that the buff of this accelerator disappears, but it will stay with you until you get old.

But only Pokémon in the infection period can infect other Pokémon with the Pokémon virus through physical contact and other behaviors, and spread this good buff to others.

"So it is"

Even the only worry was dispelled, and Xiaozhi was completely relieved.

I didn't expect it to be a good thing!

However, the current Pikachu is extremely strong, and the general training improvement is actually of little significance

The effect of this Pokémon virus is more effective for some newcomer Pokémon.

"In the Sinnoh area, even if I exercised with all my strength, the flame monkey and Lucario can only reach the level of the king of the alliance at most."

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something, and his expression became ecstatic.

You must know that this virus can be transmitted to other Pokémon!

With the help of this Pokémon virus, maybe the new companions in the future can be improved to the level of rivaling the league champion after only training in one area!

Or even a stronger existence? !

So here comes the problem.

"So Xiaozhi, where did the source of this Pokémon virus come from?"

Dr. Oki suddenly looked at Xiaozhi and asked curiously.

Dr. Yew on the screen also looked over suspiciously.

The reason why the yew is connected is that this kind of Pokémon virus is extremely rare. So far, Dr. Oki has only seen it once at Dr. Yew's father by chance many years ago.

Only then did he send a communication to the research institute.

But now the research institute has been inherited by Taxus, so the object of collaborative research has become the latter.

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