He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1928 The whole backyard is infected, right?

Seeing two pairs of eyes staring at him, Xiaozhi scratched his head.

The Pokémon virus is transmitted through physical contact.

So the Black Chop Commander should be the source of the virus, right?

No wonder this guy was still reciting the number of offensive moves in the background. Is this calculating the probability of infection?

"It turns out that this is the gift Heiji was talking about."

Xiao Zhi was overjoyed, this extra gift felt much more useful than the information on the all-sacred beast!

But the other party was an international patrol officer, and without Hei Ci's permission, it was difficult for Xiaozhi to say his name.

"It's just a friend. It looks like it's the Pokémon virus he brought. I had some contact with Pikachu yesterday."

He can only fool around at will.

It is a pity that Dr. Oki and Yew can only look at each other.

The phenomenon of Pokémon virus is extremely rare. Individuals of this virus, especially those that can continue to infect, are extremely precious.

The case that Yew’s father studied before lost the ability to continue infection research because it was not properly preserved.

"Anyway, it's a great thing! This time we have a perfect infection period sample!"

Dr. Oki laughed suddenly.

Then let's not study the source for now, after all, the Pokémon virus itself also has great research value.

boom! boom!

As he said that, Dr. Oki released Little Lada, greeted the two little white mice, and touched Pikachu with his body.

Seeing that Pikachu didn't like the approach of these rotten street mice, Xiaozhi quickly gave a low drink.

"Pikachu, don't move around, they just rub."


Hearing this, Pikachu could only sigh helplessly, lay down on the ground, let one of the little Ladas ride on his back, and began to push back and forth.

Pickup, it's good enough, why is it still arched! ?

"Speaking of Pikachu, have you come into contact with other Pokémon?"

Dr. Oki asked Xiang Xiaozhi again.

"Well, now, the whole backyard should be infected, right?"

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something, and said in embarrassment.

If the Chop Commander was the source, it was passed on to Pikachu.

Then he took Pikachu and walked around the backyard all day, touching almost all his Pokémon.

Especially Froggrass was also nearby at that time, this one was wandering around the backyard every day

"That is to say, the backyard is full of experimental individuals at this moment?"

Dr. Oki's eyes were overjoyed, and he made a gesture to greet Xiaojian to rush to the backyard, and began to investigate and study one by one.

"Hey, I want to go to your Kanto region too."

Seeing that his father's previous research projects were reproduced here, Dr. Yew on the screen was quite envious.

But recently she can't leave, she just took over the research institute and has a lot of work

Recently, there are several newcomer trainers who want to come to her to receive the initial Pokémon.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, I remember you said you were going to the Hezhong area next time, right? Then you can bring a little Lada there and study it for Dr. Yew."

Dr. Oki took one of the little Lada back into the elf ball.

According to Yew's father's research, if it is stored in a poke ball or a computer, it seems that the infection period can be extended indefinitely.?

In this case, it can be used as a long-term source of infection.

"Really!? Thank you so much, Dr. Oki-senpai!!"

Dr. Yew on the screen was overjoyed, and then looked at Xiaozhi expectantly and eagerly.

"Xiaozhi! My research institute is in Luzi Town, Hezhong District, and I will welcome you well then!"


After speaking, the communication screen was interrupted.

It looks like Dr. Pokémon is a fiery doctor.

"Leave Xiaojian, it's time for us to study!"

"Doctor, I think you should take a break first. Well, let's start."

Xiaojian was a little helpless. Dr. Oki had been studying the Rotom illustration book for several days, and now he seamlessly connected with the Pokémon virus project.

However, the reason why Dr. Oki is the most senior and most famous Pokémon doctor is precisely because of this almost madman-like thirst for knowledge.

Xiaojian could only wink at Xiaozhi, and then hurriedly followed behind.

At the scene, only Xiaozhi and Pikachu were left.

After Pikachu knew that the bad tattoos on his body would disappear in a few days, he felt relieved.

"Pickup~? Pickup~!"

It keeps posing in various shapes in front of the mirror beside it. It is full of evil spirits and weird self, and it is quite handsome!

"Let's go, Pikachu, let's go home and eat first."

Xiaozhi also completely calmed down, these researches are not something he should worry about.

I ran out in a hurry early in the morning, still wearing pajamas. Let's go home and cook first.


It is said that Pikachu's ears are pricked up, let alone, it seems that after being infected with the virus, its appetite seems to have become bigger now?

three days later.

When Xiaozhi returned to Dr. Oki's Institute again, he could already see many Pokémon in the backyard, all of which had strange purple patterns on their bodies.

People who don't know think they are collectively cursed.

"But there are still individual differences."

In front of Dr. Oki is a row of Pokémon, neatly arranged, with more or less purple lines on their bodies, and some Pokémon have nothing on them.

But they were all successfully infected with the Pokémon virus.

"The number of these purple stripes seems to be related to the multiplier of the increase."

Dr. Oki has obtained a lot of experimental data.

The purple stripes on Pikachu's body cover about half of the area, and it is undoubtedly the individual with the strongest buff from the Pokémon virus.

But generally speaking, the purple streaks on infected individuals are only 1/5, or even less.

Xiaozhi looked over at a glance, and only saw Frogweed, Snorbeast and several Pokémon covered with purple patterns.

And come fast, go fast.

At this moment, the purple lines on Pikachu's body have basically disappeared, leaving only some lines near the back.

"Then I'll walk around."

Xiaozhi still wanted to ask about the Rotom illustration book, but seeing that Dr. Oki was still doing the finishing touches, he didn't bother, but took Pikachu into the backyard for a stroll.

Not to mention, I'm used to the appearance of Pokémon, but now it's quite novel to see more or less purple patterns on their bodies.

The face of the human maid transformed by Latias is even covered with purple patterns.


This annoyed her quite annoyed. After knowing that the human being did the trick a few days ago, the next time they meet, she will make a surprise attack!

"Really, Latias, I think you look better!"

However, Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise that the red-haired maid's face was already exquisite, and her aura was compelling.

With the embellishment of purple patterns, it adds a bit of strange feeling of ghosts and ghosts.


After saying those words, Latias immediately became happy again, and Xiao Niao leaned against Xiaozhi's side in a comfortable manner.

It seems that I have purple patterns, and I am also very beautiful!

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