He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1931 Departure, Hezhong Region!

"Beep beep! I am Rotom~Lotor~ in the illustrated book!"

After the activation was complete, Rotom, the illustration book, floated in front of the two of them, and he began to introduce himself like a normal human being.

Although it has an obvious mechanical synthesized sound, the sound is very smooth, and there are even idioms at the end.

"Is this the Pokédex Rotom?"


Xiaozhi and Pikachu looked at the illustration book in front of them in surprise, or it was Pokémon.

On the screen is a patterned expression representing the mood, and the brackets on the back are turned into left and right arms, and a pair of short legs are turned out underneath.

The illustrated book is alive!

"Oh, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town! This is Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi quickly introduced himself.

The Rotom Illustrated Book turned his back and used the camera behind him to capture Xiaozhi's face.


To take pictures in the Rotom Pokédex, you even need to manually press the camera button on the screen.

"Beep! The user of the illustrated book has been confirmed, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town! Luoto~!"

After saving the data in the Pokédex, the Rotom Pokédex was reversed.

As if he got a new mobile phone, Xiaozhi was very interested, and quickly pointed to Pikachu on his shoulder.

"By the way, you can check Pikachu's data!"

The Rotom Pokédex understands, the official portrait of Pikachu lights up on the screen, and the speaker broadcasts:

"Beep beep! Pikachu, electric mouse Pokémon, electric attribute, with power storage pockets on both sides of the cheek, if you pull its tail casually, you will be bitten. Loto~!"

The illustration book is quite formal.

He even flew behind Pikachu very intelligently, and took the initiative to reach out and tug Pikachu's tail as a demonstration.

"Pika, Chu!"

The next moment, golden lightning sparked on Pikachu's body, and the lightning spread out, even affecting Xiaozhi, Rotom's illustrated book, and even Dr. Oki.

Boom! !

After a huge electric current exploded, the surrounding people turned into black charcoal, and their bodies were weakened by the electricity.

"Beep beep. Didn't you get bitten, but got electrocuted? The data has been updated, Loto"

The illustration book Rotom seemed to have lost the ability to fight, and fell to the ground with some wilting, but it was still updating and modifying the data in real time.


Xiaozhi shook his head, shook off the black charcoal all over his body, and laughed a few times helplessly.

It seems that although the illustrated book contains very formal information, its body is like a curious baby, wanting to try everything.

In other words, isn't it a little too formal?

He thought that the illustration book possessed by Rotom would become strange.

"Ahem, don't worry, the illustration book made by the old man is naturally fine!"

Dr. Oki spoke confidently.

In the beginning, the illustration book he gave Xiaozhi seemed to be a failure, and inexplicable words always popped up.

Now that Dr. Oki is making it, it is much stricter.

Even Pikachu's electricity can't short-circuit it and burn it out!

"By the way, it shouldn't be possible to have a more powerful electric shock than Pikachu, right?"

Dr. Oki thought secretly.

The upper limit of the withstand voltage of the illustration book he set is the voltage strength of Pikachu.

If the power is stronger, maybe what will happen to this perfect illustrated book?

"Anyway, teach me well, Rotom! Show me the Pokémon in the Hezhong area!"

Xiaozhi stretched out his hand and shook Rotom's arm in the illustration book.

"Leave it to me! Lotto~!"

The screen of the illustration book Rotom showed a confident and proud expression, completely talking with normal human emotions, which surprised Xiaozhi again.

But this time, Dr. Oki still did not present the corresponding charger.

"Nowadays it's popular to be environmentally friendly, so I need to buy it in the Hezhong area~"

Dr. Oki said with a smile, since the illustrated book is modified from the illustrated book in the Hezhong area, the charger can only be bought there.

Moreover, the act of not giving away chargers in the illustration book was first advocated by Hezhong District.

Xiaozhi could only shrug his shoulders, he got used to it.

After transferring the data of the original illustrated book to the illustrated book Rotom, he bid farewell to Dr. Oki.

after one day.

Saying goodbye to Zhenxin Town, Xiaozhi boarded the plane to Hezhong area alone.

Before he came, he made a special inquiry. It seemed that his old friends didn't have time, so this time he could only go to the new area by himself.

On the seat, Pikachu sat on his lap.

The Rotom illustration book was suspended in mid-air, attracting curious eyes from many passengers around.

"Rotom, can you introduce the Hezhong region to me?"

The plane had already flown into the high-altitude clouds, and there were white clouds outside the window. Xiaozhi couldn't help asking because he was idle and bored.

"Leave it to me! Lotto~!"

Rotom slapped the screen with his brace arm, as if slapping his chest, and introduced it smoothly.

"The Hezhong area is a modern area with an international metropolis, but due to excessive industrial development, some cities are also deeply affected by factory pollution. In addition, the Hezhong area also has vast wilderness areas, and even desert area."

Compared with other areas, the Hezhong area has a larger population.

And just like its name, the Hezhong Hezhong area is also inhabited by people of various skin colors, and it is a very open and free area.

"It sounds very free and open, but the Pokémon that inhabit the Hezhong area are only local Pokémon. How strange~ Loto~!"

Rotom even doubted his own data, it held its head, and there was a puzzled expression on the screen.

"Are there only local Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin, meaning that there are only local species of housebirds there, and there are no foreign housebirds like Bobo or Mukeer?

But the old man wearing a hat next to him seems to be a local from the Hezhong area.

He has been listening to the movement here, and added with a smile:

"You really mean this illustration book. But the information may be behind. In recent years, the Hezhong area has also produced a lot of Pokémon from other places~!"

Now that the connection between various regions is getting closer and closer, there is no reason for the Pokémon that inhabits to only stay in one place.

Like the ice-type nine tails unique to the snow-capped mountains in the Alola region.

Now there are also discoveries in the snow-capped mountains in other regions.

"I see."

Xiaozhi listened in a daze, and nodded.

As for Rotom, because it was too novel, a few kindergarten children sitting next to him curiously pulled the arm of the bracket and asked various questions innocently and childlike.

"Is you a Pokémon?"

"Beep! I'm not a Pokémon, nor an illustrated book. I'm a Rotom illustrated book! Loto~!"

"Then what do you usually eat?"

"Eletrician body! Lotor~!"

"So do you take a shit?"

"I don't understand. Lotto."

Xiaozhi: "."

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