He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1932 Three Turns Pikachu!

After a day and night of flying, the plane landed at a wharf in the south of Luzi Town?

The large passenger planes in the Hezhong area are very strange, and they do not land at the airport.

Instead, like an amphibious aircraft, half of the fuselage fell into the water, slowed down and buffered through a long and narrow waterway, and finally stopped firmly beside the pier.

"Go Rotom!"

Xiaozhi took the lead, holding Pikachu in one arm, and beckoning Rotom to board the pier.


Then he took a deep breath. For some reason, the air in the Hezhong area seems to be sweeter?

"Haha, are those the new Pokémon?"

After officially landing, Xiaozhi also saw many Pokémon around him that he had never seen before, and his eyes looked like stars, looking around.

For example, on the surface of the sea, there is a pink sunfish jumping out of the sea. The soft body makes this movement extraordinarily graceful.

There are also a few white swans flying in the air, with slender necks and wide wings, giving people a noble temperament.

Even on the wooden bridge of the wharf, a few brown and yellow mice occasionally ran past. They stood up from time to time, raised their hands to check their surroundings, and looked very vigilant.

"Beep beep! Nanny Mambo, water-type, takes care of Pokémon, and if he finds an injured or weak Pokémon or human, he will gently hug him with his fins and transport him to the shore. Loto~!"

"Beep Beep! Dancing Swans, Water and Flying Properties."

"Beep beep! Explore the mouse."

Rotom became busy, constantly photographing the surrounding wild Pokémon, and introducing them.

As an illustration book capable of self-learning, it doesn't just keep the data in the database. It also needs to constantly add new data.

Xiaozhi looked around curiously, and walked towards the shore while listening to the introduction.

The Pokémon in the Hezhong area did look a little different from the Pokémon he had seen before.

But the most important thing now is not to investigate new Pokémon, but to


Soon, Xiaozhi had already run out of the pier and came to an empty beach.

He held Pikachu, his arms moved down slowly, as if the sand under his feet was like a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire, and he moved very carefully.

"Beep! Can't understand, can't understand!"

Rotom was surrounded on both sides, completely unaware of what happened.

It even fell on the ground and touched the sand. It's not hot.

"In short, Rotom, turn on the camera mode, and make sure to take a complete picture of all the changes of Pikachu next."

Xiaozhi reminded.

Among other things, things like taking pictures and taking pictures are all fully automatic, and he doesn't need to use a third hand to grab the illustrated book and take pictures.

"Leave it to me, Lotto~!"

Rotom's forehead was sweating profusely, showing a cautious expression, the camera was aimed at Pikachu, and gave a close-up of Pikachu's legs.


Pikachu looked flustered, the sandy land was in front of him, but he hesitated, not daring to take a step forward.

Every time it lands in a new area, it will be like being hit by a flying knife.

Not only is it extremely painful, but your own strength will also be greatly reduced, and it will take a long time to recover

But in return, their own potential will also be improved.

When it returns to its original state next time, its real strength will actually exceed that before.

Hoen area, Sinnoh area.

After all, the Hezhong area is the third place.

"Pikachu, come on, it's going to be three turns soon!"

Xiaozhi silently cheered for Pikachu.

The latter also closed his eyes abruptly, and in the end, his heart became ruthless, and he resolutely stepped on the sand.

The next moment, it was as if a sharp blade flew from the void and hit Pikachu's chest hard.


Pikachu let out a scream, and his whole figure flew out, and fell on the beach three meters away.

"Pickup, pickup!!"

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that he had been hit hard one after another, and it seemed that his body was covered with carrion ants, biting his skin. The pain made Pikachu keep rolling on the ground with his head in his arms, screaming hoarsely.

Boom! !

The small and exquisite body immediately erupted with an extremely terrifying electric current, forming a thick and huge beam of lightning, which soared into the sky and completely shattered the clouds above!

"I can't understand, I can't understand!"

Rotom was completely dumbfounded, but he still recorded Pikachu's changes completely.

"Pikachu, come on!"

Xiaozhi also tried to release his bondage power, to see if he could share the five senses and help Pikachu share a little pain.

It's just that there seems to be something wrong with the power of bondage. Although Xiaozhi successfully felt Pikachu's five senses, he didn't feel any unusual pain.

"Outsiders are not allowed to help, but Pikachu can only bear it by himself?"

Seeing Pikachu still rolling on the sand, hoarse and exhausted, Xiao Zhi could only put away his fetters, and his face was full of worry.

This process lasted for five or six minutes, which seemed to be much longer than before.

It stands to reason that Pikachu's power should be weakened even more, right?

"Pickup, pickup"

When Pikachu got up out of breath, a lot of sand was stained on his body, and he was quite embarrassed.

But this time, Xiaozhi was quite surprised, but he didn't intuitively feel how much Pikachu had weakened.

Pikachu quickly tried to sprint, cast a high-voltage electric shock, and rushed to a nearby tree trunk.

"Pika Pika Chupi!"


As a result, the high-voltage electric shock hit the half-meter-thick tree trunk, but it couldn't break it in the middle. Instead, Pikachu was bounced back and fell back into the sand.

"Has it weakened so much?!"

Xiaozhi's face was startled, this tree isn't too thick, but it can't even be hit by high-voltage electric shocks?

He hurried over and fed Pikachu a grapefruit to replenish his strength.


Quickly ate the pomelo fruit, and Pikachu's condition improved a lot, but he looked at his little paws with distress and complaints.

Damn, the strength has been weakened again!

"Don't worry about Pikachu, the strength will always recover, and you will become stronger!"

Seeing that the situation seemed to be the same as before, Xiaozhi could only smile wryly, and then comforted Pikachu.

Now, it should be the third turn Pikachu, right?

"Beep! The recording is complete~ Luoto!"

Rotom also pressed the button to stop recording, indicating that the process of being "cut with a knife" was fully recorded.

But what happened today somewhat refreshed its machine concept.

Finally, Xiaozhi picked up the weak Pikachu and walked slowly in one direction.

"Let's go, let's go to Dr. Yew first, Luzi Town is ahead."

Dr. Yew's research institute should have equipment for checking the body. To be on the safe side, let's check Pikachu's health.

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