He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1934 Stop pretending, it was acting just now!

Blue lightning criss-crossed, and countless thunderstorms burst out from Zekrom's body violently.

Boom! !

Irregular lightning strikes fell on the ground, instantly causing the bricks of the stone path to burst.

And the coverage of the staggered lightning continued to extend, and in the blink of an eye, it had already spread to the vicinity of Xiaozhi and Pikachu, and a thick and dangerous electric shock hit them directly.


Just when Xiaozhi gritted his teeth and was about to resist the electric shock with his body, he suddenly found that Pikachu at his feet had already jumped up on his own initiative.

Pikachu's small body burst out with dazzling lightning, and the golden arc moved forward in a zigzagging pattern, colliding with the incoming blue lightning.

Boom! !

Two terrifying lightning bolts exploded, causing a huge explosion in the void!

But that's just destroying a staggered lightning bolt.

"Pika, Chu!"

Immediately afterwards, Pikachu tensed his body again, and a steady stream of lightning burst out from his body, facing the dangerous staggered lightning around him head-on.

Boom boom boom! !

In the space of more than ten meters around, the golden and blue lightnings collided and exploded continuously, and thunder broke out in every position.

Has it completely resisted the staggered lightning? !

In this fight, Pikachu only lost a little bit of the wind, and his body was blown back several meters by the aftermath of the current, but he was not seriously hindered.


Even after landing, Pikachu still had the strength to make a provocative cry towards the dangerous black dragon Zekrom in the sky.


Seeing that his move was blocked by a small electric mouse, even Zekrom was stunned in mid-air for a while, unable to react.

The surrounding dark clouds were also blown away by the previous lightning strike, and the sky became much brighter.

"Pikachu, what are you doing?"

Xiaozhi was completely dumbfounded.

How is it possible, didn't Pikachu just get hacked and his strength was greatly reduced?

And judging by the tragic appearance just now, the knife was at least cut on the main artery, right?

Why is the power still so strong, it seems that it has not been weakened at all?

No, Pikachu also used a high-voltage electric shock just now, the power has shrunk so many times that it can't even break a small tree.

"Wait a moment."

A bold guess suddenly popped up in Xiaozhi's mind.

Could it be that the appearance of Pikachu rolling in the sand in pain just now is all pretending?

Although facing the mighty ancient god black dragon in front of him, Pikachu was not very timid.


But feeling the suspicious eyes from behind, Pikachu's ears trembled, and sweat fell secretly on his forehead.

Uh. It's not that it deliberately wants to act.

Pure physical reflex, muscle memory.

I don't know if it's because he was infected by the Pokémon virus recently, but this time when he stepped on the ground in the Hezhong area, Pikachu was not slashed weirdly.

There is no pain, and there is no reduction in my own strength.

But it is already mentally prepared to scream hoarsely in pain, how can there be any reason to change it on the spot?

Since you won't kill me, then I will create it myself and cut myself!

Just in time, for the next adventure in the Hezhong area, I can also fish in the back as a matter of course.

But an ancient god suddenly appeared from nowhere, and in a critical moment, Pikachu could only choose not to pretend.

It was all played just now!

Xiaozhi: "."

Apparently understanding what his Pikachu was thinking, Xiaozhi's chest heaved up and down, and a mouthful of old blood almost gushed into his throat.

Damn it, just now that hoarse voice, almost fainted from the pain, getting up extremely weak, and sweating profusely all over, can it be staged? !

How much does this unlucky electric mouse play? !

Wait a minute, so the first turn and the second turn are also acted out?


Sensing the will of the trainer, Pikachu quickly called out, signaling not to be embarrassed.

And now the focus is on the inexplicable ancient god black dragon in front of him, not these indifferent things.


Xiaozhi could only forcibly dispel the idea of ​​torturing Pikachu on the spot, and looked at the black dragon ahead.


Because of the influence of the thunderstorm magnetic field caused by the previous lightning collision, Rotom fell directly to the ground, shutting down and turning off the screen.

Xiaozhi didn't have time to bother with this Muggle illustrated book, he simply didn't know what to ask.

I hope the illustrated book will not be damaged by electricity.

"Is it an ancient god in the Hezhong area? This is just right, and Pikachu's strength has not weakened."

His expression gradually became excited. The brief confrontation before proved that even though Pikachu's strength was weaker than the opponent's, it was not much weaker.

Although I don't know why the other party wants to attack me

Just right, then take defeating this ancient god in front of you as your first battle in the Hezhong region!

The attribute of the opponent. Is it thunder + dragon attribute?

"Pikachu, jump into the air and use the Thundercloud Line!"

This time, Xiaozhi took the initiative to attack.


Pikachu shouted loudly, his body quickly ran on the ground, and then jumped up.

Immediately, the soles of his feet stepped on the void, as if he stepped on some real open space.



With the electric arc flickering between his feet, Pikachu didn't fall, but jumped around Zekrom's surroundings!

Thundercloud line, this is Pikachu's specialty,

Using the remaining arc in the air as a pedal, it can jump in the air.

The previous lightning strikes collided and scattered, making this arena the best stage to display the thundercloud line!

You must know that after the strength improvement in the Sinnoh area, Pikachu has long wanted to find a strong enemy and try his own limit.


Although he didn't know what happened, but being harassed by an annoying little flea all over his body also made the bad-tempered black dragon become irritable and angry.

Shocking lightning strikes burst out from its body again, but this time the blue lightning bolts did not intersect and blast out all over the sky, but were all attached and condensed around Zekrom's body.

Boom! !

Zekrom turned into a huge and smooth blue thunderball, with dangerous cross lightning constantly flowing on the surface of the thunderball, just like this, he slammed into Pikachu brazenly!

Lightning strike!

This is Zekrom's second exclusive move.

Staggered lightning is a range attack that attacks far away, while lightning strike is a fixed-point precise blast, and its power is even more terrifying!

With such a dangerous blow, Xiaozhi didn't dare to let Pikachu use a high-voltage electric shock in a daze, and rush to face it head-on.

"Pikachu, use super speed to dodge!"

Pikachu understands, its strength is obviously not yet able to compete with the opponent.

Immediately, the frequency of stepping on the thundercloud line was accelerated, and his figure turned into an incomparably swift afterimage of blue light, quickly dodging the moves.

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