He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1935 N and Zekrom

Boom boom boom.!

Bathed in the spherical lightning barrier, Zekrom charged straight out, causing an electromagnetic storm to blow in the surrounding space.

However, Pikachu's current strength has not been reduced by half. When he used the thunder cloud line to perform a super fast move, he successfully avoided the blow.

Xiaozhi doesn't know any Hezhong Shenlong, he just treats it as an ordinary opponent, and now it's over with heavy output.

"Now, Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

At the same time, Pikachu had already rushed to the sky above Zekrom's head, and stomped on a ray of electric arc while hanging upside down, and rushed towards Zekrom instead.

When approaching, the figure rotated, and the tail turned into a steel whip in the air, sweeping out forcefully.

Bang bang! !

There was only a blunt bang, and the iron tail hit Zekrom's side face!

Compared with Zekrom's massive body, Pikachu's body looks unremarkable.

As if being slapped by a tiny mosquito, the visual impact was so strong that Zekrom's head suddenly fell back.

The trick, it worked!


Before Xiaozhi and Pikachu were happy, the Zekrom showed its fierce face, its dragon claws covering its shoulders clenched its fists, and burst out violent lightning.

boom! !

Zekrom hit the Thunder Fist with a backhand, which also hit Pikachu!

This time the scene was completely opposite, like a cannon hitting a mosquito, a huge lightning fist dropped from the sky, throwing Pikachu out like a bullet, and quickly fell to the ground.


Xiaozhi's face tightened, his face was also flushed red, and the veins on his forehead were faintly bulging.

Faced with such an opponent at the level of an ancient god, Xiaozhi naturally exerted his bondage power at the first time, shared the five senses, and increased Pikachu's strength as much as possible.

Of course, now he also knows that the power of his fetters just now has not failed.

Pikachu's pain when he was "slashed" was completely faked, and he naturally couldn't feel any feeling with his own bondage.


Pikachu pushed away the rubble and ruins around him, and jumped onto the flat ground again, but there were already many scars all over his body.

The head was also punched by this blow, and it was buzzing.

This is Pikachu's current weakness.

In terms of offense, it is almost comparable to the strength of the ancient gods.

But in terms of endurance and physical strength, not to mention the exaggerated durability of the ancient gods, even ordinary legendary Pokémon have more physical strength than Pikachu.

Xiaozhi quickly looked towards the sky.

This powerful blow from Iron Tail left a steel whip red mark on Zekrom's cheek.

He is dressed in pitch black, not only his red eyes are conspicuous at this moment, but also this hot "slap print", which is even more eye-catching!


Sensing Xiaozhi's sight, the Zekrom became angry again, and the sharp dragon roar was ear-piercing.

The lightning flashed around him, and dense dark clouds once again gathered in the sky above, and the momentum was overwhelming.

The surface of the black armored body even glowed with a bright blue light as if charged, spreading all the way to the tail.

Buzz buzz!

The gyro engine-shaped tail of the Czech Roma released a high-frequency sonic boom, and the center completely turned blue, and the momentum also increased a lot at once, as if it was fully fired.

This posture made Xiaozhi swallow his saliva, his face tensed.

It seems that he hasn't exerted his full strength before.

But just when Xiaozhi and Pikachu were tense, as if they were facing a big enemy.

Zekrom suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the dark clouds in the sky.

It seemed to be called by someone, which made Zekrom look sullen, but most of his fighting spirit disappeared in an instant, and his body with blue light turned back to pitch black again.


In the end, he turned towards the man and the mouse below, and after making another threatening dragon roar, he turned around and flew high into the sky.

Although Zekrom had wings, it was more like using electromagnetic power to levitate and rise when flying, and the armor-like black wings did not flap.

call out.!

After a while, he jumped into the dark clouds and lost his trace.

In addition, the coercion disappeared, and the air in this field path seemed to resume its flow, allowing it to breathe freely.


This also made Xiaozhi and Pikachu who stayed in place stunned.

How did you run away?

"Could it be up there, is there anyone? It's Zekrom's trainer?"

A bold idea appeared in Xiaozhi's mind.

The thunderstorm magnetic field formed by Zekrom interfered with his detection of waveguide power, making it impossible for him to see clearly what was above the sky.

In this world, is there anyone who can become an ancient god's trainer? Wouldn't it be the same as yourself? !

High in the sky, above the dark clouds, it was still a clear and open day.

At this moment, a human man is riding a gray-brown vulture eagle, hovering here.

He was about in his early twenties, wearing a black and white hat, under the brim of the hat was a head of light green long hair, tied and hanging down his neck.

He looks handsome, wearing a slim shirt and trousers, and his figure looks extraordinarily tall.

The vulture on the crotch may look fierce, but its eyes are somewhat feminine, and the feathers on the top of its head are tied into a ponytail with a bone stick similar to a hairpin.

Vulture Na, this is a female eagle Pokémon that is symmetrical to the Warrior Eagle in the Hezhong area.


After a while, Zekrom broke through the dark clouds and approached from below.

Changing from the violent and ferocious at low altitude, the appearance of this black dragon at this moment has become much more docile.

The human man riding on Vulture Na changed positions, leaped lightly, and landed on Zekrom's back.

And Zekrom didn't feel annoyed at all, allowing the latter to ride, with his palms on his armored wings.

If this scene is seen by others, it is estimated that they will be shocked.

Xiaozhi guessed right, there are indeed other people who have become partners with the ancient god

This green-haired man is named N, and he is the trainer of the black dragon Zekrom!

"Why did you suddenly fight with someone else today?"

After sitting firmly, N asked curiously.

His voice sounds very gentle, giving people a sense of natural affinity.

N just rode Vulture out to run errands, leaving Zekrom alone high in the clouds.

As a result, he suddenly felt a powerful and dangerous magnetic field riot erupting here, so he hurried back and called Zekrom back to stop the fighting.

After all, as ancient gods, their battles cannot be compared to ordinary Pokémon.

If it is not stopped, it may have a huge destructive impact on the local ecology.


Zekrom let out a low growl in response.

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