He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1936 Small target, subdue the white dragon!

It seems that the ancient gods in the Hezhong area are similar to Gulardon, and they don't like talking or telepathy.

But N blinked and understood Zekrom's meaning.

"Being attracted by the powerful electricity, it turned out to be an unlucky electric rat from the Kanto region, so did you start the fight?"

In order to be more realistic when acting, when rolling in the sand earlier, Pikachu deliberately hit a thunder move with all his strength, simulating the tragic appearance of being unable to control his strength due to pain.

It was this powerful thunder that attracted Zekrom's arrival.

N raised her eyebrows and heard the key words.

Electric rats from the Kanto region.

Wait a minute, could it be that one is down there?

The Pikachu in the Hezhong region, he had only seen one year ago in the hands of the mysterious trainer from the Kanto region.

For a time, many memories appeared in N's mind.

And that trainer who seems to be an immovable mountain.

However, N quickly shook his head. It should not be the same person. At this time, it is impossible for that person to appear here.

After thinking about it, N did not choose to drive Zekrom to land.

"Let's go, we still have tasks to do."

Then he patted Zekrom on the back lightly, and said.

Hearing that Zekrom nodded, the tail made a not-so-huge engine roar, and flew in another direction high in the sky.

"Speaking of which, today, why do you keep looking at me with your head tilted?"

But along the way, N couldn't help but ask.

Today, starting from seeing Zekrom, the latter deliberately tilted his head to prevent him from seeing his face on the right.


Zekrom's whole body was suddenly covered with blue light, and the tail engine was turned to the maximum, entering the overclocking drive mode, and the flight speed soared several levels in an instant, as if he hadn't heard N's question at all.

He didn't want others to see that there was a hot slap on his face!

What's more, the object is an unlucky electric mouse!

on the ground.

Xiaozhi has regained his energy.

After confirming that the black dragon would not make any more surprise attacks, he walked towards Luzi Town.

"Tsk, Pikachu's strength is still a little weaker."

After the battle just now, Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing.

Don't look at the current Pikachu showing off his might, but there is still a clear gap in the real face of an opponent at the level of an ancient god.

This reminded Xiaozhi of Brother Chi's round-faced Pikachu.

When traveling through time and space, at the top of the Bell Tower, when facing the ancient god Phoenix King of the same strength, this senior Pikachu was very tough!

It seems that Pikachu, who wants to surpass Brother Chi, will continue to exercise

As his own strength became stronger, Xiao Zhicai was more able to appreciate the horror of Chi's strength.

"Don't think about these for now!"

Xiaozhi's thoughts jumped to the black dragon Zekrom again.

It is said that since the Hezhong area, there exists the Black Dragon Ancient God

I don't know if there is a corresponding White Dragon Ancient God here?

I'd better make a phone call later and ask about Heici's information, at least learn about the legendary Pokémon in the Hezhong area first.

No, the research institute of Dr. Yew is right in front of her. As Dr. Pokémon, the latter should know a lot of information, just ask her directly!

If anyone can subdue that mighty black dragon Zekrom

Then, Xiaozhi, why can't he also subdue the corresponding white dragon? !

Xiaozhi's chest suddenly surged with pride and enthusiasm. He came to the Hezhong area this time, and he didn't have a goal other than participating in the local world championship.

That being the case, let's take subduing this White Dragon Ancient God as your small goal for the time being!

Luzi Town is already in sight, and Xiaozhi is still holding the illustration book in his hand.

The latter was completely shut down due to the influence of the thunderstorm's magnetic field, and it did not respond to shaking.

"Could it be that you were affected by the electric shock just now?"

Xiaozhi became a little worried. The power of Zekrom's lightning strike just now seemed to be stronger than Pikachu's electric shock.

According to Dr. Oki, the limit voltage that the illustrated book can withstand is just the strength of Pikachu, once it exceeds .

Maybe it just burned out?

"Forget it, let's go to Dr. Yew for a check!"

Xiaozhi quickened his pace, and Pikachu beside him also ran ahead.

"By the way, did I forget something?"

But after the battle with Zekrom, Xiaozhi always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something important, and his eyes fell on the running yellow mouse in front of him.


Noticing that the trainer's gaze gradually became more certain, Pikachu had an exclamation mark on his head, and immediately performed a super fast move, taking the lead in rushing into Luzi Town.

"I remember, Pikachu, quickly explain your acting behavior just now!!"

Xiao Zhi's loud roar was one step behind.

One man and one mouse chased back and forth into Luzi Town, which attracted the curious eyes of the residents on the streets of the town.

Luzi Town.

After restocking at the Elf Center for a while, Xiaozhi got up and was about to go to the research institute where Dr. Yew was.

Zekrom's punch was not light, and Pikachu was pushed in for treatment for a while before coming out.

It's just that this electric mouse, no matter how Xiaozhi sees it, something is wrong.

Could it be that this injury was also acted out?


Sitting on the stroller, Pikachu was still sweating coldly on his forehead, and he didn't dare to meet Xiaozhi's eyes.

It is in an embarrassing period of "being exposed for acting".

"Your Pikachu is fine~ It's just that the heart rate is a little high, and the palms are still sweating, so keep warm~!"

Miss Joy from the Hezhong area said with a smile.

This is the first time for Xiaozhi to see the elf center in the Hezhong area, not only Miss Joy's dress is a little different from other places.

Even their partner Pokémon has changed from Lucky Egg to another Pokémon named Almost Doll.

The body shape is somewhat similar to Fat Keding, with a chubby upright figure and pink and yellow fur.

However, its temperament is the same as that of Lucky Egg. It is a very gentle Pokémon, and it must also display some powerful healing moves.

Because of the abnormal weather caused by the previous battle between Pikachu and Zekrom, many trainers in the elf center are panicking at this moment, discussing nervously and guessing what happened.

But none of that is the point.

After leaving the elf center, Xiao Zhi went straight to the Yew Research Institute.

Like Zhenxin Town, Luzi Town is basically residential buildings with a height of only one or two floors.

This makes the town's only research institute building particularly eye-catching. There is no need to point the way at all, and a research compound can already be seen from a distance.

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