He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1943 Subduing the Vine Snake

"Ancestral Bird, prepare to fight!"

After making up his mind to subdue it, Xiaozhi raised his hand and took the initiative to attack the vine snake.

"Use peck!"

The Progenitor Bird spread its feet and ran again, its hard jaws were covered with white light, and it crashed into the target.

"Teng Teng~!"

However, the rattan snake sneered, as if mocking this fancy colorful bird.

It jumped up and avoided the pecking move, its movements were very light.

At the time of the stagger, the rattan snake's movement was not over yet, it actually blinked its eyes in the air and cast a wink.

From the soft eyes, pink phantoms of hearts suddenly flew out, enveloping the progenitor bird in the middle.


Waiting for these phantoms of love to burst, the eyes of the ancestor bird were directly filled with love, and he lost his mind.

The figure staggered and swayed in place, looking at the rattan snake lovingly.

And this vine snake stood on a high place as a matter of course, glanced at this perverted bird, and seemed to enjoy the feeling of playing with its opponent in the applause.

"Tsk, can you still use charming moves?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised. After all, trainers with weird skills usually use this move. This is the first time he has seen a wild Pokémon use a charming move.

Once a target of a different gender is hit by a charming move, it will be difficult to generate any attack hostility.

The success rate is also related to the charisma of the caster.


And turning the ancestor bird completely into a licking dog, the vine snake's complexion changed, and rushed forward, directly knocking the ancestor bird out, the attack was very cold and fierce.

"It's very characterful, I must subdue you!"

Xiaozhi was also completely aroused by this rattan snake, and quickly glanced at the ancestor bird beside him.

A hit is not enough to tell the winner, but the charming state has not been lifted, and the latter is still dangling in heat.

"Then it's up to you, Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, and directly played the trump card.


Pikachu immediately flew in front of the rattan snake, with electric shocks bursting from his cheeks, full of energy.

But in the eyes of the rattan snake, this electric mouse from other places is just another stupid male animal.

With a blink of the eyes, countless phantoms of hearts flew out, and they once again displayed their charming moves.


The charming move successfully hit Pikachu, and immediately made the latter's eyes turn into hearts, shaking in estrus on the spot.


Seeing this, the rattan snake sneered, it really wasn't a big deal.

Immediately, it jumped up, hung its body upside down, and the tail at the end was wrapped with countless green leaves, and it swept out in a gust of air!

It was the grass stirring move that Xiao Zhi had just seen not long ago.


However, facing the imminent attack of the stirring of the grass, Pikachu's tiger's body was shocked, and his eyes became clear in an instant.

It is not interested in the little grass snake!

"Hey, have you been fooled by my Pikachu's acting skills?"

Xiaozhi also smiled, as expected of Pikachu, the obsessed look of estrus was performed vividly.

But the charming move, once the level gap between the enemy and the enemy is too large, it is impossible to be effective.

"Use Iron Tail!"

Pikachu jumped out in an instant, and even though he was behind by a lot of time, he was still able to take the shot before his opponent, which showed that there was a huge gap in speed between the two.

The shining tail turned into steel, and with a "boom", it hit the Vine Snake's abdomen.

The powerful force directly swept away the countless green leaves around, and the rattan snake let out a scream, and suddenly fell from the air.

"It's now, Poké Ball!"

Putting Ash's hat on backwards, he threw a poke ball.


The trajectory was drawn down, the target was accurately hit, and the rattan snake was sucked into it.

Even the poke ball is still in the air, just shaking a bit.


There was a crisp sound, and the poke ball tightened and stopped shaking.

Know how to subdue!

The phenomenon of taming with just one shake is known as taming, and most of them will only appear in experienced trainers who have tamed many Pokémon.

It's like a powerful trainer with his own aura and coercion.

To a certain extent, knowing subdue is also a special ability, which can increase part of the chance of subdue?

"Successful! The rattan snake has been subdued!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and immediately walked forward quickly, holding the elf ball in his hands.

He likes this vine snake full of personality very much.


Pikachu is also behind, hugging his chest proudly.

Sure enough, my acting skills are still fine!


He conveniently gave the ancestor bird next to him a shot of 100 volts, which revived him from his enchanted state with electrotherapy.

Follow it as a big predecessor, you still have a lot to learn!

Soon, Xiaozhi released the rattan snake and fed it some wound medicine.

Pikachu's iron tail moves are not simple, like a steel whip, causing huge damage.

"Then, please teach me a lot! I am Xiaozhi, and I will be your trainer from now on~!"

Xiaozhi put the rattan snake on the lawn, and kindly stretched out his palm to it.

However, this vine snake with a proud personality did not catch it, but directly jumped onto the rubble pile next to it, and looked at it at the same height as Xiaozhi.

As the illustrated book said, there is indeed an initial Pokémon that defected to the newcomer trainer on its own initiative.

This rattan snake has an eccentric personality. Although it does not reject being a partner with humans, it has a very high vision and is naturally very picky about its trainers.

And the vast majority of newcomer trainers are actually very mediocre, pure passerby roles.

When the vine and vine snake simply followed the No. 1 road, it smashed the poke ball with its tail and ran away.


Back to the present, the rattan snake raised its head and began to look at the human being in front of it.

It still hurts in the chest when the iron tail hit it.

The strength is not bad, but it still needs more confirmation.


Standing on the pile of rubble, looking straight at Xiaozhi, the rattan snake called out to the latter, as if asking for something.


Xiaozhi scratched his head, not understanding what the rattan snake was expressing.

Now that he has just become a companion, his bondage power is still completely unable to connect with the latter.

"By the way, Rotom, you can translate!"

Xiaozhi suddenly hugged Rotom next to him, and pointed the screen at the rattan snake.

Although it has become a product of technology now, the main body of Rotom is a Pokémon after all, so it should be able to understand the language of Pokémon.

Now that he has the ability to talk again, he can become a useful translator like Meow from the Rockets!

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