He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1944 What is your degree?

"I don't understand, Pokémon's language! Loto!"

But Rotom shook his head subconsciously, how could this buggy logic be implemented so smoothly.

Pokémon language has always been a big mystery that is difficult for human beings to overcome. How could it be solved so easily?

But after hearing the cry of the rattan snake, Rotom naturally broadcast the report:

"Oh, it turns out that the rattan snake is asking about your name, age, and occupation~! Huh? How can I understand?! Loto?"

Even Rotom himself was stunned. According to the instruction manual, he probably didn't understand it!

It's like a hard rule. When it becomes a high-IQ and human-spoken illustration book, it will no longer be able to understand Pokémon Language.

"It's fine if you can translate!"

Xiaozhi is overjoyed again, he doesn't care about those logics, which means that now he can not only use the power of fetters, but also understand the voices of Pokémon in the team.

Even unfamiliar Pokémon can understand!

But looking at the calm and rigorous eyes of the rattan snake in front of me, there is a sense of oppression, and there are these problems

Hell, is this an interview?

"My name is Xiaozhi, I am 12 years old, and my goal is to become a Pokémon master trainer!"

Xiaozhi quickly sat upright and replied seriously.

Speaking of which, he has been traveling in the Sinnoh region for more than half a year, and he will soon be 13 years old.


Fuji Vine Snake nodded, but did not leave Xiaozhi's eyes, and asked again.

The illustrated book also translates simultaneously:

"So what's your degree?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

Do you still have to face the torture of academic qualifications when you conquer Pokémon now?

What age is it? Educational background doesn't matter at all!

However, facing the downcast and stern eyes of the Soaring Snake, Xiaozhi's tone gradually became softer and slower:

"Um, if you're educated. Study at home.?"

After he finished speaking, he swallowed, and looked at the rattan snake expectantly, wondering if this answer would satisfy him.

But Fuji Vine Snake frowned upon hearing this, as if very dissatisfied.


Then it looked at Rotom again and yelled.

Only then did Rotom come to his senses, and quickly changed his words with a laugh:

"Oh, I got it wrong, the rattan snake asked about your resume, not your academic qualifications."

Xiaozhi: "?"

You did it on purpose, right?

In such a short period of time, he has regained his original aspirations, and even wants to get involved with his own people?

Resisting the urge to bend Rotom, but faced with this problem, Xiaozhi was full of confidence.

He immediately answered confidently with a loud voice:

"I became the honorary trainer of the Chrysanthemum Islands when I was 10 years old. At the age of 11, I won the championship of the Silver Tournament in the Chengdu District and the Champion of the Caiyou Tournament, and defeated the league champion Master Mikri"

Taking out all the rather bluffing resumes made the eyes of the rattan snake gradually light up.

This is the powerful trainer it has been waiting for!

However, it has a eccentric personality. Although it is very satisfied with Xiaozhi's resume report, it just nodded calmly.


Finally, he turned his head away, without looking at Xiaozhi directly.

Just when Xiaozhi thought it was because he failed the interview, was it really because of the points deducted for his academic qualifications?

I have long heard people say that education is the key to success.

Let alone a winner of the league conference, even the champion of the world championship, it seems that he can't pass the interview threshold?

call out.!

But soon, a vine extended out of the vine snake's neck, like a small hand.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was completely relieved, and quickly grabbed the vine.

"Then I will give you a lot of advice next time, Vine Vine Snake!"


The rattan snake turned around and looked at Xiaozhi's eager face. Its cheeks were a little more red, but it still nodded solemnly.

After successfully conquering the first Pokémon in the Hezhong area, the next step is to set off for Hinoki City.

But before that, Xiaozhi still found a nearby elf center, and quickly sent the rattan snake back to Dr. Oki's research institute.

Successfully infected with the Pokémon Virus, which doubles the growth rate of the vine snake!

The infection process was extremely convenient and fast. In less than ten minutes, the rattan snake picked it up again.


The rattan snake looked at itself curiously, but didn't feel anything unusual.

Although it is critical, once it chooses a trainer, it will not be suspicious.

Fuji Vine Snake didn't question it, and completely obeyed Xiaozhi's command and arrangement.

Xiaozhi rubbed the latter's head, but for the next three days during the infection period, the rattan snake will not be allowed to touch the outside Pokémon at will.

"Let's start crossing the sea!"

After dawdling for a while, Xiaozhi finally came to the coast west of No. 1 road.

There is an endless sea in front of you, and some islands of different sizes can be seen in the distance.

Next, it is necessary to span the entire horizontal length of the Hezhong area before reaching Hinoki Ougi City on the other side of the sea.

Such an exaggerated distance, even for riding Pokémon, is probably not a small burden.

But in front of him was the ocean, and once he reached the domain of the ocean, Xiaozhi didn't worry about traffic at all.

"Please, Manafei!"

He patted the silver feather pendant on his neckline, and with the power of Neptune, he could easily cross the sea.


Manafei flew out of the silver feathers, and now it doesn't want to return to its own temple to fulfill the mission of breeding and multiplying itself and countless civilian Fiona, so it still depends on Xiaozhi.

After understanding Xiaozhi's intentions, Mana Fei immediately plunged into the sea water, exposing half of his body.

As Xiaozhi thought, as long as it is in the ocean area, it can do many incredible miracles.


Manafei snapped his fingers lightly, and Xiaozhi's whole body was immediately wrapped in golden water, as if he had performed a trick of water jet.

Puff puff!

Immediately, the golden jet of water shot out like a rocket and flew towards the other side of the ocean.

According to this speed, it only takes about 1 hour to completely cross the entire Hezhong map!

"Unbelievable! Lotto~!"

Even Rotom's body was covered with a layer of golden water, jumping up and down on the sea like a dolphin, having a great time.

Road number one.

Different from the west coast where Xiaozhi is, it is located on the east coast.


In the jungle, a group of bushes swayed strangely, and then a young girl suddenly emerged from it.

She is not very old, her skin is brown-black, and her long black-purple fluffy hair is like a broom, with a wild beauty.


A young dragon's head protruded from the thick hair.

This Pokémon is Fang, or a cub.


And this girl named Alice looked at the empty surroundings, and then touched the back of her head in confusion.

Always feel like I missed something?

"Forget it, there isn't much fun out there, I'd better go back to Dragon's Village and exercise~!"

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