Hezhong area, above the southern waters.


At this moment Xiaozhi was wrapped in a golden spiral water flow, and flew straight to the west.

On one side, Pikachu and Rotom are also flying in the same posture.

Such a cool way of crossing the sea has attracted countless wild Pokémon along the way to poke their heads out of the sea, looking curiously at the aliens in the sky.

What the hell, can electric mice in other places fly these days?


It will take some time to reach the destination, and Xiaozhi is also observing the wild Pokémon below when he is idle and bored.

It is true that most of them are local Pokémon in the Hezhong area.

For example, the long-winged gulls and agate jellyfish in the bad street in the map of the sea area are rare here.

Instead, it was the dancing swan that I had seen before.

There are even a few wild dancing swans lined up, centered on themselves, flying side by side in an array.

From time to time, a few blue or pink jellyfish floated out of the sea, their bodies floated up like balloons, and the tentacles below were like plastic bags fluttering in the wind.

From a distance, it was still waving to Xiaozhi, and it looked like a very friendly Pokémon.

As soon as Xiao Zhi thought about it, he wanted to lower the flight trajectory and play with these wild jellyfish.

"Didi, fluttering, water and ghost attributes, Pokémon in the sea area of ​​​​Hezhong area, seemingly peaceful, but will use poisonous arms to wrap around passing tourists and drag them into the deep sea. Let's hunt~! Lotor!"

Rotom's reminder made Xiaozhi tremble, and the trajectory of the jet of water quickly moved upwards, avoiding these fluttering ones.

Really Kazakhstan, this is much more dangerous than the agate jellyfish in my hometown!

However, the attribute combination of water + ghost is very rare, why don't you go down and subdue one?

Moreover, some of these flutters are pink, and some are blue, as if the body shape is related to their own gender, which is very strange.

at the same time.

In the southern waters of the Hezhong area, an isolated island to the west.

The area of ​​this island is not big, there is nothing novelty, as far as the eye can see, only in the center of the island is a stone building lighthouse.

The island is called Liberty Garden Island, and it was once the property of an unknown rich man.

However, in recent years, no one has managed it, and it has become a desolate and isolated island that no one cares about.


At this moment, a small Pokémon is lying on the eaves at the top of the lighthouse, sleeping leisurely and soundly.

The bright yellow body looks like a little mouse, but the big sharp ears are branched to the two sides, forming a shape like the letter "v".

The tail on the back is like a pair of small wings, flapping one by one in sleep.


At this time, several golden streamers flew across the sky, awakening the Pokémon named Victini.


It rubbed the corners of its sleepy eyes and looked into the air. These were a pair of big sapphire-like eyes.

What the hell, are rats and humans in other places using water jets these days?


This made Victini, who was already bored, instantly interested. The wings on the tail flapped, and the small figure leaped into the air.

Victini is a fantasy Pokémon in the Hezhong area. According to legend, the trainer who takes it will gain the power of victory.

No matter what game is played, there will be victory!

In other words, a warrior eager to win will also be like a magnet, attracting Victini involuntarily.

At this moment, it felt that the human beings in that beam of golden water had an indomitable will to win!

And it seems to be stronger than the creatures I have seen before? !

Victini was once secretly raised on this island by the rich man, but I haven't seen that human being for several years

It should be huh, right?

Victini's blue eyes lit up instantly.

It has long been bored waiting on this isolated lighthouse island, so if it runs away now, no one should have noticed itself, right?


Thinking of this, Victini no longer hesitated, and immediately flapped his wings, chasing after Xiaozhi and his party.

less than an hour.

In about 40 minutes, Xiaozhi successfully saw the mainland area.

"It's here, everyone!"

With a thought, the speed of the golden water flow was much slower, and then the trajectory turned downward, flying towards the shore.

Although the entire Hezhong area was crossed in such a short period of time, it took a full 40 minutes after all, making Xiaozhi's body a little stiff and sore.

If Brother Chi's Chaomeng is here, he can realize teleportation and arrive here in a second.

But this kind of thinking, of course, cannot be said.

"Thank you, Manafei!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly expressed his thanks to Mana Fei who was still frolicking on the sea.


Mana Fei caught a wild light fluttering by chance, and was riding on the latter's back.

As the prince of the sea, most water-type Pokémon will be proud to serve Manafei.

Even Gaioka would not resist the act of Manafei riding on his head.

In exchange, the longer they stay in contact with Manafei, the more they can absorb the surging power of the sea from the latter.


Manafei rode a light and flying Pokemon to Pokémon, waved his hand, and signaled that he would play in this sea area and catch up later.

"Then be careful yourself!"

Xiaozhi didn't say anything. Strictly speaking, Manafei is not his own Pokémon, so he naturally has freedom of entry and exit.

"Let's go, Pikachu, Rotom!"

So he hooked his hands and motioned for the two to follow.

In the distance, Xiaozhi could already see the edge of a city, which was probably their destination, Hinoki City!


However, when leaving this coast, Xiaozhi suddenly subconsciously turned his head and looked towards a direction on the ocean.


Pikachu called out curiously, do you have a neck cramp?

"It's okay, let's go, Pikachu."

Only then did Xiaozhi restrain his thoughts and lead the way ahead.

It's just that he always has a strange feeling, as if something exists, following them?

When Xiaozhi's figure completely disappeared, the victini from before transformed into a figure, and it patted its chest, letting out a sigh of relief.


This human being, with such a keen sense of smell, almost found himself?

Victini has the ability to be invisible, but can hide himself at any time.

Although he is interested in Xiaozhi, he is wary of this strange human being, so he still needs to observe it carefully.

Well, let's follow and watch the show now!

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