He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1946 Then blow up the bicycle!

Cypress fan city.

Although this is the initial town in the western region of Hezhong, it is not a small city, much more developed than Luzi Town on the opposite bank.

As a new city, there is even an alliance gymnasium built here, which is very formal.

As soon as the novice trainer has received the initial Pokémon, he can directly challenge the gym by turning left.

There is no buffer for leveling at all, which also leads to an extremely low challenge success rate for this new human gymnasium.

Basically, they were eliminated by the owner in one move, and the initial babies who had no leveling at all, couldn't even release the water.

At this moment, Xiaozhi was sitting on a stone chair outside the elf center, like a pure passerby, but his eyes looked in the direction of the elf center from time to time.

The entrance to the Spirit Center.

"Rice wine! Rice wine!"

A water otter was leading the way. Although there were considerable injuries on his body, the scallop was still held up in front of his chest, waving and calling something.

He looked very angry.

Behind her was a long-haired girl, her long brown hair tied into a ball and hanging down in twin ponytails.

She looks pretty and cute, wearing a sun hat, blue and white long sleeves, and the poke ball pattern on the neckline of the clothes is quite prominent.

Yellow culottes, black pantyhose attached to the slender straight legs, and a pair of yellow and white sneakers on the feet.

It is Xiaozhi's travel companion, Mingyi!

"Hey~ Otter, don't be angry, it's fine if you fail the first gym challenge, and besides, I'm not interested in alliance conferences or anything like that."

Mingyi was a little discouraged at the moment, lacking energy.

She followed behind the otter, still pushing the bicycle in her hand, and said something tentatively.

"Rice wine! Rice wine!!"

But the otter was stubborn and disgruntled.

Since you lost this time, keep working hard and fight back next time.

The other trainers have passed the Cypress Fan Gym, there is no reason why they cannot pass!


This made Ming Yi just follow behind, sighing, and didn't want to discourage the enthusiasm of his new partner.

Watching Mingyi and Shui Otter enter the elf center, Xiaozhi also came back to his senses a little.

His hearing is superb, and he naturally heard the conversation between Mingyi and the water otter.

It seems that she is indeed a gentle girl.

Obviously not interested in gym challenges, but for the sake of his Pokémon, he still chooses to try hard to accommodate.

I don't reject such a travel companion.

If it was a trainer like Emperor Xiu, Xiaozhi would turn around and leave regardless of Heiji's request.

"So now comes the problem."

How should he propose an invitation to form a team with Mingyi?

Heici didn't give him any information or suggestions. He investigated Xiaozhi's previous journeys, and it seemed that every journey had a young and beautiful female companion.

Then it's the same as before, this should be easy for Xiaozhi, right?

It's just that, instead, it gave Xiaozhi a headache.

When he used to travel with Xiaoxia, Xiaolan, and Xiaoguang, they always let nature take its course.

It will not be like now, intentionally approaching and traveling in groups.

The proactive invitation made Xiao Zhi feel very troubled.

Glancing at the gate of the elf center, it seems that Mingyi should be healing the otter and will come out in a while.

"Illustrated Book, quickly give me some advice!"

Xiaozhi quickly looked at the illustration book and said in a deep voice.

"Beep! Start the search. The search is successful. The following strategy is from Fangyuan No. 1 affectionate, Master Mikri showed his own experience~ Luoto~!"

Rotom hovered in front of Xiaozhi, and countless texts about how to strike up a conversation between men and women appeared on the screen.

It's just that the target users seem to be couples, not companions who travel together.

"It's too unreliable! Rotom!"

There were even some words on it, which made Xiaozhi's cheeks turn red. Since when did Master Mikri write this part-time?

Seeing that Xiaozhi and Rotom were still dawdling there, there was nothing to say for a long time.


Pikachu couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up immediately, and patted his chest confidently.

"Pikachu is right, Pikachu, if you show off your cuteness, then I can get to know Mingyi naturally!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, Pikachu's cute appearance is a big killer for female trainers!

Especially in the Hezhong area, the locals have never seen electric mice from other places.

Sure enough, at critical moments, Pikachu is always trustworthy!


Pikachu also nodded, indicating that everything was on him.

And when the gate of the elf center opened next to it, and the moment Mingyi and the recovered otter came out, Pikachu rolled his eyes and jumped up quickly.

Immediately afterwards, dazzling and violent lightning burst out from the whole body, bursting and flying out!

Xiaozhi: "?"

His face suddenly changed.

Wait a minute, Pikachu, what are you doing? !

Telling you to act cute, are you trying to kill someone? !

But Pikachu didn't attack Naruto.

In the next instant, the 100,000 volts flew out with great precision, hitting Mingyi's pink bicycle locked in the parking area at the entrance.

Boom! !

The electric current suddenly soared into the sky, forming a violent explosion at that position!

Not to mention Xiaozhi was dumbfounded by the sudden scene, even Mingyi and Shui Otter who had just left the house froze in place.

she saw the bike thief

But this electric mouse, which he had never seen before, blew up her bicycle in front of her?

As the smoke dissipated, Mingyi's bicycle was completely reduced to black coke, and fell to the ground in a crooked manner.

Don't talk about whether you can still ride

It is estimated that it can be cleaned directly and put into the urn.

"Pikachu, you you you"

Xiaozhi stood beside him with his mouth wide open, unable to speak for a moment.


After Pikachu landed, he turned around and gave Xiaozhi a handsome expression of completing the task.

How does Xiaozhi get to know Xiaoxia, Xiaoguang and the others? Pikachu is very old.

Not only witnesses, but also facilitators.

Their bicycles were also blown up by it.

Don't pretend, if you want to team up with a girl, you don't need any fancy strategies.

Just blow up their bicycles!

Xiaozhi: "."

Understanding Pikachu's intentions, Xiaozhi fell into a huge silence.

Immediately, his body turned somewhat stiffly to Mingyi's direction.


Mingyi's pretty face is also completely at a loss. This electric mouse seems to be just a follower. Is the real behind-the-scenes man next to him?

She also turned around stiffly and looked at Xiaozhi.

So now I want to call the police?

The other party blew up his bicycle in front of him, so he won't use a knife on him again, right?

Is this the cruel world of trainers?

But she just became a trainer for the first time today!

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