He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1950 Exhibition match, vs Heilian!

"No, this time I'm not here to challenge the Alliance Conference."

Xiaozhi shook his head and answered truthfully.

Hearing this, Heilian seemed a little regretful, but after thinking about it, he still took a deep breath and looked at Xiaozhi seriously.

"It's rare to see you, a talented trainer. I don't know if I would take the liberty to ask you to have an exhibition match with me?"

Xiaozhi's expression was astonished.

Didn't you say that you will not participate in the alliance meeting? Why did it suddenly become a battle invitation for the gymnasium owner?

Since it was his own unilateral invitation to fight, Heilian didn't hide anything.

More importantly, the weird picture book just now almost pulled his underwear off.

"Hehe, to be honest, I do have doubts about whether I can become a qualified gymnasium owner. Cypress fan gymnasium is also a new gymnasium, and it has a very important impact on the trainer school and this city. significance"

Hei Lian tugged on his tie, feeling a little strangled.

Not long after he took over, he was actually very unsure in his heart.

"How come, Mr. Heilian was so confident just now!"

Mingyi exclaimed, when she challenged the gymnasium earlier, Heilian's performance was very old-fashioned, and she couldn't see the slightest rustiness or lack of confidence.


Heilian chuckled, looked at Mingyi, and then his eyes fell on the otter at his feet, as if he wanted to say something.

"Okay, I accept!"

But soon, Xiaozhi answered directly, making the two people in the room turn their gazes to him again.

"Really! That's great, Xiaozhi!"

Heilian heaved a sigh of relief, he thought Xiaozhi would refuse such a rash invitation.

"Hey~! Can the otter and I watch it together?"

Mingyi quickly raised her palm, she is very curious about Xiaozhi's fighting style.

"Come together. Well, I don't know if you mind, there are other spectators in the game."

Heilian suddenly looked at Xiaozhi, and asked tentatively.

This battle, he intends to show it as an exhibition match in front of the newcomer trainers in Hinoki City and the students in the school.

"Since it's an exhibition match, the more spectators the better~!"

Xiaozhi waved his hands indifferently.

Hearing this, Heilian was overjoyed, and quickly bowed to Xiaozhi.

"Then set the time at three o'clock in the afternoon, and I will wait for your arrival at the Cypress Fan Gym!"

After that, he didn't bother Xiaozhi anymore, and left the elf center in a hurry.

Xiao Zhi felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart. The illustration book just said that it was the runner-up result of the alliance conference. The fighting level of Hei Lian should not be low?

Next, he temporarily handed Sorolla to Miss Joy, and checked his body carefully.

After all, it is an ancient species from the Xicui area. I don't know if it can adapt to the modern world normally.

But after all, after being consecrated by Master Ajin, this little fox is very healthy, and there is no discomfort at all.

"Rice wine! Rice wine!!"

The otter was at the side, constantly beating the floor with scallops, with a serious expression.

For the next battle, watch it carefully, study hard, and fight for them to fight back next time!

"Hey, do you still want to challenge?"

Mingyi looked a little helpless, but seeing the seriousness of the otter, he could only grit his teeth and muster his energy again.

The time soon came to three o'clock in the afternoon.

With Naruto leading the way, the two came to the Hinoki Gym, or the trainer school in Hinoki City, as promised.

This gymnasium is quite strange, there are no indoor facilities, and the fighting place is directly set up on the playground behind the school.

When Xiaozhi and the two came to the playground, the ladder chairs around a fighting arena were already full of spectators.

Most of them are students of the trainer school, under the age of 12, they are still unable to become formal trainers.

There are also some local trainers in Hinoki City.

Hearing that the new head of the gymnasium was going to have an exhibition match with a powerful trainer from other places who had defeated Master Mikri, many people became interested.

"Xiaozhi, come on~!"

After Mingyi clenched his fists to cheer him up, he took the water otter to the auditorium.

When the appointed time came, Heilian was already standing in the middle of the playing field, his face was tense and he looked very serious.

But pulling the tie from time to time shows that Heilian is still very nervous at the moment.

When Xiaozhi stepped onto the field, many spectators immediately became louder in their discussions. They had never heard the name of this foreign trainer.

He ignored the surrounding voices, walked straight to Heilian, and patted the latter on the shoulder:

"Don't be nervous ~ you will be an excellent gym master."

In this regard, Xiaozhi has the most say.

Along the way, he has met countless hostesses who are bad, some hosts who give badges directly, and some hosts who may not be seen once a year

There is no lower limit to the bad performance of gymnasiums.

In contrast, the serious Heilian is actually an excellent curator.

"Thank you.!"

Hearing that Heilian's tense face eased a lot, after shaking hands with Xiaozhi friendly, they came to both ends of the arena respectively.

"Then the rule of this Hinoki Fan Gym exhibition match is 1v1! The Pokémon on one side has completely lost the ability to fight, and the winner will be determined!"

The referee is a teacher from the trainer school, said loudly.

Hearing that both Xiaozhi and Heilian nodded, the referee raised his arms, indicating that the two can send their Pokémon.

"Then my trump card is you!"

As the host, Heilian took the lead in throwing the poke ball.


When the red light fell, a tall Pokémon appeared. This is a big dog with thick and long hair!

Its face is majestic, but slightly older.

There is a long light yellow beard on the face, which extends backwards, almost hiding the entire brown fur body, and the thick hair on the abdomen is grayish brown, exposing the lower limbs.

"Beep beep! Long-haired dog, general attributes, evolution of Hayok, is a smart and brave Pokémon, with long and thick body hair, likes to live with humans. Loto~!"

The Rotom illustrated book automatically prompts.

It seems that because Heilian's mentality is already very volatile, it has no choice to continue to make trouble.

"It turned out to be a long-haired dog?!"

In the auditorium, Ming Yi swallowed.

Before Helian defeated himself, the only Pokémon he used was Little York.

Little Yorkie still needs to evolve, and then evolve to be a long-haired dog.

So this is Mr. Heilian's real trump card? The difficulty is far N times higher than when he challenged himself!

"Long-haired dog, does it look good?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of some good idea.

But right now it's an exhibition match, he immediately raised his hand and pointed, and shouted:

"Then it's up to you, Pikachu!"

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