He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1951 How shall we act this time?


Pikachu jumped onto the arena vigorously, his cheeks filled with electricity, and he instantly entered a fighting state.

However, before the battle, it turned its head slightly and looked at Xiaozhi, as if asking something.

How should I put it, what are we going to do today?

Xiaozhi: "?"

Coming to the Hezhong area is acting at the top, right? Their battles have always been going all out, and there has never been a saying of acting!

"Shaggy dog, use ram!"

On the other side, Heilian had a serious face and had already launched an attack on his own initiative.

He knew that Xiaozhi was stronger than himself, especially the humble electric mouse in front of him was the opponent's signature Pokémon.

In today's exhibition match, Heilian didn't intend to win.

Go all out and stay in the opponent's hands longer, it's better to let this electric mouse hang some color!


The long-haired dog let out a long howl, and immediately sprinted forward at a not-so-slow pace. His whole body was bathed in a layer of golden light. While running, the long hair all over his body was flying backwards, and the attack was blatant.

Seeing that the other party was serious, Xiao Zhi naturally stopped playing tricks on Pikachu, and immediately shouted:

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

Pikachu turned his head, jumped up immediately, spun a few times to accumulate energy, and then smashed the heavy iron tail to the ground in front of him!

The terrifying force of the iron tail smashed the ground so that it spread rapidly like a spider's web and split apart!


In the blink of an eye, the arena in front of him was completely destroyed and reduced to ruins.

Such a collapsed arena also prevented the long-haired dog from continuing to run straight, and interrupted its slamming moves.

Xiao Zhi's gaze was like a torch, and he shouted again:

"One more time, Iron Tail!"

Pikachu understood, posed the same posture, manipulated the steel whip and iron tail, and dealt another heavy blow to the already fragmented arena ground!

This time, the ground did not continue to crack.

But the countless gravels scattered on the ground were thrown into the air by the shock wave.

Turn the entire space above the ground into a gravel field filled with countless gravels!

"This is."

Not to mention Hei Lian, even the audience watching the theater around were stunned into silence.

Why is it such an exaggerated scene at the beginning of the game.

The iron tail of this electric mouse is so powerful that it can produce an earthquake-like effect so easily, even more terrifying than the earthquake's power?

"Hey, since it's an exhibition match, of course we have to play well. Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi touched his nose, smiled, and said with a low drink.

At this moment, Pikachu is in its heyday, and its strength naturally far exceeds that of ordinary Pokémon.

Like killing Zekrom, the Dragon of the Union, although it is somewhat difficult

But if it's against Dakdo's Vilicion, there's no difficulty.


For this opportunity to show off his strength, Pikachu was also in a good mood. His small and swift figure turned into a yellow streamer, using the broken stones that were shaken up and then falling down as pedals, he shuttled and jumped frequently.


With such a high-speed movement, the yellow streamer is dazzling.

Even the long-haired dog, who was as stable as an old dog, was surrounded in the center at the moment, and panicked for a while.

The dog's head looked left and right, but couldn't catch Pikachu's figure at all.

As expected of an experienced trainer, Heilian quickly came up with a countermeasure.

"Calm down, long-haired dog, since you can't catch the target, then use the giant sound!"

Using sound-type AOE moves, naturally there is no need to precisely lock the target.


The long-haired dog's eyes were fixed, and it opened its mouth full of teeth, and it was about to emit a majestic and intense long howling sonic boom.

"It's not that simple, Pikachu, use the grid!"

However, in terms of speed, Pikachu has an absolute advantage.

Just as the other party yelled the first word "嗤", Pikachu spun around and threw a large lightning net, covering the long-haired dog completely.


The power grid not only has the effect of capturing and imprisoning, but even the thick fur of the long-haired dog will grin its teeth when it comes into contact with the big net.

"Now, use Iron Tail!!"

Seeing that the target has been locked, Pikachu flew down from the air, and the iron tail slashed straight down like a heavy axe!

Three iron tail shots, each move more dangerous than the last, Heilian's forehead was already sweating profusely.

Sure enough, a dangerous opponent.

But he and the long-haired dog haven't conceded defeat yet!

"Long-haired dog, use the iron head to block it!!"

In the grid, the long-haired dog ignored the damage of the grid and forcibly stood upright. The top of its raised head was covered with metallic silver light, facing the attacking moves head-on.

Bang bang! !

All I could hear was a palpitating metal explosion from the center of the arena, and the forceful air wave rippled away to the surroundings.


The long-haired dog successfully blocked the blow, and by colliding with the strength of the two sides, it successfully tore apart the power grid.

The head was pushed upwards, which made Pikachu's tail fly like a spring, directly flying the body into the air.

"One hit wins, long-haired dog, use the ultimate impact!!"

Heilian, who has always been gentle, couldn't help shouting.

Forcibly resisting the opponent's move is not without side effects. If this iron tail was not protected by the iron head move, the long-haired dog would probably be beaten into a concussion now, right?

But no matter how powerful Pikachu is, it is impossible for his body to improve simultaneously.

If the ultimate impact of this attribute bonus can be successfully hit, maybe I can come back today!


Forcibly suppressing the discomfort of tinnitus from being hit by the iron tail, the long-haired dog let out a sharp and high-pitched long howl.

Covered in a purple-yellow spiral energy coat, he stomped on the ground and slammed into Pikachu who had nowhere to dodge in the air and was about to fall.

At this moment, the surrounding gravel has also fallen to the ground again.

There is no way to hide, Xiao Zhi simply raised his hand and pointed:

"Pikachu, use a high-voltage electric shock!!"

The falling Pikachu immediately turned its body, its hind legs kicked into the void, and it was able to accelerate downward in the sky.


With the process of acceleration, the whole body is covered with violent and restless golden electric current, forming an imposing lightning coat, and swooping down!

High voltage electric shock! !

Boom boom boom! !

The two moves hit each other head-on, the purple-yellow spiral shock and the golden lightning, the energy shock waves of the two colors were madly pouring towards each other, trying to break open and devour the opponent.

Just stalemate time. Not too long.

Boom! !

Accompanied by the sound of a burst of electric current, the golden lightning completely devoured and destroyed the rest of the energy.

In the lightning, Pikachu's small body even hit the long-haired dog's abdomen with a head hammer, knocking it over from mid-air and falling down.

This time, it wasn't a high-voltage electric shock that kept hitting even small branches!

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