He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1953 Battle against the Subway

Pokémon and trainers have always been two-way choices.

Heilian glanced at the water otters playing not far away. He was obviously very familiar with the three initial Pokémon in the Hezhong area.

Nuannuan pig has a simple and honest personality, vine rattan snake has an arrogant personality, and water otter has a


Water otters will hold their breath and keep working hard, just not to lose to others.

"When you subjectively think that the otter wants to become stronger. Is there a possibility that the otter also subjectively thinks that his trainer wants to become the strongest?"

Heilian looked at Mingyi again, and said slowly.

Once the water otter with a competitive personality has this idea, he will naturally push himself, and even the trainer, to move towards this goal with all his strength.

Mingyi's expression was startled, she had never thought of this possibility.

In the end, Heilian also gave suggestions:

"Perhaps what you two need most is just a simple communication."

His words made Ming Yi think, and stayed there, not knowing what he was thinking.

Clap clap!

However, Xiaozhi next to him slapped his hands and did not hesitate to praise him.

He listened to it completely from the side, and he could only say that he is indeed a teacher of the trainer school. Not only is he rich in knowledge, but he is also kind in education.

"Excellent Gym Master"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

For most of the hosts, in the face of challengers, they will be given badges if they can beat them, and they will be released if they can't beat them.

But in fact, this behavior of providing psychological counseling to challengers and guiding the way is an important factor to measure whether a person is an excellent gym owner.


Seeing Xiaozhi applaud, it made Heilian blush.

It was getting late, and after bowing to the two of them, he left in the direction of the school.

The stadium that Xiaozhi destroyed was the playground for the students' daily activities. I need to find someone to repair it quickly.


Seeing Mingyi still meditating, Xiaozhi didn't disturb or do anything.

Indeed, as Heilian said, not all rookie trainers are suitable for taking the path of challenging gyms and alliance conferences.

But most of the trainers will follow suit and take this path.

It seems that Mingyi is not suitable to be a combat trainer.

However, he has also come from this stage. As long as he opens his heart to his Pokémon and communicates with each other, there will be no problem.

The next day, early morning.

At the gate of the Elf Center, Xiaozhi has already packed his luggage and is ready to embark on a new journey.

Zoroya in the Xicui area was also in the accompanying state, and had not been retracted into the poke ball.

Even the original Zoroya is an extremely rare Pokémon, not to mention the appearance of the Xicui area, and it is even shining

Soraya, whose fluff is like a blue will-o'-the-wisp fluttering, attracted frequent discussions from passers-by.


Soroya was a little scared, the strange sights around him made him only dare to shrink by Xiaozhi's trouser legs.

"Hey, be bold~!"

Xiaozhi simply picked up Soraya, let him lie on his hat, and put Pikachu on the ground.

You are already a mature electric mouse, learn to walk by yourself starting today.


As for the Pokémon virus that can quickly become stronger.

According to Dr. Oki, during the Pokémon egg period, it will also be infected.

So Soraya was already infected with the Pokémon virus before it hatched, and now there is no need for an additional exchange operation.


Sure enough, holding Xiaozhi's hat, Soraya also became more confident.

"Good morning~ Xiaozhi, and Zoroya! Pikachu, Rotom~!"

After a while, Ming Yi also came out from the elf center, and greeted her prettyly.

She also carried a pink luggage bag on her shoulders.

It's just that there seem to be a lot of names that need to be greeted. Generally speaking, trainers will only release at most one Pokémon to accompany them, right?

"Oh Mingyi, don't you look in a good mood~?"

Xiaozhi also replied.

Mingyi nodded, looking at the otter beside him with a smile in his eyes.

Last night, she had a good communication with her otter. Sure enough, as Heilian said, the otter's goal is not to become stronger, to challenge gyms and so on.

Its goal is very simple, to help Mingyi realize her dream and make the latter a trainer who can't lose to anyone.

Knowing this, Ming Yi also breathed a sigh of relief, which means that they don't need to be forced to take any challenges in gymnasiums.

"So, Mingyi, what is your goal?"

So Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously.

Since it is not a combat trainer who challenges gyms, no fancy contests are popular in the Hezhong area.

"I haven't decided yet, what to do in the future." Mingyi blushed, a little embarrassed, but soon she took out a booklet and showed it in front of Xiaozhi.

There are a lot of spaces on it, like a collection record book.

"But the goal now is to travel in the Hezhong area and get stamped records at every terminal station of the battle subway~!"

"Battle Subway?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, it was the first time he heard this term.

"Beep! Leave it to me, Loto~!"

Rotom has already flown out on his own initiative, explaining:

"The battle subway is a unique battle facility in the Hezhong area, and it is also an important local transportation facility. While leading to various places, passengers can start battles in the subway cars and complete challenges before reaching the end point, which is to conquer the battle of the hegemony. A line! Loto~!"

Wen Yan Xiaozhi nodded, fighting while riding the subway.

It sounds like a very novel battle facility.

"So you want to challenge Battle Subway too?"

Xiaozhi looked at Mingyi, but in this case, it is no different from challenging a gym, right?

"No, no, no, I don't plan to take the subway to challenge. I want to travel on the ground, go directly to the terminal station of the battle subway, and stamp the arrival stamp at each terminal~!"

Mingyi shook the booklet and explained.

She had heard about the title of Battle Subway for a long time and was quite interested.

Since you haven't set a goal for the time being, let's take a look first.

Let's walk along the line of the city at the end of the battle subway, maybe then, maybe she will be able to confirm her dream.

"Also a good idea."

Wen Yan Xiaozhi shrugged, dreaming or something, there is really no need to stand down as soon as you go out.

It’s like Mr. Gang next door, who has traveled so many regions, and his dream is still not fully determined. Maybe now, he is traveling in double row with some big sister?

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