He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1954 Two lack one, recruit partners!

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

"Hey, Teacher Gang, two are missing one, do you want to travel together?"

On the way to Suanmu Town, Xiaozhi finally called Xiaogang who was far away in his hometown.

Since Xiaozhi's goal is the championship in more than three months, and there is no definite destination right now, he simply decided to follow Mingyi's mentioned battle subway terminal and wander around the Hezhong area.

So the two officially joined hands and traveled together.

The first stop was a small town called Suanmu Town in the north of Hinoki City.

In the surrounding area of ​​that town is the Suanmu Ranch that Hei Lian said was inhabited by the excellent Little York.

It's just that this distance is not too short, and there are mostly jungle trails without roads in the middle. It is quite strenuous to walk, and it is more likely to make people hungry.


After walking for a while, Xiaozhi's stomach made a sound.

So the two found a stone platform in place and ate dry food.

The trip sandwiches I bought from the Elf Center didn't taste very good.

"So Mingyi, don't you know how to cook?"

"Eh~? I thought Xiaozhi was an experienced trainer, and he should be able to cook a large table of delicious dishes casually.?"

Xiaozhi and Mingyi sat on the stone platform, staring wide-eyed, complaining about each other while eating dry sandwiches.

This kind of diet, one or two meals is okay, if the next trip in the Hezhong area is like this, Xiaozhi can't accept it.

There is also Pokémon food, which also requires a professional breeder to match nutrition.

It was also the first time for Xiaozhi to realize how happy it was to travel with Xiaogang before.

He kneaded the sandwiches into balls, stuffed them all into his mouth, then stood up abruptly, and said in a deep voice:

"The most urgent thing is to find a partner who knows how to cook. No, who knows how to match Pokémon food!"

"Mmm! Mmmm! Cooking buddies!"

Mingyi nodded again and again, agreeing with Xiaozhi's idea very much.

But she's new and doesn't know anyone

Now, just stand by and be responsible for refueling.

Xiaozhi's first choice is naturally to call and ask Xiaogang Buddha from his hometown to come to help.

"Hey, Teacher Gang, two are missing one, do you want to travel together?"

In the jungle in the south of Suanmu Town, Xiaozhi dialed the phone.

But on the other end, Xiao Gang sent an apologetic answer.

"Huh? Sorry, I can't go to other places. I'm a little busy recently. I'm taking the Pokémon doctor certificate."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately regretted it.

But before hanging up the phone, he seemed to hear a sweet female voice on the other end of the phone.

"The plane is about to fly. Didn't you say that you would accompany me to the Alola region for vacation? Hurry up, who are you talking on the phone with? Is it a girl?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

His hearing is superb, and he can hear all the faint voices in the receiver.

Xiaogang's answer was also extremely simple and rude.

"Ah, how is it possible, it's just someone I met by chance before, there's nothing to care about, let's go quickly hehe~!"

Then, the phone hung up.

Xiaozhi: "???"

Damn it, isn't it more comfortable to have a sweet double row with yourself than to go on vacation with other big sisters? !


Ming Yi set up his ears beside him, secretly listening.

Along the way, Xiaozhi called many acquaintances with cooking skills, but they basically said that they were not free at the moment, as if everyone was very busy.

"I'm lost, Mingyi, do you know any chefs in the Hezhong area?"

Putting down the phone, Xiaozhi looks downcastly at Mingyi.

"Hey, I know a few foodies, but chefs or something"

Mingyi quickly shook his head.

The companions she knew were all foodies like her.

If there is really a chef, it is estimated that it will be a popular item, and it will be booked by other people early, right?

"Ah, so we're going to be eating Sandwiches from the Fairy Center all the time?"

Xiaozhi frowned deeply.

His maid, Latias, doesn't look like she wears a maid outfit every day, but she doesn't know how to cook, she's just a big foodie.

It seems that an all-around talent like Mr. Gang is really hard to come by.

Without the company of delicious food, this journey will always feel a lot less colorful.


Pikachu also shook his head at the food in front of him.

There is no Xiaogang's craftsmanship, such food, the dog will shake his head when he sees it!

"Beep! Leave it to me~! Loto~!"

But when the two were downcast, Rotom suddenly floated in front of the two, patted his screen, and said confidently.

"Rotom? Do you know any chef?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously.

His eyes gradually lit up, or could it be that Rotom can cook by himself?

However, Rotom's screen flickered for a while, as if something was being generated.

"Beep! Looking for a travel partner. Completed! Loto~!"

Xiaozhi took the opportunity to take Rotom, and Mingyi also turned his head curiously, and looked at the screen together.

But there was an extra leaflet on the screen.

"Two missing one, looking for a travel partner!"

"Current members: the strongest trainer in the world, who has won many conference championships, stepped on the league championship (note: only master Mikri is stepped on for the time being), and there is a new local trainer."

"The requirements for a new partner are as follows: male or female, dignified appearance, no bad habits, good at cooking food, responsible for the team's dietary needs, daily life, preferably mild-tempered, hard-working."

"Those who have a Pokémon breeder certificate, or a Pokémon sommelier certificate of A-level or above, can get extra points."

"The time and place of the interview will be at three o'clock in the afternoon three days later, at the gate of the Suanmu Ranch. The interviewees are requested to arrive on time at that time and do not be late."

Xiaozhi \u0026 Mingyi: "?"

Feelings are directly recruiting outsiders on the Internet?

"Speaking of this request, isn't it too much?"

Mingyi muttered, feeling like he was looking for someone to take advantage of?

Xiaozhi also nodded, and quickly deleted some impolite words manually.

However, the recruitment idea of ​​the illustration book is not bad, maybe we can find suitable candidates on the Internet.

As for other requirements?

"The only requirement: good at cooking food."

Xiaozhi only left the last sentence, the rest are irrelevant.

But I always feel that there seems to be nothing attractive?

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi added a partner benefit of "you can see the legendary Pokémon casually in the future".

Now it should be attractive enough, right?


After checking it, it was sent directly.

"Eh? Where is the legendary Pokémon?"

Mingyi looked around in a daze, why didn't she see any legendary Pokémon anywhere.

"Don't worry, according to my past experience, I will definitely be able to see Legendary Pokémon casually."

Xiao Zhi replied confidently, with inexplicable confidence.

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