He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1955 Because it's too normal, it's not normal

The news of partner recruitment has been posted on the Internet, Xiaozhi is still very worried about whether someone will come for an interview.

It won't be that time, there will be no one there, right?

And the time is just three days, maybe even if someone wants to participate, they may not be able to rush to Suanmu Ranch, right?

"There must be someone~!"

Mingyi is still quite confident about this, and has even begun to look forward to a new partner cheerfully.

"In short, we can only see the situation in three days~"

Xiaozhi spread his hands, there was no point in being anxious now.

Speaking of which, you won't be recruiting three people like Emperor Xiu, will you?

It is worth mentioning that on the way to Suanmu Town, Mingyi also took a fancy to a cute wild Four Seasons deer.

It is clearly still spring, but its fur is brown in color, which represents winter. It is also a rare deer with four seasons out of season.

"rice wine!"

The competitive otter jumped out immediately, ready to help his trainer tame the first Pokémon.

"It's just that Naruto, you can practice the skills of subduing Pokémon~"

Next to him, Xiaozhi put his hips on his hips, just to see how his new companion is doing.

"Hey well, water otter, use the water gun!!"

Ming Yi gritted his teeth and took the initiative to attack the wild Four Seasons Deer.

After hearing the command, the water otter stared and immediately spit out a bunch of water guns.


It's just that the power is not high. The water falling on the grass-type Four Seasons Deer is like irrigating flowers, but it makes the latter shiver comfortably.

Even with its mouth open, dense green seeds have been shot out of the mouth of this Four Seasons Deer.

Seed Machine Gun!

Da da da! !

The otter quickly dodged back, and the bullet-like seeds fell on the ground, making frequent explosions, almost hitting its short legs.

"A complete rookie."

Xiaozhi frowned slightly, it seemed that Mingyi was not familiar with even the most basic attribute restraint.

But it's not a big problem, the water otter has already jumped up on its own initiative.

It looks like a let's go trainer.

This time, the otter grabbed the scallop shell on its chest, covered it with a layer of gray-blue light, formed an energy dagger, and charged straight at the Four Seasons Deer.

The otter family used scallop shells to fight, Xiaozhi had seen it on Heici's Shuangrenwan before.

Whoop! !

The next moment, the water otter's energy dagger slashed at the back of the Four Seasons Deer, knocking it back several meters.

The effect is outstanding!

"Oh~ will you continue to cut?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and the insect attribute moves would be very effective against the Four Seasons Deer.

This Four Seasons Deer was in pain, and this time it was surrounded by countless green leaves, flying towards it in unison.

It's the magic leaf!

Seeing Mingyi standing there in a daze for a long time, Xiaozhi quickly reminded:

"Hurry up and use the continuous cut, continue to attack!"

Mingyi came back to his senses, and immediately shouted out:

"Otter, use the continuous cut again!"

The otter nodded, the sharp light of the scallop in his hand had not dissipated, and immediately rushed to the magic leaf, and the continuous knife in his hand slashed in all directions, chopping all the green leaves, with great power.

Continuous Cut is a move whose power increases as the battle round continues.

"rice wine!!"

This is already the third attack in a row, and the power is definitely not weak. The water otter slashed on the back of the Four Seasons Deer again.

The effect is outstanding!

The strength this time even sent it flying horizontally, hitting the tree trunk behind.

"Hurry up, throw the poke ball!"

"Ah, oh, Poke Ball!!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's reminder, Mingyi hurriedly took out a blank poke ball and threw it out.


The poke ball hits, sucking the Four Seasons Deer into it.

This kind of Pokémon has a docile temperament, and the difficulty of taming is entry-level. After a while, it stopped moving, and the taming was successful!

"I tamed the Four Seasons Deer?!"

Mingyi was still on the spot, unable to react.

"Rice wine~!"

The otter put the scallop back on his chest, with his short hands on his hips, very proud of himself.

Seeing Mingyi overjoyed, running up happily, hugging the poke ball and loving it, Xiaozhi also smiled with emotion.

"It's really a newcomer"

Apart from being a little cute, Mingyi is really no different from other rookie trainers.

"It seems that this time, my partner is not a time traveler, or there is no big boss living in his head."

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin and thought to himself.

At such a young age, Heici was able to climb to a high position in the international patrol in just 2 years.

Although it was only a short fight last time, he also judged that the former's strength is not bad, far surpassing his peers.

Xiaozhi blindly guessed that this guy's situation is probably a bit similar to him, and Xiaomao Ajin and the others.

Either with the help of a boss from another world, or with some special and rare ability?

According to the past rules, the Mengxin Mingyi in front of me may be in the same situation, right?

But now it seems that Mingyi has no special feeling at all, just a simple ordinary person.

"That's right, ordinary people seem to be normal."

Xiaozhi laughed dumbly, just now he had a strange thought of "it's not normal because it's too normal".

Putting away his thoughts, he went up to help the released Sijilu and applied some wound medicine.

These little tricks were given to him by the teacher just before, and the simple treatment is very easy.


And the meek Sijilu didn't feel angry because of being attacked, and soon became intimate with Mingyi, gently licking the latter's cheek with his small tongue.

And when putting away the Four Seasons Deer and continuing on the road, Ming Yi also admired Xiao Zhi greatly, looking at the latter with shining eyes.

"Xiaozhi, you really look like a senior!"

Even though they are the same age, they seem to know everything, and they fight so hard.

Well, apart from not being able to cook, he is an all-rounder!

"What does it look like, I am a senior, okay~!"

Xiaozhi walked ahead with his arms crossed, and replied confidently.

The corners of his mouth were raised, if traveling with an ordinary newcomer, it doesn't seem so boring.

Suanmu Town.

This is a peaceful and ancient town. In the center of the town stands an iconic bell tower, which seems to have been built a long time ago.

What is special about this ordinary town?

"This is the hometown of Mr. Adek, the league champion of our Hezhong region~!"

When passing by a private building, Mingyi pointed to the front and introduced it to Xiaozhi proudly.


Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. He had heard this name several times before.

Unlike young champions like Zhulan or Mr. Du, Adek seems to be an old league champion.

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