He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1956 Fan Shilang and the Burning Bug

The two looked around in front of Adek's house, and Xiaozhi even vaguely expected that he would meet the league champion directly next time, right?

But after watching for a long time, there was no movement at the door.

Xiaozhi could only shrug his shoulders, it seemed that his luck was not that great.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something moving."

Just when the two were about to leave, Xiaozhi frowned suddenly, and looked again at the closed door of Adek's house.

"What's wrong?"

Mingyi looked forward blankly, nothing unusual.

"No, there is a very weak waveguide inside that seems to be very weak."


Ming Yi was at a loss, and couldn't understand Xiao Zhi's words at all.

The latter's action was even more direct, supporting the edge of the gate, and directly climbed over the nearly 2-meter-high wall.


Mingyi was startled, subconsciously lowered her head, looked around, and helped Xiaozhi watch the wind.


But soon, Xiaozhi opened the door from the inside.

The two had already knocked on the door before, and because Adek was not at home all year round, no one lived in this private house.

Mingyi walked in with a guilty conscience, but the water otter's eyes were shining, and he seemed to enjoy this exciting behavior very much.

"Hey, what is that Pokémon?"

But just after entering, Mingyi saw a Pokémon lying in the courtyard.

She is very familiar with this Pokémon, it is the other one from the original Yusanjia that she picked before going on the road.

The orange-red piggy, with black ears and buttocks, is a very gentle and honest Pokémon.

Fire attribute Yusanjia, warm pig!

"Why is there a warm pig here!"

Mingyi took a closer look and let out a scream, only to find that this Nuannuan pig was so weak that it was lying on the ground with its legs spread out.


Its mouth was bound with wire, unable to open its mouth.

He still retains a weak consciousness, but it seems that he will faint at any time.

Even the neck is tied with a collar, which is connected to the wooden stake standing next to it, making it impossible to leave.

"Who is so cruel, treat Nuannuan pig like this...!"

Mingyi hurried up and carefully helped Nuannuanzhu untie the iron net that locked the mouth.

It seems that someone locked Nuannuan pig here and abused it?

By the way, how does Xiaozhi know that there is a weak Nuannuan pig inside. Could it be a clairvoyant?

Xiaozhi had a stern expression on his face, holding the stake with one hand, and the Nuan Nuan Pig's collar with the other, exerting all his strength.


The strong iron chain was instantly torn from the middle by Xiaozhi.

If it wasn't for Mingyi's wholehearted effort to untangle these tangled iron nets, he would probably be taken aback by Xiaozhi's actions again.


Just as the two were rescuing the Nuannuan pig, the wooden door at the gate suddenly made a pushing sound.

The two turned their heads subconsciously, only to see a young man carrying firewood.

He had red hair that exploded like flames, and he wore tattered black and white clothes, and he was carrying a frame with firewood on his back.

Hanging the Pokéball casually around his neck like a necklace, he looks like a delinquent boy.

"Thief?! How dare you run into my house!"

"So you are the villain who abused Nuan Nuan Pig?"

Xiaozhi and the red-haired man shouted at the same time.

He could see that he couldn't bear this kind of abuse of Pokémon, and immediately said:

"Pikachu, teach him a lesson first, use electromagnetic waves!!"

Seeing an electric mouse from other places rushing towards him, the red-haired boy had a fixed gaze and said without showing any weakness:

"The thief dares to take the initiative to attack. Burning insects, use the charged flame attack!!"

It was only then that Xiaozhi realized that there was a small brown bug following the latter's feet.

It has a tan cocoon body, its head is covered with thick white fluff, and there are several red curved tentacles growing around it.

Boom! !

Flames burst out from its whole body in an instant, and it slammed into Pikachu. With the protection of the flames, it bounced off the surrounding electromagnetic waves.


Pikachu immediately jumped up, and managed to dodge the blow with his agility.

"Hey, it's not over yet, keep using the Charged Flame Strike!!"

The red-haired boy laughed and attacked again.

Like the continuous cut of the otter, the charged flame attack of the burning bug is also a move that will continue to increase in speed as the attack round continues.

Boom boom chi!

Flames were attached to the burning worm's body, and its speed increased by a notch. After going back and forth, it was about to hit Pikachu's waist.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!!"

However, Pikachu flicked its tail on the spot, and the steel iron tail swept the Burning Worm's cheek from the side, and the powerful force suddenly swept it away.

However, it didn't lose its strength completely, and the offensive of the charged flame attack still successfully hit Pikachu, and the flame impact also flew the latter out.

"What a strong electric mouse. It's the first time I've seen it!"

"This Pokémon is not low-level."

After a hasty fight, the two spoke at the same time again.

Xiaozhi was a little puzzled, the appearance of the burning worm was like an ordinary door worm.

But in actual fighting, the strength is quite strong, completely different from the houseworm.

"Beep beep! Burning worms, insects and fire attributes, inhabit at the foot of the volcano. People in the past believed that they were larvae born from the sun. With five red horns, they can release extremely high-temperature flames! Loto~!"

Rotom immediately floated above Xiaozhi's head, and broadcast a report:

"Because evolution requires strict level requirements, the general burning bug is even more difficult to evolve than quasi-god Pokémon, so strength cannot be measured by appearance!"

Only then did Xiaozhi understand.

It seems to be a very special kind of Pokémon, which is harder to evolve than quasi-god.

It means that despite the burning worm in front of him, it looks as weak as an ordinary house worm, but the level may already be quite high?

The strength of this torturer does not seem to be simple.

"Pikachu, don't hold back!"

"Interesting, you don't think you can defeat my Burning Worm, do you? Haha Burning Worm, full fire!!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, the red-haired boy immediately laughed, ready to fight with all his strength.

"You guys, stop fighting! Now the focus is on Nuan Nuan Zhu!!"

But when the two were preparing for the second battle, Mingyi's voice interrupted the battle between the two.

She had already untied the iron net, holding the weak Nuannuan pig in her hand, with a anxious expression on her face.

"Hmph, I'll send this Nuannuan pig to the elf center first, and then I'll settle accounts with you, a sadist!"

Xiaozhi quickly called Pikachu back, took Nuan Nuan Zhu, glared at him, and ran to the elf center.

Mingyi also glared at the other party bitterly, and ran away after Xiaozhi.

There was only this irascible red-haired boy left in place.

Fan Shilang: "?"

What the hell, why are the thieves who broke into houses these days still so arrogant?

And what happened to that warm pig?

I haven't been back to my grandfather's house for half a year, and I finally came back today, so there are so many strangers?

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