He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1958 Team Rocket’s Christmas (Part 2)

"Oh~ If you want to say which one is the most popular now, it must be the same cosmetics used by Karoni, so that ordinary people can also have the temperament of a celebrity champion~!"

The lady at the counter has already put on a whole set of cosmetics, introducing them with a smile.

The outer packaging is exquisite, and there is a classic short-haired beauty on the cover of the box, who is the endorsement star of this product.

"Oh, Caroline!"

Kojiro's eyes lit up, he had heard of Karuno's name before.

This woman is not only a big star on the screen, but also a league champion in the Carlos area.

There must be no problem with the cosmetics endorsed by such a person!

It's just that when Kojiro saw the price marked below, he took a breath, and his momentum suddenly weakened a lot.

If it has not been separated from the family, it is no problem to buy this shop directly, but now.

Hiss, it's so expensive!

Now he doesn't have much money on him, and this time the Hezhong area mission has not received the funds from above, and the salary is advanced.

"And Meow Meow's gold coins!"

Meow Miao's gift is naturally a gold coin that will always be on his lips.

But this guy is very picky about the color, purity, size, and casting process of gold coins.

To buy a perfect gold coin, you also need a lot of money.


Thinking of this, Kojiro's heart turned hard, and he slammed the table again, his aura even shocked the lady at the counter.

"Well, do you accept wages from part-time workers here?"

Work if you have no money!

There is nothing that cannot be exchanged for a part-time job!

Young lady: "."

In the following week, Kojiro started working hard at Feiyun Department Store.

While working intensively, sometimes I have to keep an eye on Musashi and Miaomiao, paying attention to their movements.

But these two people are habitual offenders of fishing, and they didn't do anything this week, and they were all lazy.

Seeing it was late at night, Kojiro dragged his tired body back to the secret base, and fell asleep as soon as he entered.

"Hey Kojiro, why do you go out every day, meow?"

"Could it be that you secretly went to investigate and leave the team without telling us?"

"Didn't you agree to show off together, Kojiro, you guy, do you want to compete with Meow for performance?"

"Damn meow, we can't lose, so let's investigate the information of the plasma team!"

Seeing the two little friends fighting in the middle of the night, Kojiro ignored him, lying on the bed with his whole body limp, his eyelids were hard to open, he just wanted to sleep

The days passed day by day, and soon came the eve of Christmas.

Today's Kojiro still dragged his tired body and returned to the secret base late at night.

"zzz" "zzz"

Seeing Musashi and Miaomiao sleeping soundly under the big quilt, Kojiro also let out a dry laugh.

What about investigating the plasma team?

However, although the two said they hated Christmas, they still hung socks on the bedside symbolically.

Kojiro's eyes were fixed, and he walked lightly to the bedside of the two of them, and opened the socks.

Through his high-intensity work this week, he often sleeps no more than 2 hours a day.

Coupled with the little money stolen from my hometown by Yidian, I finally managed to buy a set of cosmetics of the same style as Karuna, and a 24K pure gold coin!

Kojiro quickly put the two gifts into their respective socks.

The box of cosmetics was too big, and it was stuffed for a long time, almost tearing the socks.

After doing this, Kojiro fell down on his bed with thick dark circles under his eyes.

In the dimly lit room, he subconsciously looked at his shriveled sock that was still hanging by the bed, and suddenly understood something.

"It turns out that my previous gift was also put in by the housekeeper's grandfather?"

The corners of Kojiro's eyes were moist, and he hugged himself tightly under the quilt.

It turns out that there is really no Santa Claus in this world.

The next morning, Christmas Day.

Kojiro, who was sleeping, was awakened by an unusually piercing screaming noise next to him.

"Ahhh!! There is really Santa Claus!! Look at my presents!!"

Musashi was hugging his own gift, his face was stuck to the cosmetic box on top, he kept rubbing against it, and couldn't put it down:

"It's the same type of cosmetics as Carunai's! I've wanted to buy it for a long time, but I couldn't afford it before!!"

On the other side, Miaomiao was also holding a gold coin, tears streaming down her face.

"It's Meow's gold coin! After so many years, Meow finally has a pure gold coin too~!"

The body was still quite exhausted, Kojiro didn't get up, but when he heard the sound of his two companions hugging each other and crying, the corners of his mouth raised a little unconsciously.

With such a reaction, I don't seem to be so tired?

"Damn it, it turns out there really is a Santa Claus, I knew I wanted ten sets of cosmetics in my wish!"

"I regret it too, I should ask for a thousand gold coins, then I can exchange for a brand new gold coin every day from now on meow~"

Just listening to the greedy words of the two devil partners, Kojiro couldn't help shivering.

Hey, hey, please forgive me!

"By the way, Kojiro, why don't you get up and look at your socks?"

"Yeah, meow, you usually call Santa Claus all day long?"

Musashi and Miaomiao changed their previous attitude and completely became faithful believers of Santa Claus.

But at this moment the scene was reversed, and it was Kojiro's turn to wave his hand.

"Idiot, how can there be Santa Claus in this world"

Although he said so, Kojiro didn't get up, but he turned over a little bit, and in a daze, subconsciously grabbed his bedside socks.

I squeezed it, and it turned out to be nothing.

"Wait a moment?!"

However, just when Kojiro was about to throw away the sock, he suddenly touched a hard round object at the bottom of the sock.

He is too familiar with the texture of metal and the wavy and sharp touch on the edge!

It's a bottle cap! ?

Kojiro jumped up as if he was dying, quickly opened the socks, and dumped the contents on the bed.

But I saw a small and exquisite bottle cap, which fell on the mattress.

On the front is the logo of boxing, on the back is the logo of Feiyun City, and engraved with a Christmas limited text imprint.

It is that rare collection bottle cap!

"So there really is a Santa Claus, there really is a Santa Claus!"

Kojiro tightly grasped the collection bottle cap with one hand, half-kneeling his head on the bed, repeating his words over and over again.

The voice gradually became choked up.

This picture of himself crying on the bed suddenly made Musashi and Miaomiao look at each other, and couldn't help complaining:

"It's really inexplicable meow, is that kind of thing really so precious meow."

"What an idiot, Kojiro, you should change to a bigger wish hiss."

Just as he was mocking, Musashi suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth and let out a painful hiss.

But at this moment, Kojiro's center of gravity was completely on the bottle cap, which made Musashi heave a sigh of relief.

After looking at each other with Miaomiao, the two of them looked at Kojiro who was crying on the bed, and they did not disturb him, but showed a relieved smile.

Kojiro didn't notice that at this moment Musashi's face was bruised and purple, and one eye socket was completely swollen.

Musashi turned around quickly, ready to use this set of cosmetics to cover the marks on his face well.

Otherwise, at Christmas night, I won't be able to go shopping with Kojiro Miaomiao!


On the eve of Christmas Eve, in the final ring of a special boxing match in Feiyun City.

The trainer who entered the finals this year was a rookie with no background, short in stature, and if he wasn't wearing thick clothes outside, he would have looked like an upright meow.

And the fighting Pokémon he sent

No, it's a red-haired female madman!

In special boxing matches, although Pokémon are all fighting in the ring, there is no rule that only Pokémon can be sent, humans can also go up.

Although the red-haired maniac was beaten continuously by the fighting Pokémon on the opposite side at the beginning, he still achieved a shocking comeback through his strong perseverance and bloodthirsty rampage at the end.

In the end, he defeated the boxing Pokémon who had many years of fighting experience on the opposite side, and became the dark horse of this Christmas!

Epilogue of epilogue.

At the same time, the Rockets base in the Kanto region.

Ruan Weng, who was doing a special exercise alone, suddenly received a Christmas gift.


Looking at the champion's big gold belt placed in the box, Sure enough, Weng held his head and was at a loss.

But since it's a gift from them, let's wear it on my waist for now~!

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