He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1959 Yuyu's Nuannuan Pig

Suanmu Town, the center of elves.

"This Nuannuan pig is very weak. It should have not eaten for a long time. Anyway, leave it to me first!"

Seeing the Nuannuan pig brought by Xiaozhi, Miss Joy's face changed. She had never seen such a thin Nuannuan pig, and her bulging belly was shriveled inside.

The almost doll next to him also pushed a stretcher, and sent the nuannuan pig, who had completely fallen into a coma, to the inner door for first aid.

If it is not delivered in one or two days at night, maybe this Nuannuan pig will be buried there directly.

"Damn it, that abuser!"

In front of the front desk, Xiaozhi clenched his fists and cursed in a low voice.

Is this Nuannuan pig who wants to starve himself to death? His body is chained and he can't leave. Even his mouth is entangled in barbed wire, so he can't call for help.

If they hadn't come to Suanmu Town today and happened to take a walk around Mr. Adek's former residence, something big might have happened.

In comparison, Shinji's abandonment is normal?

At least it will not leave any expectations for Pokémon, and let the other party leave cleanly.

You must know that most Pokémon are very loyal. Even if they would rather starve to death, they will stay where they are, believing that their trainer will just leave for a while and will come back soon.

"Huh, that person?"

Anger was rising, Xiaozhi heard Mingyi's voice, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the entrance of the elf center.

It was the red-haired boy in ragged clothes who walked in.

But before Xiao Zhi stepped up to do it, Fan Shilang raised his palm and quickly explained:

"Well, let me state in advance, I don't know that Nuannuan pig, and I haven't abused it."

Holding the back of his head with his palm, he continued:

"And I haven't been back to Suanmu Town for half a year, and I just came back to the town at noon, so pure!"

Fan Shilang has been exercising outside for a long time, but his burning worm has not evolved for a long time, so Fan Shilang plans to go back to his grandfather's residence first, calm down, and practice hard.

The house has been unoccupied for too long, and even the water and electricity have been cut off.

So Fan Shilang went to the back mountain to chop some firewood, and prepared to light the fire for warmth at night.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Xiaozhi and the others bumped into each other.

Although Fanshilang didn't dislike continuing to fight with Xiaozhi, that electric mouse from other places was extremely powerful, maybe it might make his Burning Bug break through?

However, this kind of principle issue should be clarified in advance.


However, Xiaozhi and Mingyi obviously did not listen to Fan Shilang's words so simply, showing suspicious expressions.

This red-haired one is also using a fire-type burning bug. No matter how you look at it, it looks like the trainer of this Nuannuan pig!

"Oh~ Isn't this Xiaofan Shilang? I haven't seen you for a long time~!"

However, an old woman passing by in the elf center greeted Fan Shilang.

After hearing about the Nuannuanzhu incident, she immediately patted her chest, mentioning Fan Shilang as a credit guarantee.

"Although Xiaofan Shilang is mischievous like his grandfather, he is a good boy and will never hurt Pokémon!"


With hindsight, Xiao Zhi finally realized it.

As Fanshiro said before, Adek's house was his grandfather's house.

It means that the boy in front of him is the grandson of Adek, the champion of the United League?

"Hmph! I will definitely surpass Grandpa's trainer in the future!"

Fan Shilang put his hands on his chest and said confidently.

It seemed that he was really a warm-blooded young man with no malicious intentions, and Xiao Zhi temporarily let go of his hostility, and told all the things that happened before.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Fan Shilang was even more angry than Xiaozhi and the other two.

"Damn it, you dare to abuse Pokémon, and even throw it in grandpa's yard. Is this going to frame grandpa as a sadist!?"

Fanshi stomped his feet left and right angrily, which gave Xiaozhi a feeling as if he was facing the red-haired A Xun?

"Oh, I seem to have the impression that there seems to be an out-of-town trainer who has been staying at your door last week."

Standing beside her from beginning to end, the old woman seemed to remember something.

But don't remember much.

All she remembered was a dark-haired, gloomy-looking boy who was supposed to be a rookie trainer.

But he left a week ago.

"Damn it, has it been a week?"

This discouraged both Xiaozhi and Fan Shilang. It would be difficult to track them down in a week.

However, the Yusanjia in the Hezhong area has a Pokémon like Fujito Snake who voluntarily abandons the trainer.

There are also Pokémon abandoned by humans like Nuannuan Pig

This made Xiaozhi feel quite sad.

"In short, the focus now is to take good care of this warm pig."

Xiaozhi said in a low voice, even a strange feeling came up in his heart.

How do you feel like this has happened before?

And it seems that it is also the Fire Attribute Yusanjia?

About half an hour later, the lights in the operating room turned green.

Hearing the movement of the gate, Xiaozhi and Mingyi rushed up to meet him.

And Fan Shilang had already left first.

He returned home, ready to investigate his yard, trying to find some clues about the bad trainer.

"Don't worry, you two, Nuan Nuan Zhu is fine."

Miss Joy's words made the two of them breathe a sigh of relief.

"Let me just say, Ms. Joey is omnipotent, no matter what kind of injury Pokémon has, she can heal it~!"

Mingyi patted his heaving chest and said with a smile.

But upon hearing this sentence, Miss Joy's expression changed slightly, as if she wanted to say something.

She's new here and has only heard about it.

It is said that the previous Miss Joy of the Elf Center in Suanmu Town seemed to have personally buried a dying Pokémon in this place.

That Pokémon seems to be related to Mr. Adek who lives next door.

But this is not the point, Miss Joy soon showed a professional smile again and said:

"This Nuannuan pig is very weak now and needs a lot of nutrition."

Through the window of the inner door, Xiaozhi could see Nuannuan pig lying on the bed, with its hoof connected to the infusion tube.

"The recovery ability of Pokémon far exceeds that of humans, especially the Pokémon Nuannuan pig. Eating in the mouth is the fastest way to recover nutritional strength."

Saying that, Miss Joy became worried again.

It seems that this is a Pokémon abandoned by the trainer, right?

With Nuannuanzhu's honest and loyal character, maybe he will fall into negativity for a long time and become Yuyu's Nuannuanzhu.

Greatly affects appetite, which is very detrimental to health recovery.

"Do you mean to make Nuan Nuan Zhu eat? Then leave it to me!"

But Xiaozhi patted his chest confidently.

He is good at healing Yuyu's Pokémon!

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