He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1960 Xiao Yan Pokémon

Early the next morning, Xiaozhi came to Nuannuanzhu's ward.

Mingyi also followed, wondering how Xiaozhi would cheer Nuannuanzhu up.

As a fledgling newcomer, seeing the cruel abuse of her Pokémon with her own eyes has also broadened her horizons.

Sure enough, the outside world is not as beautiful as the news said!

But after a night of nutrient infusion, the state of this Nuannuan pig has eased a lot.

Although the body is still thin, but lying on the hospital bed, when seeing Xiao Zhi and the two who came in, he still tried his best to raise his head and nodded in a friendly greeting.

This is a very honest and polite Pokémon.

However, facing the Pokémon food box handed over by Xiaozhi with one hand, the Nuannuan pig turned dark and turned its head, as if it didn't intend to eat it.

"Hey, hey, hey~!"

Even though Pikachu next to him made a demonstration and ate deliciously, Nuan Nuan Pig still had a negative attitude and refused to eat.

For this, Xiaozhi could only put the food aside and rubbed the latter's head, as expected he had to enlighten first.

"Tell me about your trainer. How did he abandon, no, how did he put you there?"

Since Nuannuan Pig is not Xiaozhi's Pokémon, naturally it cannot use the power of fetters to communicate directly, so Xiaozhi directly put the Rotom illustration book in the middle.

Now he has a translator that can replace Meow Meow, and he can directly understand Pokémon's words!


Nuannuanzhu glanced at the weird Rotom, and began to speak weakly.

After the translation of the illustrated book, the process is extremely simple.

It was a bad trainer who found an empty courtyard and left Nuan Nuan Pig there.

They even put on chains that they can’t leave and barbed wire that can’t make a sound, which means that this is a test for Nuannuan pigs, don’t run around and bark.

It sounds like it has nothing to do with Mr. Adek's political struggle.

It's just a simple abandonment of the Pokémon event, which happened to be chosen in the courtyard of the league champion.

After telling her own experience, Nuan Nuan Zhu became even more depressed.

This stupid pig still feels that the trainer is just testing himself, not abandoning him.

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi had an idea, and called up a few photos of his fire-breathing dragon in the illustrated book.

"Well, I used to have a Pokémon, and it was still in Charmander's stage, and the same thing happened to you"

If it wasn't for the group-building dragon party that the fire-breathing dragon held in the fire-breathing dragon valley recently, Xiaozhi would have called it directly to show his own experience.

The first thing to do now is to reverse Nuannuanzhu's thinking.

Let it know that he was indeed abandoned, affirm the reality, and stop escaping, let alone nostalgia for such a trainer.

Then he regrouped, started again, and became a powerful Nuannuan pig that made that bad trainer regret it!

In order to make Nuannuanzhu more immersive, Xiaozhi also called up the travel records of the illustration book at that time.

Don't look like a new illustration book has been changed, but the old data is still retained.

After a while, a voice came out from the speaker of the illustration book, and I was immersed in the scene, and I started to chanting about everything:

"Beep beep! Chapter 26, Xiao Yan's Pokémon. In a marginal open space outside the town, Xiaozhi and the group of Jenny turtles have already set up their posture."

"Halfway, they even found a wild Pokémon on a high rock platform, with dark fiery red skin and sharp claws"


Mingyi next to him: "?"

How does it sound like a novel listening to a book?

And what the hell is this Xiao Yan?

Although listening to the name, it seems to be very inspirational.

But Nuannuanzhu listened with gusto, the little fire dragon lying alone on the stone platform, and the rescue in the rainstorm.

And on a sunny day after the rain, Charmander's powerful spray of flames directly blasted the original owner away.

All this made Nuannuan pig's blood boil, as if he was the little fire dragon.

Just in comparison, why is my own experience so ordinary?

There was no heavy rain, and there was no refreshing revenge. It was simply locked there, almost starving to death.

After Rotom read all the chapters aloud, although Nuannuan Pig stood up a little in the middle, it lay down on the bed again after the end, and entered the gloomy sage mode again.

"Isn't that enough?"

Xiaozhi scratched his hair with some headaches. He thought that relying on the deeds of his predecessor's fire-breathing dragon would be enough to ignite Nuannuanzhu's fighting spirit.

Is the text description still a little bit worse?

Sure enough, I still want to call the fire-breathing dragon over, face-to-face education?


At this moment, an elf ball on Xiaozhi's waist suddenly opened on its own initiative.

The proud rattan snake landed on Nuannuanzhu's hospital bed, stepped on the head of the bed with its lower limbs, looked down at Nuannuanzhu with its head held high.

It has listened to Nuan Nuan Zhu's narration throughout the whole process, and has listened to the re-reading of the illustrated book's plot

That little Charmander is still a talent.

But the rattan snake couldn't stand the drowsy big stupid pig in front of him.

Useless guy!

The vine vine snake's eyes were fixed, and a vine immediately extended from its neck, and it slammed on Nuan Nuan Zhu's face with a "snap", leaving a clear red mark.

"Hey rattan snake, this guy is still weak!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback by his rattan snake, did he just slap him with a whip when he came out?


But the rattan snake gave Xiaozhi a sideways look, with a terrific aura, indicating that everything was under his control.

Grass attribute moves are not effective against fire attributes, and it controls strength very cleverly.

This vine whip will only produce a clear sense of pain, but it does not weaken the physical strength too much.

Probably belonged to lynching and beating prisoners, but no injuries were found after the inspection?

Such a stupid pig who has been so passive and has not yet fully awakened has to be whipped to wake him up completely!

"Well, I'll leave it to you. But don't go too far."

Xiaozhi looked at Mingyi who was next to him with some embarrassment. Didn't he think that his rattan snake was so powerful.

Although it is small in stature, the drooping eyes of the rattan snake are like a queen, making it hard to refuse.

Seeing that Nuan Nuan Zhu was still lying there, Fuji Vine Snake was not polite.

Snapped! Snapped! !

Two rattan whips on the left and right were whipped up again, making a crisp sound.

"Vine! Vine!"

She even kept scolding and cursing in her mouth.

Really incompetent!

It has always been said that their Pokémon voluntarily abandon humans, how can they be abandoned by humans!

This point, the proud rattan snake, absolutely cannot accept it!

Clap clap! !

Several cane whips came down again, and the cheeks of this Nuannuan pig were swollen and red.

But don't say it, the flames in Nuan Nuan Zhu's eyes seemed to really start to rekindle slowly!

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