He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1961 A mature Pokémon must be able to subdue it by itself


He cheered up again, warmed the pig's belly, and let out a hungry cry as if stressed.

It looked at the vine snake standing on the bed, first bowed its head to express its gratitude, then turned its head and lay down in front of the food box next to it.

Ha ha ha ha!

Nuannuan pig started to eat, eating in a very rough way, the crumbs splashed, and a lot of food juice flowed from the corner of the mouth and fell on the bed sheet.

But seeing this scene, the rattan snake put away its vines, and its expression froze slightly.

Although a useless guy.

But now it looks like it can be salvaged a little bit?

Next to him, Xiaozhi also gave the rattan snake a thumbs up.

Didn't expect that this eccentric and arrogant rattan snake would have such a training method?

Nuannuanzhu's eating lasted for about half an hour, during which Xiaozhi also helped change three barrels of new Pokémon food.

The amount of food eaten is astonishing. You must know that each bucket of food is piled up like a hill, and its volume is larger than the body of Nuan Nuan Pig.


After eating, Nuannuan pig leaned back, lying there with its belly up, very satisfied.

The originally shriveled and sunken belly is now bulging and protruding, and the previous weak appearance has completely disappeared!

"Hey, is this the resilience of Pokémon? It's amazing."

Ming Yi was shocked, just after eating a meal, he fully recovered?

"It seems that a Pokémon like Nuannuan Pig is born with a strong resilience."

Xiaozhi also nodded in satisfaction.

Not all Pokémon have such strong resilience and can turn food into power. It is probably because the prototype of Nuan Nuan Pig is a pig with a high appetite.

But when Xiaozhi was full, Xiaozhi hadn't done anything else yet, and the rattan snake stretched out its rattan whip again.


The rattan whip flew towards Xiaozhi, and in the latter's surprised eyes, the rattan whip went down and grabbed a blank elf ball on Xiaozhi's waist, and then flew towards Nuannuanzhu.


The rattan snake screamed, with a serious expression.

Now that you have been abandoned by that useless trainer, follow me next.

It just so happens that the team needs a simple and honest man.

Looking at the almost irresistible eyes of the rattan snake, and the two gently shaking rattan whips next to it, Nuan Nuanzhu couldn't help but took a step back and swallowed.

But the feeling of being whipped just now, although painful, seems to be mixed with a strange feeling.?


After thinking for a while, Nuan Nuanzhu looked fixedly, and took the initiative to press the button of the poke ball with the pig's nose.

call out.!

The poke ball sucked it into it, landed on the bed and shook it three times, and then stopped moving.

Nuannuan pig, subdued successfully!

"Did I tame Nuan Nuanzhu, or did I tame the rattan snake?"

Xiaozhi was a little caught off guard, and tucked his cheeks, a little embarrassed.

These days, mature Pokémon will take the initiative to subdue other Pokémon?


Even Pikachu next to him looked bright, as if it hadn't done it yet.

However, when the rattan snake looked at Xiaozhi, her stern eyes softened, and her light figure jumped slightly, landing on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

As the trainer she personally selected, Nuannuanzhu is naturally also the new companion chosen by Xiaozhi for the Fujiteng Snake Gang.


At this moment, the infection period of the Pokémon virus has passed, and the rattan snake has also begun to realize the efficiency of its own strength increase, which has increased by a large margin.

Sure enough, only this human man is qualified to be its partner!


The very strong rattan snake suppressed Xiaozhi's momentum.

However, he still likes Pokémon with personality very much, so he raised his hand and rubbed the rattan snake's head.

The latter didn't refuse, closed his eyes, and gently rubbed Xiaozhi's palm.

Normally, allowing your partner to touch your body is also a reward for the other party.

Mingyi: "."

She watched from behind the whole time, why did she feel that the relationship between a man and a snake in front of her was a bit weird?

"Rice wine rice wine!"

And the victorious otter at the feet is even more imitative, and is about to drag Mingyi outside immediately, and it also wants to tame a Pokémon with its own hands.

The kind that throws the Poke Ball by itself!

Afterwards, Xiaozhi released Nuan Nuan Pig and asked it again if it really wanted to join his team.

Don't be forced by the vine whip of the rattan snake.


Nuannuanzhu nodded sincerely. It did not forget the scene where Xiaozhi anxiously sent him to the elf center.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed. Now, he has taken over the initial Yusan families in the two Hezhong regions.

Although the water otter has a competitive personality, he usually acts in a hurry and is quite noisy, but Xiaozhi also likes this last water otter quite a lot.

"Let's do whatever you want~"

Xiaozhi shook his head, but he didn't try to force the three Yusanjia together.

Next, he exchanged Nuan Nuan Pig with Dr. Oki for ten minutes, and was successfully infected with the Pokémon virus.

The team began to grow gradually.

four months later

No, there are only more than three months left, the world championship in Fanba City.

Relying on the boosting effect of the Pokémon virus, maybe this time relying on the rattan snakes, they will be enough to compete head-on with the local powerhouses!

After a day's rest in Suanmu Town, Xiaozhi and Mingyi were ready to continue on the road.

The appointed time for Suanmu Ranch to recruit new companions is coming soon, and they can't be late.

At this moment, both Xiaozhi and Mingyi are looking forward to whether someone will really participate.

But before leaving, they stopped by Mr. Adek's house to say hello to Fan Shilang.

"Ah~ you left so quickly~!"

Fan Shilang sat on the wooden corridor in the courtyard, holding the back of his head and talking carelessly, with his burning worm lying beside him.

It has a brown cylindrical body, a snow-white fluffy head, and red tentacles on it

From a distance, it looks like a huge one-meter-long cigar is placed in the corridor.

"Tomorrow we have something to do, so we have to go to Suanmu Ranch."

There are no seats here either, Xiaozhi and Mingyi sat in the corridor opposite Fan Shilang, with two cups of hot tea on the spot.

The wooden door of the house by the corridor was open, but it was dark inside.

It seems that Fan Shilang is a very casual person, he didn't tidy up anything after returning home, even if the water and electricity at home were cut off, it didn't matter, it was just an extra exercise for himself.

Fan Shilang folded his arms and began to explain enthusiastically.

"Suanmu Ranch? Go out in the northeast direction of our Suanmu Town, walk along the No. 20 road, and you will see a vast ranch~"

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