He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1962 Pikachu...has an epiphany?

Chapter 1962 Pikachu. Epiphany?

But before leaving, Fan Shilang was still very enthusiastic about taking Xiaozhi and his wife to a good place.

After all, if Xiaozhi and the others hadn't happened to pass by this time, that Nuannuan pig might really have died here.

When this happened, it would have a huge impact on my grandfather's reputation.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the Forest of Oath~!"

With a hook, Fan Shilang took the initiative to lead the way in front.

Xiaozhi and the two looked at each other, unaware that it was Mingyi, a native of the Hezhong area, and it was the first time he had heard of this place.

Following Fan Shilang's guidance, I saw that the northeast exit of Suanmu Town leads to Road 20, and the Suanmu Ranch is on the way.

Adek's house is located on the other side of the town, on the northwest edge, with the forest and mountains behind it.

Walking around the courtyard, the two discovered that there was a small back door built behind the house. When they opened it, they saw a straight jungle path leading to the depths.

The path is only about one meter wide, which is quite narrow.

On both sides are stacked high rock platforms, and on the top are dense shrub forests, blocking the way out on both sides.

It seems that this hidden path is the only path leading to the end named 'Forest of the Oath', and it cannot be entered from other places.

Xiaozhi and the two followed in a daze, looking left and right, the leaves above the path gathered very densely.

Even in broad daylight, the light becomes a bit dim.

"It seems that if you look down from the outside, it may be difficult to find this way."

Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

It was the first time for Mingyi to come to this kind of place, subconsciously grabbing Xiaozhi's arm.

He said a word of comfort:

"Don't be afraid of Mingyi, although it's a bit dark here, I can feel the breath here. It's a very comfortable breath!"

I don't know how to describe it.

As soon as Xiaozhi came here, he had the urge to take off his clothes, go shirtless, and do 1,000 push-ups on the spot.

"Feeling, breath?"

Mingyi blinked, and couldn't help but recall that Xiaozhi also felt the weak warmth inside through the closed door.

Before they had time to ask more questions, they had already walked about 100 meters and came to an empty small square.

Although the location is not very wide, there is still room for three or four Pokémon to move around at the same time.

The top is still covered by the branches and green leaves extending horizontally from all around, covering the bottom, but the light is better than the path in front, and the scattered sunlight falls here through the gaps in the branches and leaves.

"Well, this is the land of the oath~!"

Fan Shilang opened his arms, took a deep breath, and introduced himself to the two of them.

After all, there is a secret base connected to his backyard, which is exciting.

"I have been exercising Pokémon here with my grandpa since I was a child~! Grandpa often came here to exercise when he was young!"

Since his burning worm was unable to evolve for a long time, Fan Shilang decided to return to his original intention this time, and practiced in seclusion with the burning worm for a period of time in this hidden place.

"Is it a training place for league champions?"

Xiaozhi zoomed in and looked around.

Around this small square, there are many abnormally hard rocks growing. He can even see the surface of the rocks, and there are still many impact marks. It seems that someone has experienced quite a long exercise here!

"Talk about this rock."

However, Xiaozhi's gaze finally fell on the deepest part of the Forest of Oath, where stood a huge rock about three or four meters high.

The above is the same, there are also several slashing cracks.

But to Xiaozhi's surprise, there were three slash marks that could be vaguely recognized on it, and the appearance of these three slash marks were completely different from each other.

"That rock can't be moved!"

Fan Shilang hastily interrupted, treating it like a treasure and saying:

"According to grandpa, the cut marks on this rock are the legendary Pokémon, and the marks left by training here are precious relics!"

"It is said that there is still the fighting spirit left by the legendary Pokémon on it. If outsiders often observe it, they may be able to comprehend new moves!"

Hearing Fan Shilang playing so magically, both Xiaozhi and Mingyi gave him a sideways look, not quite believing it.

It's too metaphysical to comprehend new moves just by looking at three stones with cut marks?

"It's true! My grandfather's knight snail, because of looking at this boulder for a long time, finally comprehended a move that his own race could never learn - holy sword!"

Fan Shilang hurriedly argued.

The outside news is very familiar with Adek's Pokémon, knowing that the latter has a special snail knight who has mastered the unique skill of the holy sword.

But no one knows, it is here to comprehend.

However, Fan Shilang used to let his Pokémon stare at this stone for a long time without any reaction

"Is the holy sword a unique skill?"

Xiaozhi recalled that not long before this move, he had seen the Pokémon named Vilicion perform it in the finals of the Sinnoh Alliance Conference.

"The legendary Pokémon in the Hezhong area. So one of the three slash marks should be left by Bilizion, right?"

Before Xiaozhi said anything, Rotom had already floated up on his own initiative, and kept taking pictures of the cut-marked rock.

This is extremely precious information!

At the same time, he also broadcast the information he already had to several people.

"Beep beep! Pilizion, Delakion, and Copalluon are the three legendary holy swordsmen known as the Hezhong region! Loto~!"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin. It seems that the Forest of Oath, before Mr. Adek, must have been the practice place of the Three Swordsmen, right?

The illustrated book quickly introduced the moves of the holy sword.

"Beep! Holy Sword, attack with the unyielding holy sword, you can ignore the opponent's ability changes, and directly deal powerful damage~"

"This move is generally only mastered by the legendary Pokémon, and very few Pokémon~ Of course, some talented otters may also master it, but scoring individuals, Muggle otters are unlikely! Loto ~!"

When he said this, the illustrated book made no secrets.

It flew directly in front of Mingyi's otter, snapped a photo with a "click" and attached pictures to his explanation.

"Rice wine, rice wine!!"

This made the otter very angry, and immediately jumped in front of the rock, widened his eyes, and was about to comprehend that move of the legendary "sacred sword"!

It's just that no one noticed that when Pikachu first entered the Forest of Oath, he was already attracted by this cut-scarred rock.


It stood there blankly, staring at the rock out of focus.

Like an old monk in meditation, motionless.

It took a long time for Xiao Zhi to realize the strangeness of his Pikachu, and quickly booed several people.

This is Pikachu.


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