He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1963 Three Partner Candidates

Pikachu shivered suddenly, his eyes regained clarity, and he exited the previous trance state.


But when he came back to his senses, Pikachu found that everyone was staring at him with surprised eyes.

"Pikachu, your tail."

Mingyi pointed to Pikachu's tail, and the latter quickly turned his head to look back, but he could only see a little bit of it due to his fleshy body.

But at this moment, Pikachu's tail has turned into silver-black, like metal.

Different from the weight of the Iron Tail, this time the tail gave people a breath, more like a sharp sword with a sharp edge, and the edge seemed to be able to cut everything.


Pikachu was stunned, it felt as if the tail didn't belong to him anymore.

"It seems to have grown a bit longer?"

Compared to the other two who couldn't see it at all, Xiao Zhi and Pikachu got along day and night, and noticed that the latter's tail seemed to have grown a few centimeters.

So this is the comprehension of the new steel attribute moves?

That's right, with his own Pikachu's aptitude, Mr. Adek's snail knight can realize the ultimate move of the holy sword, so why can't it comprehend new moves.

However, the holy sword is a fighting attribute move, while Pikachu comprehends a steel attribute move, which is obviously not the same kind.

"In that case, Pikachu, use Iron Tail on the rock over there!"

Since he didn't know what this trick was called, Xiaozhi could only continue to call it Iron Tail.

Pikachu's eyes were fixed, and he jumped up immediately, his body spun in the air, and finally the silver-black iron tail slashed up heavily.

This time, it wasn't the iron tail's movement that cracked the rock like before.

Sizzling! !

Instead, sparks burst out at the junction, making a sharp sound like welding, and the large rock did not crack, but was pulled obliquely, leaving an exaggerated cut mark and gully on the surface!

The movement of such a slash made several people startled.

"Beep! The power of Pikachu's Iron Tail has increased by 30%~! Loto~!"

Rotom recorded the whole process and gave a comparative evaluation.


When the move was over, the light on the tail dissipated, and Pikachu, who landed on the ground, was a little unsteady and almost fell to the ground.

It seems that he has not fully mastered this trick yet.

I don't know if Pikachu's tail will continue to expand after fully mastering it, and then burst out with more powerful slashes?

In short, coming to this Forest of Oaths, I had a lot of unexpected gains, which put Xiaozhi in a good mood.

"Rice wine! Rice wine!"

The water otter was still staring at the Zhanhen Rock unyieldingly, trying to comprehend that move of the holy sword himself.

As for Fanshiro.

"Xiaozhi, come to a battle with me in the future!"

He suddenly raised his fist and challenged Xiaozhi.

Judging from Pikachu's moves just now, it is estimated that his burning worm is not the opponent's opponent now.

"But Burning Worm and I will still grow, and then we will have a match!"

Wen Yan Xiaozhi also stretched out his arm, touched Fan Shilang, and said:

"Then I'll wait for you at the World Championships in Fanba City."

"The World Championship, is it the competition organized by grandpa? I know."

Fan Shilang wrote down the name and nodded solemnly.

There are still more than three months to go. Retreating and exercising in this forest should be enough for his burning worm to evolve.

And Xiaozhi also recognized the other party as a strong opponent. Compared with a pure rookie like Emperor Xiu, a person like Fan Shilang who trained with the league champion since childhood should be much stronger, right?

Xiaozhi's eyes fell on the Burning Worm with a restrained breath beside him.

Although it looks ordinary on the outside, like an ordinary house bug, he can feel the powerful potential contained in the burning bug.

It is estimated that it is the same as the Quasi-God Pokémon. Once it finally evolves, its strength will rise to several levels!

Suanmu Ranch is located on the north side of Route 20.

"Baa~" "Meaa~" "Meaa~"

When Xiaozhi and the two came to the fence of the pasture, they saw a group of Mali sheep gathered together and fully raised inside. This place was actually a common Pokémon grazing in the Chengdu area, which surprised Xiaozhi.

Of course, there are also some evolved velvet sheep.

"Beep! Compared to the evolved wool sheep, Mali sheep can produce more wool, and wool sheep can produce goat milk more easily."

Rotom introduced automatically.

It is not only the big milk tank that can produce milk, but also the Mali sheep family.

Around the vast pasture, there are still a few hayocks lying on their stomachs, looking up from time to time to glance at the flock they are guarding, or looking vigilantly at strangers outside the fence.

"It really looks like a very strong Hayok!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, these dogs are all very strong, and they seem to eat a very healthy diet.

"rice wine!"

The otter couldn't wait a long time ago, and was about to jump over the railing and face a Harjok head-on.

"Wait a minute, those are all Pokémon raised by others."

Xiaozhi quickly grabbed the soaring otter with one hand, and handed it back to Mingyi with some helplessness.

Wild Pokémon are basically outside the fence of the ranch, and there is also a vast lawn outside.

But it's urgent right now.

After the two looked at each other, they hurried towards the gate of Suanmu Ranch.

Because of the delay of the Forest of Oath, they were about to miss the interview time for recruiting partners.

You can't be late as soon as you come up and let outsiders wait for them.

But when the two arrived, Xiaozhi and Mingyi were a little surprised.

The gate of the ranch is an open flat area, and there are three people with different appearances sitting there at the moment.

I don't know where they took them out, but the three of them are surrounded by their own tables, chairs and benches, which are clearly separated, and the scene seems a bit out of place with the surrounding pastures.

Xiaozhi was overjoyed, this appearance was a bit similar to Xiaogang, and he still didn't know how Xiaogang dug out the tables, chairs, pots and bowls from that small backpack.

"Is it finally here?"

"It's still three minutes away, you're going to be late~"

The two men among the three were still drinking tea leisurely, looking like they were entertaining themselves.

One of them is about 17 or 18 years old, wearing a neat white shirt and a small black vest, like a butler in a high-end restaurant.

Elegant, with short blue hair hanging down, covering most of his face.

The second man is slightly older, probably in his 20s or even 30s.

He has a fair face, neatly combed short yellow hair, and a tuft of long blue hairs on his forehead that folds around his head like a satellite orbiting around his head.

It's just that he doesn't look like someone who can cook at all, wearing an off-white windbreaker coat, he looks more like a researcher.

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