He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1964 Team Plasma, Akromar

Even his coat seems to be specially made, with smart wearable devices inlaid on the wrists on both sides, which is very black technology.

As for the last candidate, he was much younger, about the same age as Xiao Zhi.

This is a girl with short purple hair, wearing a small red vest and black trousers, her appearance is somewhat similar to that of the first man.


However, compared to the indifferent and leisurely attitude of the other two, this girl seemed a little nervous, looking around from time to time.

After seeing Xiaozhi and Ming leaning close, he was immediately relieved and greeted him.

It seems that these two are the ones interviewing for recruiting partners?

Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other, although they said they were going to have an interview, but the two of them didn't understand it at all, and stared at each other.

"Beep! Leave it to me~! Loto~!"

Rotom had already taken the initiative to fly up. The appearance of this weird illustrated book made the researcher among the three very concerned. He rubbed his chin and stared at the illustrated book with great interest.

"Beep! It seems that only the three of you are here for the interview today. If that's the case, then let me introduce myself first, tell me your name, education, interests, and why you want to participate in the interview~! Loto~!"

Without any stage fright, Rotom flew in front of the girl with short purple hair.

Seeing that the three of them had taken the initiative to line up for interviews one by one, Xiaozhi was relieved. The three of them cooperated unexpectedly.

So the two of them sat on the same chair without opening their mouths, and Rotom could take charge of the whole process.

"Well, my name is Cabernet Sauvignon, and I have a degree."

This girl named Cabernet Sauvignon was a little nervous when speaking. Do interviews these days depend on academic qualifications? !

"Traveling alone is too boring. I just saw the flyer, so I came here. By the way, I am currently a C-level Pokémon sommelier!"

Cabernet Sauvignon regained some confidence in the end.

"Pokémon Sommelier?"

Xiaozhi blinked, hearing this profession for the first time.

"Beep! Pokémon bartender, this is a unique occupation in the Hezhong area. They can identify the suitability of Pokémon and its trainer, similar to the bartender in reality. The collocation, and basically every Pokémon waiter, cooking is the basic ability!"

"Rated from high to low, Pokémon Sommelier has four levels: A, B, C, and D! Loto~!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and Mingyi's eyes brightened.

Others are not the point, the point is the specialty of Pokémon's sommelier, which is cooking!

Seeing the twinkling eyes of the two interviewers, Cabernet Sauvignon was secretly proud.

Soon, the second interviewer, the man with short blue hair, walked up to Rotom, bowed gracefully, and then said slowly:

"My name is Koen, I have a bachelor's degree, and I am the owner of the Sanyao Gym~!"

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised, this person was somewhat similar to Xiao Gang.

However, Xiaogang's academic qualifications are also hip.

"I'm traveling now, and I also want to find a few friends with good personalities to travel with. By the way, I am also a Pokémon bartender, and the rating is A-level~!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, it was a high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon!

The Cabernet Sauvignon next to him also gritted his teeth, he was completely killed by the explosion!

Soon, Rotom floated in front of the third person.

The satellite-headed man pushed his glasses and began to introduce himself:

"My name is Akromar, and I have obtained several doctorate degrees~! But I'm just an ordinary researcher~!"

As soon as these words came out, Akromar's body seemed to emit a dazzling light, which made the surrounding people unable to open their eyes.

These days, a bachelor’s degree is already worthless, just a few doctorates! ?

"I saw the promotional poster by accident, and I became interested, so I came to try~"

It is said that if you join the team, you can still see the legendary Pokémon casually?

Akromar was interested.

However, although Akromar's conditions are against the sky, the cooking skills that Xiaozhi and the two value more, the average researcher can't cook, right?

For example, Dr. Oki, every time he either goes to his own house to have a meal, or eats instant noodles in the research institute.


And every time Xiaozhi looks at this satellite-headed man, he always has a creepy and weird feeling.

It's the first time they've met, but why do they feel that the other's eager gaze seems to see through themselves completely.

But at this time, Rotom suddenly flew in front of Akromar, and a new message automatically popped up.

"Beep! Akromar, a gender male, a mad scientist, as a special talent invited by the plasma team this year, came to the Hezhong area for activities. Loto~!"

Akromar: "?"

His smiling face instantly became stiff.

What the hell, my intelligence is hidden so deeply, how can there be my intelligence information in this illustrated book?

And the sound of the illustrated book made the surroundings suddenly quiet.

Everyone in the Hezhong area knows that Team Plasma has a bad reputation, and it can basically be equated with an evil villain organization.

Mingyi: "!"

She even took a step back in fright. Is this the member of the plasma team that mother said?

Xiaozhi also quickly protected Mingyi behind him. He promised Heici to protect Mingyi from being harassed by the plasma team.

Seeing that the atmosphere was really embarrassing, Across suddenly put his hands on his hips, raised his head and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha! I originally wanted to disguise my identity, that's right, I am indeed a scientific advisor specially invited by the plasma team."

But soon he paused again, and continued:

"But I'm not familiar with Team Plasma~ They just forced me into an identity. Doesn't this prevent me from coming to today's interview?"

Wen Yan Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other.

It seems that there is really no way to refute it.

After all, the Plasma team is also a villain organization behind the scenes, and has not been pulled to the surface. The members of the Plasma team have not been wanted or anything, and they can still enjoy the same benefits as ordinary trainers.

Not to mention Akromar, who can only be counted as half of the members of the plasma team.

Even if the first stage of data review is over, the second stage will come soon.

Akromar was not kicked out either, remaining in the candidacy.

Compared with Xiaozhi and Akromar, who were rather anxious for this weird man to get out of the game, at this moment, he was more interested in becoming their partner.

"Then let's fight directly, whoever wins will stay?"

Before Xiaozhi could say anything, Akromar had already proposed.

This made Cohen and Cabernet Sauvignon brighten their eyes, and they didn't say no.

As a Pokémon waiter, it is also one of their rating requirements for Pokémon to cooperate in battle.

Cabernet Sauvignon is now more interested in defeating Cohen, the A-level sommelier, than being a partner with Xiaozhi and the two.

Hmph, is her C-level really much worse than the other party? !

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