He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1967 Your cooking lacks a soul

"I lost"

At the end of the battle, Cohen shook his head regretfully, and took back the defeated Cold Water Monkey.

The combat level of this member of the plasma team is not weak yet.

But his mentality is still very good, and he took the initiative to shake hands after the battle cheerfully.

"It seems that the person who can stay in the end is you, Mr. Akromar."

But in the end, when his expression turned positive, Cohen felt it was necessary to say something:

"But after all, you are a member of the plasma team. If you want to travel with them, please go on and make sure not to do anything dangerous."

As gym owners, it is also one of their responsibilities to maintain peace and protect the safety of ordinary people.

Although this man doesn't look like a villain on the outside, the reputation of the Plasma team is not very good in the past, and Cohen thinks it's better to be careful.

"It's natural, I'm a good person~"

Akromar's expression didn't change, he just smiled cheerfully.

The gears floating above the head, the two gears connected to each other also slowed down, making a rusty "clicking" sound, as if the previous gear shifting was a bit overloaded.

Koen nodded, and walked towards Xiaozhi and Mingyi.

"It's a pity, I really want to travel with the two of you~ Anyway, if you have a chance, you can come to our Sanyao gymnasium, our three brothers, maybe we can show you a perfect battle recipe~!"

Cohen is like a kind big brother, he is polite and caring even when facing strangers.

"As for the members of the Plasma team. You must not have the heart to harm others, nor must you have the heart to guard against others."

He also exchanged contact information, and then glanced at Akromar not far away, indicating that something happened and he could be notified as soon as possible.

"Then I wish you all a smooth journey~!"

As he spoke, Cohen rested his chest with one hand, bowed to the two of them, then turned and left, shaking his head regretfully along the way.

"That, Mr. Cohn"

What else does Xiaozhi want to keep? Cohen seems to be the perfect partner for them!

It's just that he can't say it.

Not far away, Akromar was squinting his eyes, as if enjoying the joy of victory, waiting for the final reward.

He can't blow the whistle clearly, can he?

Helpless, biting the bullet, Xiaozhi walked in front of Akromar.

He belongs to the daring of Yigao, and doesn't care about the identity of the plasma team. Xiaozhi is more concerned about the cooking level of this mysterious scientist.


But Mingyi was a little afraid, and his mother's exhortations before leaving still echoed in his mind.

"Mr. Akromar's strength is still superior, and we will be partners from now on~!"

Soon, Xiaozhi smiled, stretched out his palm, and asked tentatively:

"Speaking of which, Mr. Akromar's cooking level is as proficient as fighting?"

Akroma first held Xiaozhi's palm backwards, and when he heard the question, he shrugged, spread his hands and said:

"I'm a scientist, my hands will never be used for cooking with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar~!"

His tone was very natural.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's complexion suddenly darkened.

I was going to recruit a chef, but another mouth came in the end?

"But it's cooking~"

Akromar probably also guessed the purpose of Xiaozhi and the two, he snapped his fingers suddenly.

"What age is it, and you still cook with your own hands?"

Immediately, under the puzzled eyes of the two, Akromar suddenly raised one arm, and quickly operated the smart device panel on his wrist.

The equipment is connected with his researcher coat, which looks very advanced.

Didi Didi.!

Xiaozhi couldn't understand it either, so he watched Akromar press the screen repeatedly.


The next moment, on the white dining table not far away that he hadn't put away, there was a red picnic table turned up.

Akromar waved his arm and introduced:

"This is my latest invention, the gourmet tablecloth~!"

As he spoke, he happily pulled the two of them to the dining table.

"Next, you just need to call out the name of the dish you expect on the tablecloth, and it will automatically generate the food!"

Xiaozhi \u0026 Mingyi: "???"

How do you listen, it is already something that cannot be explained by high technology?

However, Xiaozhi still had the courage to tentatively shout to this plain tablecloth:

"Have a pork chop rice!"

After the words fell, the entire tablecloth, and even the dining table below began to shake, as if a machine was running.

This movement made people feel like the table was about to explode in the next second.


Just as a puff of smoke rose, when several people saw clearly again, a large bowl of pork chop rice appeared on the red tablecloth.

Snow-white and plump rice, covered with a few pieces of deep-fried pork cutlets made of unknown pigs, sprinkled with sauce, and served with simple vegetables

It's really a standard bowl of pork chop rice!

"Then I want a bowl of chashu ramen!" "Pipikachu~!"

Mingyi and Pikachu also called out tentatively, is there really such an incredible thing?

Sure enough, the dining table shook again, not too much.

About half a minute later, there was another familiar "bang", next to the pork chop rice, this time there was an extra bowl of char siu ramen.

On top of the tempting soup, steaming white mist floated up, proving that it was freshly baked.


However, only ramen appeared, and there was no fine rat food called out by Pikachu. Pikachu looked at Akroma.

Do you look down on Shushu!

"Sorry, this gourmet tablecloth can only understand human language at present, and the Pokémon language is still a difficult technical difficulty to overcome."

Akromar smiled apologetically.

Unscientific, but with a bit of science?

Then he added:

"Let's have a premium mouse food, plus a donut for lunch~!"

After a while, a lot of delicacies were already placed on the table.

Goo~! Goo~!

Not to mention, they were just tired after walking all the way to the Suanmu Ranch, so Xiaozhi and Pikachu could only forget about scientific principles for a while, and went to the table to eat.

It's really an out-and-out pork chop rice!


Seeing that Xiaozhi seemed to be fine, Mingyi glanced at Akroma next to him, who had also sat down slowly, drinking his lunch coffee gracefully and contentedly.

Her doubts were temporarily dispelled, and she sat beside her and enjoyed the delicious food.

Is it really the taste of char siu ramen? !

Then this high-tech tablecloth is also against the sky. In this case, restaurants can be eliminated.

"Delicious is delicious, but I always feel that something is missing."

After Xiaozhi had a big bowl of rice, he was no longer hungry, and couldn't help but began to comment.

Missing the soul of cooking?

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