He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1968 Three-person team officially formed!

There is nothing to say about the taste, it is better than many restaurants.

But compared to Teacher Gang's craftsmanship, what's worse?

It's like someone who is used to eating dumplings made by his own family will sneer at the dumplings made automatically by the machine, saying that the latter has no soul.

Xiaozhi chewed and savored the food in his mouth, almost the same feeling?

"What is the soul, can it be eaten as food?"

Sitting next to him, Akromar was an absolute materialist, but the corner of his mouth twitched.

You sneer. I sneer at your sneer!

His gourmet tablecloth, don’t look like it really screams, and the tablecloth automatically generates food

But in fact, the key is the dining table below, which is the automatic cooking machine he invented.

All kinds of gourmet dishes, to put it bluntly, are nothing more than a combination of shape, texture, and taste.

He put the raw materials in the machine in advance, and according to the code calculation, he can generate exactly the same molecular cuisine, and then present it on the tablecloth.

The whole process is impeccable, not only the taste, but also the nutritional value is extremely high!

Akromar took a sip of his coffee and nodded in satisfaction.

And after he was full, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately grabbed Akromar's palm.

"Mr. Akromar, from now on, everyone will be traveling together~! Please give me your advice~!"

Such a companion seems to be quite good!

Mingyi next to her nodded again and again, meaning that as long as she travels with Mr. Akromar, can she eat different delicacies every day?

As for the soul of food, she has never eaten it anyway!

Team Plasma isn't all bad guys, is it?

That's right, after all, mom used to be on Team Plasma, so it's impossible that mom was also a bad guy before?

Mingyi successfully found the logic bug and convinced himself.

Seeing that the two suddenly became so friendly, Akromar directed the tablecloth to make two cups of after-dinner black tea for the two, and replied cheerfully:

"Then I will teach you a lot in the future~!"

The three of them were having a good time, but Rotom, who had been huddled beside him, trembled a little.

This man with glasses is definitely not a good person!

"Mr. Rotom, let's get along well~!"

Akromar already knew Rotom's name, and also held Rotom's arm in a friendly manner.

The friendly expression made Rotom let down his guard for a while.

"Hey, is the bracket actually made of plastic? So is the red body also plastic?"

However, hearing the other party talking to himself during the handshake, Rotom immediately shuddered, the cold oil was about to flow out, and quickly flew behind Xiaozhi.

Damn, this guy must secretly disassemble it and study it in the middle of the night, right? !

It's the mad scientist that Rotom hates the most!

The next three people were just outside the ranch, enjoying their lunch while talking about each other's situation.

"Oh, Mingyi is a rookie trainer, and Xiaozhi is already a strong trainer in other places, it's incredible~"

Listening to the introduction of the two, Akromar nodded, and then told the two about his experience.

"What happened to the Plasma team last year, and it was divided into two factions, and the radical Plasma team called itself the new Plasma team, and did not give up their plan, so I was recruited in this way~"

Akromar talked about the information about the plasma team generously.

I'm really unfamiliar, so let's sell it.

Mingyi nodded, her mother's camp is another faction in the plasma team.

"As for what they asked me to do. Please allow me to temporarily not tell you~"

Akromar spread his hands, he had signed a non-disclosure agreement on these most private things, and he could not tell outsiders.

He's still very professional.

"If you don't say it, don't say it. I think Mr. Acromar is also a good person. It is impossible to do things like destroy urban areas~"

Xiaozhi waved his hands carelessly, indicating that the problem is not serious.

And Akromar just kept smiling all the time, and didn't express affirmation or denial to this question.

"Would you like Mr. Akromar to drop by with us~?"

Ming Yi's favor towards the latter also improved a lot, so he couldn't help asking.

Xiaozhi is going to Fanba City to participate in the World Championships, and before that, he and she went to visit the cities where the terminal station of the subway was fighting.

"It's not a big problem, I don't have a definite route right now~"

Akromar smiled, his current task was just to travel around and investigate the Hezhong area.

Hearing that Xiaozhi patted the table and stood up, he stretched out his palms to the two of them, excited.

"Okay! Then our three-person team will be formally formed today!"

Seeing this, Mingyi took a deep breath, and put his palm on top of Xiaozhi's palm.

"Sounds like it will be a good trip~"

Akromar smiled, and quickly joined his hands. It really is a young team.

After eating a soulless lunch, Akroma pressed the control panel on his wrist, and the automatic dishwasher cleaned up the subsequent dishes.

Arms that are not stained with oil or salt will naturally not touch dish soap.


Then press it again, and the entire dining table was folded into a small half-meter metal box, which was packed into the package of the traveling robot next to it.

It's bulging, Xiaozhi always feels that there are many incredible props inside?

As for Akromar himself, he didn't even have a small bag, so he was very chic.

"The power of technology is so great!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing, this mysterious scientist seems to have achieved the ultimate in the convenience of life?

Akromar kept a polite smile on the side, and asked:

"So what are we going to do next? Heading to Lichong City?"

Xiaozhi quickly waved his hand and replied:

"The next step is to find a perfect wild little Yorkie. This is the compensation I promised to Mingyi."

"Actually, it doesn't have to be so special."

Ming Yi quickly waved her hand, traveling with the two seniors, she already took good care of her.

But upon hearing this, Akromar's eyes lit up.

"Looking for a specific Pokémon? Well, I have an interesting invention!"

As he spoke, he operated the control panel on his wrist again, and the traveling robot next to him also simultaneously pulled out an instrument from his four-dimensional package.

The main body is a detector, and the radar probe is connected to it.

"This is my Pokémon Radar~! With this machine, you can lock specific Pokémon in a certain area, and you can even judge whether they have high or low qualifications!"

Akromar raised his hand and held up the instrument, and introduced it confidently.

It is the appearance of raising the instrument and introducing it above the head, which is somewhat weird.

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