He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1973 Maybe you can become the king of the book?

After a while, Mr. Wutang had dispersed the surrounding crowd, dragged Xiaozhi and Mingyi, and walked towards a building with great interest.

Xiao Zhi secretly marveled at the instant face change.

Are you a director or an actor? !

Along the way, the fat man also introduced himself to the two of them.

"My name is Wutang, and I'm the director of the movie "Hatch Cool Man" series and the "Giant Monster Invasion" series~!"

Xiaozhi, an outsider, didn't understand, but Mingyi's eyes widened and he screamed loudly:

"Hey!! I've been watching the "Hatchman" movie all the time! He's such an amazing actor, I'm crying to death!"

"Is Hatch cool?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, sounds like a superhero movie?

"Ahaha~ It's mainly Mr. Hachiku's acting skills~"

Wutang raised his head and laughed loudly, and then he noticed Mingyi, he suddenly fixed his eyes, and asked seriously:

"I just found out that your appearance, little girl, is very suitable for acting. It is a perfect body proportion. I don't know if you are interested in becoming a movie actor?!"

The other party's unabashed, looking up and down eyes made Mingyi's face turn red, and he quickly covered the sensitive parts of his chest and hid beside Xiaozhi.

Such a look is not very polite, especially from a middle-aged man who casts it on a 12-year-old girl.

Xiaozhi straightened his face, quickly blocked Mingyi behind him, and looked at the fat director with displeased eyes.

"Ah ah ah, I'm sorry, I'm used to it as a professional. I will do this when I see actors with potential. There is absolutely no malice!"

Only then did Wutang come back to his senses, and quickly waved his hands to explain.

Mainly because of Mingyi's youthful appearance, and the shape of her body at the moment, double ponytails, giant breasts, pink shoulder straps can be seen at the neckline of the clothes, and long black silk legs on the lower body.

Every styling label has a huge lethal effect on otaku!

He had a premonition that if Mingyi was allowed to film for him, it would not exceed three years at most, and he would definitely become an active and popular female idol in the Hezhong area!

At that time, she doesn't even need to make movies, it is estimated that there will be countless secondary creations.?

"Huh?! Did you just have your 12th birthday?! That's fine."

It's just that after hearing Mingyi's age, Wutang's blushing face instantly calmed down as if being poured by a basin of cold water.

12 years old, still too young.

The age requirements for young actors in the Hezhong area are very strict, even to the point of sensitivity.

It's just that it shouldn't be, judging by Mingyi's appearance, she should be about 15 years old.

"But you can still try~!"

After thinking about it, Wutang passed Xiaozhi a business card to Mingyi.

Although I'm a little young, I can only shoot teenager-oriented subjects, but maybe it can have good results?

The second dimension is also quite popular recently, maybe there are people creating fan comics for Ming Yi?


Mingyi lowered her head and blushed, clutching Xiaozhi's arm tightly, but still took the business card.

It seems that Mr. Wutang does not have any evil thoughts, he is simply talking about work.

Who is such a figure, she can't control it!

After a while, the two walked into a shooting studio.

On the green screen, a man in a blue and white kimono is resting with his chest closed and his eyes closed, waiting for the director's next instruction.

He looks not young, with short light blue hair, blindfolds around his eyes, and a kimono worn diagonally, revealing half of his body.

The exposed muscle lines are obvious. This look should look like a grotesque martial artist?

"Ah! It's Hatch Cool Man!"

Mingyi had an orgasm in an instant, and immediately screamed and ran to Hachiku, asking the latter to help him sign.

"Are you a fan? My name is Hachiku."

Hachiku opened his eyes, and corrected helplessly, with a low voice.

Taking the pen and paper from Ming Yi in his hand, he wrote his signature on it.

Rotom took a photo of Hatchiku and automatically broadcast the latter's information.

"Beep! Haqiku, the owner of Snow Flower Gymnasium, used to be an outstanding fighter, known as the "Ice Masked Man". "Debuted, became his representative role, and became popular in the whole Hezhong area! Loto~!"

After listening to the introduction of the illustration book, Xiaozhi nodded in a daze.

It seems to be another gym owner who is not doing his job properly! ?

But it's not a big problem, unlike the Sinnoh area, there are only eight famous gym owners

The number of well-known gymnasiums in the Hezhong area exceeds double digits, but it is not necessary for all the gymnasium owners to stick to their posts.

"Well, Mr. Hachiku~ The mechanical class that was originally arranged for you suddenly failed and broke down. Now we just met a trainer with a class and planned to use a real Pokémon to perform. I don't know if you can accept it~?"

Wutang rubbed his hands, and asked cautiously and tentatively.

Although he was the one who discovered Haqiku at the beginning, but now the latter's reputation far exceeds his own, and Wutang dare not speak loudly in front of him.

Hachiku folded his hands on his chest, nodded and said:

"The living thing is naturally better than the dead thing"

Seeing this introverted and cold look, Mingyi's face flushed again, and he kept screaming beside him.

During the process, Haqiku glanced at Xiaozhi with a bit of curiosity.

It's not uncommon to see a trainer pregnant with Bankiras. This young trainer doesn't look simple.

Hearing this, Wutang heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Xiaozhi, and then looked at him.

Xiao Zhi signaled to be safe and calm, walked to the public telephone booth next to him, and called Dr. Oki in the Kanto area.


After a while, a poke ball was successfully teleported.

"Then it's up to you! Bankiras!!"

Xiaozhi didn't delay, and immediately opened the elf ball.

The next moment, a real Bankira appeared in this indoor shooting studio, with a huge green monster body and countless ferocious spikes behind it.

"Ban Ho Ho!!"

Coupled with the violent roar, the aura was fierce, which made many people feel cold.

Such a monster wouldn't run away right here, right?

Bankiras' eyes were even more dangerously bloodshot. It scanned the audience, and its whole body was exuding a sense of oppression.

As a veteran of the Chengdu area, Bankiras' level is not low now, and he can bring deterrence to everyone as soon as he appears on the stage.

So today's opponent, who is it?

With a low growl, Bankiras was about to raise dust.

"Ban Ho Ho ~!"

Grinning his mouth wide, its bronchi were a little itchy, making Bankiras really want to shoot a destructive death shot directly, so he cleared his throat first.

"Wait a minute, Bankiras, we won't fight today!"

However, Xiaozhi raised his hand one step earlier, made a fist-shaped palm, and directly blocked the latter's mouth.

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