He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1974 Bankiras Mega Stone

This scene of directly stuffing the palm into the mouth of the beast made many people around gasp.

Are you really not afraid that this dangerous monster will bite off your arm in one bite?

However, for Xiaozhi, no matter how fierce the current Kyras looks, in his eyes, the latter is always the baby Kiras who just hatched and likes to cry and scream, and naturally he doesn't have any thoughts of fear.

"Ban ooh."

Hearing that Bankiras' fighting spirit was completely suppressed, he lowered his head and yelled at Xiaozhi with some complaints.

Last time at the Lily of the Valley Conference in the Sinnoh area, Bankiras faced Zhulan's trump card, Biting Land Shark.

Although neither side tried their best, the final result was that it lost, and there was still a gap with the biting land shark.

This made Bankiras really want to find some strong opponents, have a good fight, and let off steam.

"Don't move around, just follow the director's instructions later."

Xiaozhi comforted the latter, then pointed to Mr. Wutang.

Only then did Wutang run over cautiously, his movements a little cramped, and after realizing that this Bankylas really couldn't bite, his movements and voices gradually became louder.

"Ahem, Mr. Banguilas, the next thing you have to do is to cooperate with Mr. Hachiku to make all kinds of demonstrative movements and roars, but just don't make actual attacks~!"

Hearing that Bankiras frowned, does this make him act? !

Just looking at Xiaozhi's encouraging eyes, Bankiras could only bite the bullet and walked to the green screen.

As for Xiaozhi and Mingyi sat on the side, watching curiously, it was the first time for them to see the filming scene.


With the closing of the shooting board, the shooting officially started.

"Hahahaha!! Darkness will eventually swallow everything!!"

Mr. Hachiku, dressed as a masked monster, suddenly jumped out. His expression was ferocious, his arms were placed in front of him like claws, and he laughed wildly.

There also appeared a Komadao minion and a vulture girl in front of him, both of which were fierce-looking Pokémon.

"Here it is, it's Hatch Cool Man!!"

Mingyi's eyes suddenly showed love, and he almost screamed loudly.

Xiaozhi: "."

Is Archie Cool Man still an anti-hero?

He always thought that Mr. Hatchku was playing some decent role, but at this moment, Hutch, Ku was completely looking like an ambitious villain, baring his teeth and claws, laughing wildly after walking a few steps.

In line with reality, Mr. Hachiku is calm and introverted.

"Hehe, Mr. Hachiku's acting skills are really amazing."

Xiaozhi laughed dryly, and could only comment in such a low voice.

The plot of the "Hatch Cool Man" series focuses on the surprise attack by masked monsters and the persecution of passers-by.

This time, Wutang combined it with another series of his own "Huge Monster Invasion" to create a linkage set.

"Ban Ho Ho Ho!!!"

The next moment, Bankiras also jumped out, looking like a huge and fierce monster, and began to persecute and scare passers-by together with Hatch Cool Man.

However, in terms of size, it is a bit shorter than the previous mechanical class, and it is estimated that it will be enlarged to more than three meters with special effects in the later stage.

In the following plot, a few unlucky passer-by actors were frightened by the combination of masked perverts and monsters, screaming and running away

Xiaozhi: "."

He really wanted to complain about this plot.

But Ming Yi next to him looked ruddy, obviously very fond of this kind of plot routine.

It seems that he can't understand the minds of the people


"Xiaozhi, please, let Teacher Banguilas stay here for a few more days!"

The acting came to an end, Wutang suddenly bowed his head and begged Xiaozhi.

There are still several scenes to come, and it is impossible to finish filming in one day.

Not to mention, since I used the real Bankiras to shoot, the look and feel is even better!

The Bankera made by machinery before, always has a sense of disobedience of a special leather case.

To Xiaozhi's surprise, Bankiras seemed to be interested in acting, especially the assistants around him called him "Teacher of the Big Class" and "Teacher of the Big Class", which made him enjoy it unexpectedly.

There are even dedicated masseurs who can release his stress through massage through its hard rock armor.

"Of course I won't use your Bankiras in vain. I have a treasure I found in the early years. It should have some effect on Bankiras~!"

As he said that, Wutang also took out a small round bead from his bosom, the breath was similar to that of Bankiras.

"The mage stone of Bankiras?!"

Xiaozhi instantly recognized the latter, and his eyes were surprised. Didn't expect to see this prop in the Hezhong area?

"It seems that you know this prop, that's right, you are wearing a mega bracelet~"

The fat director's mouth was full of thoughts, and he said cheerfully:

"As a reward, as long as you let Bankiras stay here for a week, I will give you this mega stone~!"

When he was young, he was also a trainer who went on adventures in other places, and he understood the combat mechanism of mega evolution.

Xiaozhi's heart was moved. He himself has been looking for various mega stones, but the mega stones of Bankiras are not easy to find, and he has not found them yet.

"It's up to you, Bankiras, what do you think?"

Xiaozhi still threw the question to Bankiras.

"Ban ouch.?"

After thinking for a while, Bankiras quickly nodded in agreement.

It's not a big problem. Anyway, if we go back to the backyard now, we will form a small group of quasi-gods with the giant gold monster and biting land shark to discriminate against other Pokémon together.

If you stay here to film in the future, it seems to be quite interesting?

"Since that's the case, then you can stay here and film for a while, maybe one day you will become a big idol who is popular in the Hezhong area!"

So Xiaozhi patted the latter on the head and said with a smile.

Well, it’s really hard to say based on everyone’s aesthetics.

Seeing this, Mr. Wutang was ecstatic. Now that he has Bankiras, he will find a real three-headed dragon next time. His "Huge Monster Invasion" can still shoot a new sequel!

He has always had this part of the idea, let the monster Bankiras and the monster three evil dragons have the strongest battle between quasi-gods!

Next, Xiaozhi temporarily handed over Bankiras' Poké Ball to Mr. Hachiku for safekeeping.

After all, it is impossible for him to stay in Lichong City all the time, and he will go to a new place in two days.

The latter, as the owner of the gymnasium, is still trustworthy.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of it."

Hachiku nodded and responded calmly.

But now, as soon as Xiaozhi saw this cruel martial artist, the scene of the perverted weirdo baring his teeth and laughing wildly when the latter was acting just now popped up in his mind

What a scene of disaster, I will never forget it!

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