He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1975 The Situation of the Plasma Team

Come out of Pokémon Hollywood and go back to the Pokémon Center in Lichong City.

Although Mingyi is still reluctant to let go, it is obvious that he is very nostalgic for the previous movie scene.

"Mingyi, why don't you go make a movie too?"

So Xiaozhi couldn't help but said.

When the two of them were watching a play, several scouts and directors came up to ask about Mingyi's situation, and handed over their business cards, which was quite popular.

This question instantly made Mingyi blush, but if she went to make a movie, she always felt that something was weird?

However, I felt a little bit of thought in my heart. In this case, I might be able to play on the same stage with Mr. Hachiku.

In the evening, Akromar also returned to the elf center, followed by two soldiers in uniform.

They wore tight black and gray uniforms, black hats and masks, and a combination of the letter P and the letter Z could barely be seen on the chest.

"Hey, hey! You two, what are you looking at?"

"Don't you know our new plasma team?!"

Seeing Xiaozhi and Mingyi staring at each other in a daze, the two black-clothed soldiers immediately cursed and spoke provocatively.

boom! boom!

It's just that before he finished speaking, he ate two chestnuts in succession.

A mechanical arm clenched its fist and mercilessly hit the heads of the two soldiers.

The two of them felt the pain, and immediately hugged their heads and shrank to the ground.

"Don't be so cruel to my distinguished guest~!"

Only then did Akromar come up, and nodded to Xiaozhi and the two with a smile.

There is also a mechanical arm flying behind the clothes, which can make various flexible movements.

As he said that, he asked the two soldiers of the plasma team to stand up and circle around in front of Xiaozhi and the two of them.

"How about it, this is the new Plasma team uniform I designed, isn't it not bad~?"

Xiaozhi couldn't see it clearly. Isn't this the very common villain uniform?

Ming Yi stared blankly, but she had seen her mother, who still had the old uniform of the plasma team.

It was a white loose uniform, and the limbs and head were light blue. It looked like medieval knight armor, and it also looked like a missionary.


Xiaozhi could only laugh dryly, Akromar seemed very satisfied with the new team uniform he designed.

Now that he has taken over the task of revitalizing the plasma team, the first thing to do is naturally design a new uniform for the plasma team!

Then the new team logo, new team philosophy and team culture~

"That, Lord Akromar"

"The subordinates feel that what we need to do now is to collect information on rare Pokémon from all over the world, conduct fixed-point capture, and then formulate a plan to occupy a certain city...!"

The two subordinates could only bite the bullet and say that they are big villains when they open their mouths.

What the hell, last time the leader Queches made that green-haired monster who can talk to Pokémon the new king of the Plasma team

They have long been upset!

This time, why did an inexplicable sissy scientist become their new king? !

After taking office, he does not do any business, nor invades and destroys cities, nor captures Pokémon forcibly to expand his army, but cares about what new clothes they wear

If it weren't for the members of the new plasma team, who have received Quecchi's almost brainwashing education and completely surrendered, they would have shot at this scientist long ago!

"Don't worry~ Don't worry, follow my steps. Under my leadership, the new plasma team will only reach the real peak~!"

Akromar just said happily, and drew a big pie casually.

Then he waved his hand, indicating that the two soldiers could move freely.

The two could only look at each other aggrievedly, and left the elf center angrily.

"Um, Mr. Akromar, this plasma team is too dangerous, it's better to be careful."

Seeing those two little soldiers leaving, as a traveling companion, Xiaozhi felt that he still had to remind him.

"Hmm, my mother said that the current new plasma team seems to have a dangerous ambition to rule the world and destroy everything"

Mingyi also spoke beside her, with a pretty face, she doesn't have a good impression of the plasma team members.

"Oh, it turns out Lingtang is also an old friend of Team Plasma."

Akromar blinked and looked at Mingyi, slightly surprised.

The Plasma team had a major incident a year ago, and the leader, Queches, disappeared and has been hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to make a comeback.

At that time, the king of the plasma team was the adopted son of Queches, who was said to have the superpower to communicate with Pokémon.

But in the end, I don't know who was defeated, and my thinking changed a lot. After taking away the precious and powerful Pokémon of the plasma team, I defected.

As a result, Team Plasma split into two factions.

"One faction should be like your mother, no longer doing radical things, thinking that they were deceived by the original plasma team, and now they are doing some good deeds to make up for it~"

Sitting at the table, Akromar told the two generals about the current situation of the plasma team.

He also heard these information from a third perspective after he came here.

"Well, my mother did open a Pokémon Rescue Station in Hinoki City."

Mingyi nodded and replied.

The teachings of the Plasma team used to encourage all human beings to release their Pokémon and release them back to nature. Propagating the Pokémon locked in the Poké Ball is no different from going to prison.

Her mother used to think so too, and helped many ordinary people release their precious Pokémon.

It's just that as time went by, the old plasma team discovered that the Pokémon living with humans are like family members, and they are not "cages", "prisons", or "bondages" as advertised in the teachings.

Many Pokémon that have been released into nature have changed their mentality drastically because they feel that they have been abandoned by humans, showing a fierce look.

Unable to even re-adapt to natural life and die in the wild

There have been many tragedies.

Therefore, Mother Mingyi and many other people have announced their withdrawal from the plasma team, and set up their own rescue stations to help the wandering Pokémon and find their original trainers.

"Is it so easy to be brainwashed?"

Xiaozhi is a complete outsider, and he is puzzled.

Sounds like the Galaxy team next door, they also brainwash all employees who enter the Galaxy team into robots.

And the plasma team in the Hezhong area has a higher level of means, directly brainwashing ordinary people, and willingly releasing their precious Pokémon

"As for the other part of the plasma team, they are completely loyal to Mr. Quecchis, and they are absolutely loyal to the latter's command."

Saying that, Akromar pointed to himself.

"So Mr. Queches recruited me~!"

However, he didn't tell Xiaozhi and the two of them that he directly became the new king of the plasma team at this moment.

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