He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 198 The Overlord of the Sky in the Prehistoric World!

Reality, pit caves.

"Where is the last one?" Xiao Mao asked, frowning.

"Ning won't...buzz..."

Halfway through the electronic voice, it was cut off on the spot.

Xiaomao's hand speed reached its peak in an instant, and he switched his illustration book to vibration mode in an instant, and it could only buzz endlessly in his hand.

He just wanted to smash this illustrated book right now, and ask Dr. Oki to mail him a new one.

"Didi. The location of the last one, searching..."

This time it was Xiaozhi's illustration book to start running the cpu. Don't look at the usual train running, but when it comes to the critical moment, the mvp has to be awarded to it.

"Beep. The target is 5 meters above your head."

Xiaomao Xiaozhi: "!"

The two were in a hurry, and Xiaozhi quickly ordered Pikachu to continue to spread the light range up to five meters, and then the two raised their necks at 90 degrees at the same time, and they saw a special statue on the ceiling of the rock wall.

At first glance, it doesn't look like a Pokémon, but more like a big rock.

A bell-shaped stone was hanging above the heads of the two, it was black and purple in color, and the whole body looked like a strangely shaped ten thousand-year-old stone.

As if feeling the eyes of the two, two oval gaps appeared out of thin air at the bottom of the bell, and two scarlet rays of light lit up.

These are a pair of piercing blood eyes, also covered with bloodshot eyes!

The two of them had seen several pairs of these big eyeballs before, but none of them were as strong as this pair.


I saw that the bell rock suddenly changed its shape, the outer layers of the two rocks covering the whole body were folded outwards, and a smaller purple-black rock protruded slowly from the middle, with scarlet eyes growing on it.

"What a Pokémon!?"

Only then did the two realize that the previous boulder was nothing more than this Pokémon curled up with its wide wings wrapped around its body, and it didn't show its full face until now.

"This guy has been awake all the time, watching us?"

The deep pit is so big, it's impossible for the two of them to be standing right under it.

The only possibility is that this prehistoric Pokémon has also been awake for a long time, but it did not attack the two of them, but hid in the dark of the rock ceiling and watched everything.

"It's a prehistoric Pokémon with a brain!"

Xiaozhi blurted out.

The previous fossil helmeted ammonite beasts were not only antique in body, but also in their brains. They only knew how to fight recklessly, which gave them a good chance.


The unidentified Pokémon flapped its wings, separated its tail from the top of the rock wall, hovered and landed on a high rock platform on the ground, and looked at the two of them.

The two looked intently, and finally saw the posture of this prehistoric Pokémon in its entirety.

The whole body is black and purple like a hard stone, and on a stone head is a fierce and sinister face with a pair of sharp horns.

On the body, there are a pair of broad rock wings, and a pair of sharp claws grow at the tips of the joints.

The lower body is a pair of thick and strong hind thighs, and a slender arrow tail.


This prehistoric Pokémon flapped its wings and roared, opening its mouth full of fangs. Suddenly, the entire deep pit began to vibrate, and a ferocious and wild atmosphere enveloped the two of them. The smell of blood was stronger than ever before. .

It is completely different from the previous ammonite beast and fossil helmet!


Pikachu was also shocked by the overlord's intentions. You must know that mice are naturally afraid of falcons in the sky, but this one is undoubtedly higher than any falcons, and the racial suppression is a bit high.

Then it subconsciously focused all the lights on the face of this Pokémon, and the high-power lights blurred the other's face, making it a little uncomfortable.

But in order to maintain a fierce expression, it can only continue to stare at the strong light with bloodshot eyes...

"Is this the king here..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help panting again and again, the savage breath pressing them down made him feel a little chilly, but in the next second his eyes became brighter instead, and he licked his tongue.

What you want is a strong enemy!

So he took out the illustration book and scanned it to see if he could get any information.

"Didi. Fossil pterosaur, an ancient animal species, the overlord of the sky in the prehistoric world, has a strong sense of lordship and arrogance, be careful, you will die easily today."

The picture book suggested.

"Fossil pterosaur? Is this the third fossil in our Kanto region? It's really amazing..."

The mysterious amber fossil that can make Toyosaka Nikkawa willing to exchange 3 fossils, it seems that this one can be hatched and restored?

Whether it is appearance or momentum, they are extremely powerful. If it were him, he would be willing to exchange five Muggle fossils!

"Its body looks like..."


Just as Xiao Mao was about to say something, he saw the fossilized pterosaur violently swung its wings and claws, and the sharp air waves came out of its body and condensed into a real slash, drawing a long gully half a meter in front of the two of them.


The fossil pterosaur roared again, and the fierce and domineering air wave roared through the audience, forcing both of them to subconsciously take half a step back.

"It's so powerful, does it tell us to fight quickly?"

"Sure enough, you have a brain..."

The two looked at each other. The strength of this prehistoric Pokémon was far superior to that of the Muggles they met before. It could draw a gully of three or four meters with just a single wave of the hand, and its strength might have reached a terrifying level.

I'm afraid there is a five-figure combat power!

Immediately, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao looked at each other at the same time, and swallowed. If this one were to fight alone, it would undoubtedly be extremely difficult.

Even because of the prehistoric Pokémon with a ferocious nature, there may be life-threatening...

Then the two held out their palms to each other at the same time.


Xiaomao made scissors, and Xiaozhi made cloth.

Xiaozhi's face turned dark immediately, and he held his head in regret for a while.

"Damn it, I clearly predicted that you would throw a fist."

"Hmph, my uncle also predicted that you would predict that I will punch you."

"Okay, one for each person, if you lose, replace me!"

Xiao Zhi took three steps back and handed the stage to Xiao Mao.

That's right, the two are using rock-paper-scissors to decide who will fight first.

Fossil pterosaur: "?"

No matter how strong the opponent is, even if their lives are in danger, they have to fight alone to overthrow the opponent. This is their style!

"Tsk, let me see how powerful Zeng Jin's sky overlord is!"

Although the momentum of the two of them was crushed by the fossil pterosaur, Xiao Mao forced a vigorous smile, stepped across the horizontal line of the ravine, and stood in front of the fossil pterosaur.

"Hey, remember my name, I am Xiaomao from Zhenxin Town, the most powerful trainer in the future!"


A big brown tree stood in front of him.

Instead of throwing a new Poké Ball, he went ahead and chose the Coconut Tree that he had sent.

Maybe some old readers said, is this an idiot? The grass-type coconut egg tree was restrained by the fossil pterosaur!

"Hmph, my uncle is on the fifth floor! Cloud readers."

If he could see the chapter review, he would definitely say this with disdain.

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