He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 199 I am just a light bulb today

(Mine, copy-pasted. Check it out at 12:30...)

"Coconut egg tree, use the reflective wall!"

At the beginning of the battle, Xiao Mao opened a wall first.

The size of this fossilized pterosaur is the choice of physical attack style, and the reflection wall is not a loss.


A blue light appeared in the eyes of Coconut Egg Tree, and a transparent light wall was erected in front of him, and the subsequent physical damage received would be reduced.

Seeing that the fossil pterosaur did not take the initiative to attack, but looked at them with bloody eyes, Xiao Mao was half happy and half worried.

The good news is that this gives Coconut Egg Tree a chance to cover the attack, which is a big advantage for its steady style.

What is worrying is that the eyeballs of this fossil pterosaur are obviously red and purple, which proves that its spirit is in an extremely overdrawn state. In this case, the most normal behavior of a Pokémon should be rage and destruction.

But it can still observe the battlefield with its heart, which proves that its willpower is also ridiculously high!

"Use hypnotism next!" Xiao Mao launched an attack again.


The eyes of the coconut egg tree lit up again, and a halo of thought power popped up from the leaves above the head, exuding a special power that captivated people and fell towards the target.


The fossil pterosaur didn't do anything else, it just roared on the spot, and the extremely fishy storm abruptly dispersed the energy halo of the hypnosis.

Hypnotism fails.

Seeing this, Xiaomao frowned, and soon launched an attack again:

"Damn, in this case try this trick, use the seed bomb!"


This time, the coconut egg tree tilted its body and ejected a giant white seed. There was a layer of gunpowder smoke around it, as if it was about to explode at any moment, exuding a strong and dangerous atmosphere.


The fossil pterosaur still didn't move, it just raised its head and opened its mouth, caught the seed bomb on the spot, swallowed it in one gulp, and licked its tongue.


Half a second later, a muffled explosion sounded in its stomach, but the waves soon disappeared.

A [81 Chinese Network www.x81zw.xyz] sub-bomb?

The plant seeds in the prehistoric world are much more dangerous than these. The whole body of the fossilized pterosaur is covered with extremely hard ten thousand-year-old rocks. An explosion of this level cannot penetrate its stomach at all.

Seeing the continuous attacks being dealt with lightly by the opponent, it was as simple as breathing, which made Xiaomao and Xiaozhi, who was watching the battle from behind, understand the strength of the opponent.

I don't know how much the opponent's strength has been temporarily weakened by the long-term sleep, but it is impossible for the two of them to defeat each other without using all their strength.

Even now Xiaozhi predicted that Xiaomao would be defeated as soon as the opponent took the initiative to attack, and he was already thinking about his next battle in his mind.

"Pikachu, it's flying, you're restrained, are you confident?" He looked at the shiny electric mouse at his feet.


Pikachu nodded.

"Then I will appoint you as my number one general!"


Pikachu shook his head again.


But in fact, the meaning it wants to express is very simple.

Have confidence.

But it's not necessary.

Today it is not a Pokémon, but just a light bulb, the kind that can adjust the luminous power at will, pure neutral.

If the benefits are enough, they can even turn against each other on the spot and help the fossil pterosaurs electrify the two real new towns.

Xiaozhi: "..."


"Tsk, we use supernatural powers!!"

Xiao Mao was still attacking unrelentingly.

I saw that the light in the eyes of the coconut egg tree increased greatly, this time it was replaced by a penetrating blue light, which spread outward like ripples, covering all of the fossilized pterosaurs.


The blue light enveloped it like a barrier, and even continued to exert force to cause damage to it.



The fossilized pterosaur stood upright with its neck facing the sky, and with a roar, the blue light power on its body was instantly torn into pieces by it.

Magical power failed.

Immediately, the fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings, the stone wings crossed in front of its body, the arrow tail stood up, and its whole body presented a shape that perfectly counteracts friction.


A pink-purple energy light group appeared around Qi's body, and suddenly a terrifying and strong pressure enveloped the audience. The energy light group began to rotate and turned into a spiral shock wave!

The body of the fossilized pterosaur turned into a spiral shock wave, which shot out suddenly!

Ultimate Shock! !


The speed was extremely fast, and he rushed to the coconut egg tree in an instant, and the latter had no time to use any skills to resist.


There was a sound of glass breaking.

The reflective wall opened by the Coconut Egg Tree shattered and failed in an instant. In the face of the absolute disparity in power, small tricks are meaningless.


------- (copy copy...)

At the beginning of the battle, Xiao Mao opened a wall first.

The size of this fossilized pterosaur is the choice of physical attack style, and the reflection wall is not a loss.


A blue light appeared in the eyes of Coconut Egg Tree, and a transparent light wall was erected in front of him, and the subsequent physical damage received would be reduced.

Seeing that the fossil pterosaur did not take the initiative to attack, but looked at them with bloody eyes, Xiao Mao was half happy and half worried.

The good news is that this gives Coconut Egg Tree a chance to cover the attack, which is a big advantage for its steady style.

What is worrying is that the eyeballs of this fossil pterosaur are obviously red and purple, which proves that its spirit is in an extremely overdrawn state. In this case, the most normal behavior of a Pokémon should be rage and destruction.

But it can still observe the battlefield with its heart, which proves that its willpower is also ridiculously high!

"Use hypnotism next!" Xiao Mao launched an attack again.


The eyes of the coconut egg tree lit up again, and a halo of thought power popped up from the leaves above the head, exuding a special power that captivated people and fell towards the target.


The fossil pterosaur didn't do anything else, it just roared on the spot, and the extremely fishy storm abruptly dispersed the energy halo of the hypnosis.

Hypnotism fails.

Seeing this, Xiaomao frowned, and soon launched an attack again:

"Damn, in this case try this trick, use the seed bomb!"


This time, the coconut egg tree tilted its body and ejected a giant white seed. There was a layer of gunpowder smoke around it, as if it was about to explode at any moment, exuding a strong and dangerous atmosphere.


The fossil pterosaur still didn't move, it just raised its head and opened its mouth, caught the seed bomb on the spot, swallowed it in one gulp, and licked its tongue.


Half a second later, a muffled explosion sounded in its stomach, but the waves soon disappeared.

Seed bomb?

The plant seeds in the prehistoric world are much more dangerous than these. The whole body of the fossilized pterosaur is covered with extremely hard ten thousand-year-old rocks. An explosion of this level cannot penetrate its stomach at all.

Seeing the continuous attacks being dealt with lightly by the opponent, it was as simple as breathing, which made Xiaomao and Xiaozhi, who was watching the battle from behind, understand the strength of the opponent.

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