He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 200: The Roaring Tiger

"It's up to you, 002!"

Xiaozhi ignored Froggrass's tangled expression and pushed it out.


Froggrass looked at the sky overlord of ancient times on the high rock platform, and shuddered violently. This sense of oppression was much stronger than that of the previous fossil helmets.

But as a lone guest at the end of the world, it still cheered up and took a step forward, staring closely at the other party with resolute eyes.

This enemy looks invincible, in fact it seems invincible, but it is not afraid of it!

"Frog Grass, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

"Cut the seeds!"

With a flick of its bud, the frogweed flung out dozens of green leaves, circling in the air and shooting them away, turning into countless dangerous sharp blades.

The fossil pterosaur didn't dodge, and ate these menacing flying leaves and sharp knives, even licking its mouth.

"Da da da..."

The sharp blade hit the rock-like firm body of the fossil pterosaur, and it turned into debris very simply and fell down.


Even with the blessings of Muggles 002 and 003, the strength of Froggrass has been greatly improved, but it still hasn't achieved any effective attacks.


The fossilized pterosaur didn't have much patience this time and waited for Xiaozhi to test each skill one by one. It fluttered its wings again, and a terrifying pink energy spiral condensed around its body, constantly circling into a penetrating energy wrapped around it. The whole body, and then rushed forward.

Ultimate Shock! !

Even with the durability of the Coconut Egg Tree, they are instantly killed, but with the body of the Frog Grass, it is not much better to be attacked.

Facing the almost invincible attack from mid-air from the middle and lower floors, but there was a gap of less than half a meter below, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly brightened, and he shouted:

"Great opportunity, Frog Grass! The other party is in a hurry now, let's use the [书趣阅www.shuquge.xyz] grass shovel!"

This is not aimless.

Xiaozhi remembered that during the time of the P1 fighting match, he had observed the battle video of the Royal Masked Man. The latter would instantly kill everyone he met along the way, and basically encountered no enemies that could fight against him.

The title of the number one Pokémon in the universe is also gradually spreading in the fighting world.

There were also many discussions on the forum at that time, discussing how to fight against the almost invincible Scarlet Flame Roaring Tiger. Various dirty routines appeared frequently, making people curse and contempt, and at the same time, they ordered their favorites in private.

Hehe, sand sculpture netizens, there is no money, there are a lot of tricks.

But a routine at the top has attracted everyone's attention.


"Actually, it's not difficult. When the blazing and roaring tiger rushes over, you only need a sliding shovel to easily solve it (sweating expression)"

"Second floor (smoking emoji)."

"You don't need to look down, the landlord is stupid, the appraisal is complete."

"Makes me laugh."

"Pure passerby, indeed (funny expression)."

"What you catch is fish, what is it that you don't have?"


The first follow-up posts were all ridiculed, even swearing, and they scolded nearly 300 layers.

Later, the host seemed to be scolded anxiously, and directly sent a video.

There are pictures and truth.

In the video, it is a brown goat with a layer of green leaves around its neck and back, and a pair of long dark brown horns growing on its head.

The goat mount is a characteristic Pokémon in the Carlos area, and it is often ridden by people.

Opposite it is a red and black fiery red tiger cub.

It is not so much a tiger as it is a tabby cat with a jingle around its neck, but its size is only half the size of the goat on which it is mounted.

Hot Meow, the second-order form of the Flaming Roaring Tiger lineage, can be considered half a tiger.

I saw that hot cat covered in thick flames, flying towards it with extraordinary power.

Although it is not a great skill, Flame Charge, it is just a small skill, Gunpowder Charge.

The goat on the mount was as immobile as a mountain, coping with it calmly, facing the opponent's gunpowder smoke and charging, I saw it suddenly lowered its head, ran violently, and brushed past the hot cat by sticking to the floor.

It's a one-hit slide.

And when the figures of the two overlapped, the mount goat in the sliding shovel suddenly raised its head, and stabbed its own pair of sharp horns fiercely on the hot meow's belly.

But Hot Meow couldn't brake, and the gunsmoke charge flashed by.

With the strength of the other party, the goat's horns directly drew two long marks on the latter's belly. The picture was too bloody, and there was a mosaic behind it.

Win or lose.


"Haha old shoveler!"

"The landlord is awesome!"

"The misunderstanding is resolved, we are all brothers."

The wind direction of the post was reversed instantly, and most of the people turned black on the spot, and there were even a lot of reasonable people who agreed later.

"What the host said is true. I don't understand why so many people are spraying it. The physique of people can't be generalized... (sweating emoji)"

"It's nothing strange. In fact, the stronger the enemy, the easier it is to deal with. I understand everything I know, and it's not convenient for me to say more about those I don't understand..."

"When I was in the third grade of elementary school, I met a three-meter-tall circle bear. When it flew towards me, I just threw it on my back with my strength, and it twisted its head to the ground to the neck, so it couldn't fight. ( Sweating emoji)”

The host of the last post also posted the schedule information of the fighting competition at the P1 regional level in a few days later.

"Don't tear it up, I will use the sliding shovel tactics to defeat the invincible roaring tiger, remember to cheer me up (happy expression)."


"Lord nb!"

"Jimeis, let's go!"


Of course, Xiaozhi didn't know what happened later. At that time, he had already entered Jinhuang City, and he was focused on Nazi.

But he still remembered that the last host mentioned a secret trick, which is the key to everything, so he reminded again:

"Froggrass, remember to stay angry, and use the grass shovel when you are extremely angry. This fossil pterosaur is actually not difficult to deal with!"

Xiaomao, who was watching the show at the back: "?"

Frog Grass: "?"

And my trick is called the grass slide, not the grass slide!

There is no other way, Froggrass can only get up its spirits and force itself to become angry. Facing the menacing ultimate impact, its body is also covered with a layer of green light energy. He hit the floor and rushed out.

Grass slide!

It still has four small straw sandals on its limbs at the moment, and it can still maintain the speed of the grass attribute, and it just jumped right under the fossil pterosaur in an instant.

"Use Froggrass now, use..." Before he could finish speaking, Xiaozhi's words were choked up in an instant.

The mount goat has horns and can attack upwards at the same time when sliding the shovel. What does my own frog grass have?

Use small flowers to flush fossil pterosaurs?

Frog Grass: "?"

Its grass sliding shovel action is also suffocating. Froggrass thinks that Xiaozhi has a follow-up understanding, so what about the follow-up?


I really believed in your evil!


The fossil pterosaur that was dodged by the sliding shovel fluttered its wings again. The spiral energy of the ultimate impact had not yet dissipated. It reversed a direction in the air and rushed towards the helpless frog grass directly below again. The power of the ultimate impact was even greater. layer!


Froggrass no longer hesitates, and now it is still in the state of a grass slide, and it can take the first step in anything.


A red light shone on Froggrass, and it returned to the poke ball.

The idea is tight, and the wind is tight.

Today's kda has brushed enough, the rest will be sure next time.


"Boom! Boom!!" In the next second, the terrifying ultimate impact hit the rocky ground, directly smashing out a big hole, and the smoke, dust and rock fragments flew indiscriminately, covering the face of Xiaozhi who was at the front...

Xiaozhi, defeated.



The follow-up to the p1 fighting competition.

The post about the sliding shovel on the Blazing Roaring Tiger was posted a year ago, and the game naturally ended a year ago.

The ending is of course obvious.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger swooped forward with Flame Charge, while the goat on the mount lowered its head with a sliding shovel according to the pre-match tactic, trying to tear the Roaring Tiger's belly apart with its horns.

Then his neck was slapped and broken by a roaring tiger in mid-air, and he died on the spot...


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