He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 201 Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, the twin bonds of Zhenxin Town!

"Xiaozhi, you lost."

Seeing Froggrass scoring the goal, Xiao Mao in the back laughed loudly, and announced the result unceremoniously.

Slider? Extremely angry?

He wanted to give the man who invented this tactic a slide on his head.

But he also completed the pre-judgment, and Xiaozhi was defeated as he expected.

Then it's time for his solo show!



Before Xiaomao could throw a new elf ball, several sounds of smashing the wall and digging the ground came from above the heads of the two, and even a lot of broken stones fell from the ceiling, leaving the two of them ashamed.

After such a long time, the new mountain male king has naturally been born. The first thing he does when he takes office is to direct the mountain males to continue digging fossils in Yangjian.

Due to the two terrifying final impacts of the previous fossil pterosaurs, there was a lot of commotion in the entire deep pit cave, which naturally attracted the attention of all the mountain men. I secretly thought that such a commotion might not be that some extraordinary treasure is about to be born , They all exerted their breastfeeding strength and dug fiercely at the rock formation directly above the two of them.

Many mountain men know geology, and they already understand that the bottom is a hollowed-out deep pit, so I'm afraid there is something big.

The sound is getting closer and closer. It is estimated that in less than 5 minutes, the ceiling here will be pierced, exposing the actions of the two.

"Tsk, no time."

The two looked at each other. The so-called plan can't keep up with the changes. It's still a matter of whether they can defeat this fossil pterosaur if they continue to fight alone now, but it's basically impossible to tell the winner within five minutes.

Even the plan in Xiaomao's mind at the moment is to use bladder tactics to slowly drag the fossil pterosaur to death.

"Let's fit together, Xiaomao." Xiaozhi suddenly suggested.

Xiao Mao frowned slightly, feeling the gradually loud movement above his head, he could only loosen his brows.

"Although I don't like it, it seems like this is the only way to go."

Immediately, the two of them clapped their hands together, side by side, and straddled in front of the horizontal line of the ravine at the same time, looking at the target with bright eyes.

For a moment, there seemed to be two faint streamers of light shining on the two of them, secretly connecting.

True newcomers have double bonds, and unlucky dudes have double bonds.

Of course, there are Xiaozhi's own Liantou Qingyi, and Xiaomao's Kaizi...

No matter which of the two takes over, the fossilized pterosaur will be sent to the backyard of Dr. Damu in Zhenxin Town in the end. In the future, as long as the two of them visit each other more and give more gifts, there will always be a chance to lure it into the team.

But if those mountain men broke in, after some scrambling, it is estimated that this fossil pterosaur will end up being sent to the Pokémon League and officially incorporated.

In the end, nine times out of ten, he was cut off by the champion Du. After all, the latter had an understanding of flying attributes, and even carried a fossil pterosaur on his body, but it is said that it was only a 50% prehistoric dragon. The bloodline machine restores the fossilized pterosaur.

With a rich 100% prehistoric blood, plus a highly intelligent fossil pterosaur, even the champion will drool.

"Come out, my baby!"

"It's up to you, my trump card!"

The two of them didn't hesitate any more, they gave a low drink at the same time, and threw their elf balls in front of them.



Two red lights flashed, and two Pokémon with diametrically opposite forms appeared in front of them.

A thin Toutuo and a fat Toutuo.

In front of Xiaomao was a dark golden humanoid Pokémon with a fox face and a long beard like an old man. It was thin and standing upright on the ground, holding two silver pokemon in its hands. The spoon shone with a strange light.

An invisible force of thought condensed around it, and its strength seemed truly extraordinary.

"this is only...?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, this Pokémon looked a bit like an opponent he had met before, Nazi's Pokémon.

"Didi. Hudi, the evolution of Yongjila, can control powerful superpowers, and has a higher IQ than most humans. There have been cases of Hudi taming humans in some areas."

Xiaozhi's illustration book prompted.

On the other side, in front of him was a big black-purple fat man with a pair of truly blood-red eyes, a wide open mouth, and two chubby hands crossed in front of him, with a dangerous and sinister aura. Equally extraordinary, not inferior at all!

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the temperature of the surrounding caves dropped a lot and became gloomy.

Xiaozhi couldn't help but nodded, this Geng Ghost finally didn't embarrass him in front of his rivals, he was very handsome on stage!

You can always trust Geng Gui!

Unless there's a female Gengar standing next to it!


Xiaomao's illustration book also issued a reminder.

Seeing the Pokémon sent by both sides, the two also recognized each other a little bit. After all, in the Kanto region, Hu Di and Geng Gui can be regarded as side-by-side symmetrical Pokémon, and they are both powerful classes of the T1 party.

There is a similar relationship between unicorns and green caterpillars...

Gyarados and Menus...

Coal Turtle and Kyoka...

"My master C, you assist me."

"My master C, you assist me."

The two said the same words, and then looked at each other with black lines on their faces.

Both Geng Gui and Hu Di are super crispy skins with high movement speed and high output. They are the best players in singles, but they are a bit cerebral palsy in doubles.

Bot lane double ad?

But soon, the two of them turned their attention to the fossil pterosaur in front of them again, and there was no hesitation in their eyes, only a similar and strong fighting spirit remained.

The corner of Xiaomao's mouth curled up, revealing a handsome smile, with deep eyes:

"Then cover each other."

Xiaozhi pressed the brim of his hat, in high spirits:

"Attack together."

"Within five minutes, I'll get rid of you!!" The two shouted at the same time.

Hu Di and Geng Gui understood, flashed to both sides, and approached the fossil pterosaur from two directions at the same time at an extremely fast speed.

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao are childhood sweethearts who grew up together in Zhenxin Town since they were young. They have a tacit understanding of this kind of thing, it all depends on whether they want to.

I don't want to, it's just that there is no tacit understanding, and the first step in playing a two-person three-legged game will be to face the ground on the street.

But once you think about it, it's a seamless fit!

"Hu Di, use Future Foretelling!!" Xiao Mao took the lead in attacking!


On one side, Huti raised the silver spoon to point at the fossil pterosaur, continued to exert strength, and a strange white light began to light up on its body, as if something was happening.


The fossilized pterosaur felt a hint of danger from the two Pokémon. The prehistoric Pokémon had a keen sense of battle. A solid rock, as if he was about to throw it to interrupt Hu Di's movement.


Geng Gui's fat body suddenly appeared in front of the fossil pterosaur, opened his bloody mouth and made a face at it at zero distance, abruptly interrupting the fossil pterosaur's stone attack.

The fossilized pterosaur was furious, a raging flame ignited in its mouth, and was about to bite the purple-black fat man, but the latter flashed his figure, and then pulled out three or four meters, sticking to the rock wall to keep a distance.


Hu Di also put down the spoon in his hand, and it seemed that the skill was activated successfully.

But nothing else seems to change.

Xiaomao remained indifferent, commanding again:

"Go on, Hu Di, use the defensive deuce!"

Once entering the combat state, the previous appearance of the second generation ancestor of Kaizi disappeared, and there was only one trainer who had already counted 5 or 6 levels of experience in his mind, and his overall outlook was much higher than that of his peers.

As Hu Di swung the spoon, this time a strange white light fell on it and the fossilized pterosaur at the same time.

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