He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 202 Prehistoric blood!

In their souls, the two were silently watching the battle and watching the show.

Chi still swayed in the grand teacher's chair and didn't show any intention of getting up.

And Qinglu also ignored its movements, feeling the first perspective from Xiaomao's eyes, as if she had discovered it, she couldn't help but said:

"Hey, Chi, this fossilized pterosaur seems to be..."

"Well, indeed..."

Chi nodded. He has a fossilized pterosaur that was hatched and recovered from the mysterious amber fossil. He understands this kind of Pokémon.

"Then this fossilized pterosaur is really a bit unbelievable, if it's real..."

Qinglu's eyes flickered suddenly, and he couldn't help but move as calmly as he could. If Xiaomao could subdue it and train it a little, maybe it could become a real sky overlord in the modern world!

Then its face became flat again, as if indifferent.

In fact, that's right, no matter how high the aptitude is, it doesn't mean much to the two of them who have already reached the apex, and what is needed to go further up is not just talent and aptitude.

But the meaning to the current Xiaomao and Xiaozhi is infinite.

This has to be fought!

There was a wise look in the blue-green eyes that grasped the overall situation, but he didn't move, and then he walked to Chi's side with his hands behind his back, and his palms lightly fell on his shoulders.

He opened his mouth inadvertently, and seemed to speak casually, with some emotion in his tone.

"Chisang, you said the flowers in your hometown should be blooming by now...?"


His movements were suffocated, Qinglu's words caught him off guard for a while...



Hu Di's defensive deuce was launched successfully.

This skill can bring the defensive power of the two to the same level. For Hu Di and the fossil pterosaur, it means depriving part of the latter's defensive power to supplement the former.

Although with Hu Di's large crispy skin, it is equivalent to no supplementation, but it is not a small weakness for the fossil pterosaur.


Feeling that he was inexplicably weakened, the fossil pterosaur also became angry, and just about to open his bloody mouth to bite Hudi, Geng Gui on one side of the rock wall made another move, and suddenly slammed at the rock wall behind him. Throw a punch.

The fossil pterosaur was puzzled for a while, where did you black fat man punch in the void?

In the next second, a shadow energy black fist shot out from a shadow in front of it, and shot straight at its face.


Shadow Fist!

The fossil pterosaur quickly flapped its wings to raise its body, but unexpectedly, this shadow punch seemed to be able to track and also raised its body position, and the punch hit its face at a tricky angle.



Shadow Fist is a must-hit skill and cannot be dodged.

The fossil pterosaur shook its head, its eyes became scarlet, but its mind became calmer. As the prehistoric sky overlord, this trick would not make it panic.

I saw its rocky wings rubbing against the air suddenly, and there was a heavy friction sound of "spoofing".

Its body seemed to become lighter, and its figure moved extremely quickly in the deep pit, with a sudden increase in speed.

"Didi. Rock grinding. Rock-type Pokémon can greatly increase their speed by smoothing the edges and corners of their bodies and reducing air friction."

Xiaozhi's illustration book reminded.

Then there was a burst of blue light in the eyes of the fossil pterosaur. This was not a superpower, but several rocks were created out of thin air on the heads of Geng Gui and Hu Di at the same time, and then fell down.



The speed of the two was also not low, and they took a few steps back to easily avoid these big rocks.


However, the moment these big rocks fell to the ground, they scattered and cracked, turning into countless small stones and dust, clinging to Geng Gui and Hu Di's bodies. The weight was added to their bodies, and their expressions were a little uncomfortable, and their speed dropped by one level on the spot.

"Beep. The rock seal can reduce the speed of the enemy."

On the frontal battlefield, the fossilized pterosaur took advantage of this gap and landed on a high rocky platform. The sharp claws at the wing joints and the two hind thighs were tearing at the rock, and every time they swiped, they could smash the rock hard. Make deep marks several centimeters deep.

A rich and aggressive red light also lit up on it.

Grinding claws can increase attack power and hit rate.

"I finally know why it allowed us to attack before..."

Xiao Mao's tone became more profound than ever.

Prehistoric Pokémon have been sleeping for thousands of years, or even ten thousand years, and their bones will naturally become extremely slow when they wake up again. The fossil pterosaurs have been deliberately delaying time, even allowing their own people to be captured and subdued.

Everything is for slowly adapting to its body.

In other words, it is constantly making itself stronger now!

"We must make a quick decision!"

Xiaozhi shouted in a low voice, he also sensed that something was wrong.

He doesn't understand these bells and whistles, he only knows that at this moment, after a round of battle, the momentum of the fossil pterosaur has not weakened, but has become more intense.

And the sound of "ding ding ding" digging above the head is getting closer.

The two looked at each other and launched an attack together again.


After sharpening its claws, the physical quality of the fossil pterosaur has risen to a higher level, and once again condensed several brown rocks to wrap its body, and charged towards the sky with a more terrifying and powerful might.

Primal power!

Xiao Mao hurriedly shouted:

"Let's take cover this time, Hu Di, use mental force!"


Hu Di folded the spoon in his hand, and the extremely powerful light wave of thought power came out of his body, and even a giant light blue energy hand was condensed visible to the naked eye, trying to grab the fossil pterosaur that was charging.


In less than half a second, the blue hand was shattered, and the mental power was instantly released, and the fossil pterosaur under the primitive force continued to sprint towards the Hudi in the front.

Even during the flight, there were bursts of fierce red light on his body again, and the original power has a certain chance to improve the quality of his whole body.

Unable to dodge, Xiaomao could only choose to carry it hard.

"Hu Di, use hold!"

As a big crispy skin, the ability to protect is a must.


Facing the menacing primordial power of the fossil pterosaur, Hu Di stacked the silver spoon in front of him, and created a strange cyan spherical shield out of thin air to protect himself in it.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The original force bombarded the protective cover, and there was a terrifying explosion, the energy spread wantonly, and the smoke and dust billowed.

At the center point, Hu Di firmly held the spoon in his hand. Faced with this huge force, not only the spoon was bent, but even his fingers were twisted out of a piercing arc.

Hold, although it is defined as an invincible skill that can block all attacks in the data, it is not so outrageous in reality. Once the gap is too large, this skill will become invalid.


The fossilized pterosaur under the original power roared again, this time it turned into a rich scarlet blood that soared to the sky from its body, and the power that had reached its peak could go up to a higher level, reaching an extremely terrifying level , the entire deep pit of the cave began to tremble, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.


It was also like the movement caused by the mountain man above. At this moment, the distance between them and the rock formation in Yangjian was less than 2 meters.

"Is this the power of prehistoric blood..."

It was the first time for Xiaozhi and the two of them to see this kind of scarlet blood energy, and they were shocked by the power displayed by this ancient beast that seemed to travel through time and space to them, and they dared not take a breath...

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