He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 203 Defeat the Overlord of the Sky!


Primal power erupts! !


In less than half a second, there was a sound of glass breaking out of thin air.

The cyan shield that was defending finally couldn't bear the pressure of the disparity and shattered. Hu Di's body was completely exposed. At this moment, he had no way to dodge, and had to eat the terrifying primitive force of this blow head-on.

With the degree of crispness of the two of them, it is impossible to withstand this almost invincible impact alone!


The primitive power fossil pterosaur bombarded Hudi's abdomen without hindrance, and the huge force slanted out wantonly, denting the latter's stomach in just an instant, and his eyes almost turned white and blue.

"Hu Di, hold on!!!"

Xiaomao's low-pitched rejuvenation roar brought Hu Di back to his senses, and his super high IQ made his willpower not too weak.

But it was still just crumbling under this attack, struggling to death.


The fossil pterosaur who was still launching a rock attack sneered disdainfully. Even if it regained its clarity temporarily, its attack has just begun. How long can you last?

At this moment, its whole body is fiery red, and its black-brown solid stone body is stained with a fierce red color, but it is completely different from the power of the flame, as if it is bathed in the bloody light all over the sky.

It is impossible for anyone to block its peak blow!

With the double strength increase of grinding claws and primitive power, coupled with the surge increase of its own prehistoric bloodline, this blow can be regarded as its full blow even in the prehistoric world!

Feeling the change of the primordial power, smoke and dust engulfed his eyes, but Xiao Mao's eyes were wide open, staring at the movements of the two people at the junction. Dare not take a breath.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered some critical point, and immediately roared loudly:

"It's now, Hu Di!"


Hu Di's silver spoon had already reached its limit and showed several crack marks, and his consciousness was on the verge of a dark faint. It couldn't bear another second, and immediately activated its skills.


In the fierce light all over the sky, its figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the front of the fossilized pterosaur rock impact was instantly emptied.


In the next second, a purple-black fat man appeared in that position, taking the unstoppable primordial force of this blow head-on instead of Hu Di.

Hudi used the exchange venue!

"Boom boom boom!!"

The huge force of the original force was still venting crazily, pushing Geng Gui's body backwards continuously, his purple-black body trembling, Geng Gui instantly entered an extremely weak state, but his pair of blood eyes were firmly open, biting The teeth are stiff!

Can't stand it alone?

Then two people will eat half of the damage each!

"Boom boom!!"

Combining the common fleshiness of the two, they finally carried this attack that seemed impossible to block.

Some readers may ask, since it is possible to switch places, why doesn't Hu Di just use teleportation to escape?

Is it Geng Gui who deliberately cheated Xiaozhi?

"Geng Geng Geng..."

The terrifying primordial power finally came to an end, and Geng Gui in mid-air frowned and wailed out of breath.

With just one blow, it has already entered the state of a candle in the wind.

Similarly, the barren land behind is also a candle in the wind.

No matter who resists for a while, they may lose their fighting ability on the spot.

But at this moment, in Geng Gui's two chubby palms, a dark black energy light cluster is rolling, and the rich energy has been accumulated to the extreme...

You must know that Hu Di was carrying it hard before, and the exchange of venues was also a skill that Hu Di was using. Geng Gui has been in a state of stealth by paddling water.

And by exchanging venues, the distance between Geng Gui and the fossil pterosaur directly came to a wirelessly approaching position...

Xiaozhi finally showed his fangs, waved his thumb and shouted:

"Now, Geng Gui, use hypnotism!!"

The coconut egg tree's hypnosis didn't work before, so try his current zero-distance hypnosis with full energy reserves! !


Before the smoke and dust dissipated, Geng Gui pushed out his palms, and the black energy in his palms surrounded the target in a wave of light, constantly fluctuating and rippling, and the powerful strange energy completely enveloped the fossil pterosaur, making it too late to dodge.


The fossilized pterosaur's eyes suddenly narrowed a lot, but it still managed to stay awake.

Even under this well-planned and perfectly timed hypnotism, it still doesn't seem to be fully working.

At this time, a palm was placed on Xiaozhi's shoulder, and a low voice sounded:

"Hu Di, we also use hypnotism!!"

Hu Di, who had finished exchanging venues, immediately gave up thinking about the situation after exchanging positions with Geng Gui, and completely handed over the battlefield layout to Geng Gui, concentrating on gathering its hypnotism in the back.

This is a kind of trust and a tacit understanding.

That's right, Xiao Mao once again predicted that Xiao Zhi's perfect hypnosis might not be effective.

Just one more time!

Unknowingly, Hu Di had already stood beside Geng Gui, dragging his bruised body, raised the nearly cracked silver spoon, and pushed it with his palm.

In the next second, the same extremely strong hypnotic fluctuations also enveloped the fossil pterosaur.


Double perfect hypnotism! !


This time, a powerful drowsiness hit, and the fossil pterosaur, no matter how high-willed it was, finally couldn't bear it anymore, closed its bloodshot eyes, and fell to the ground with a "slap".

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth raised, feeling that the ceiling above his head might be completely pierced in less than a minute, but the anxiety in his eyes had long since disappeared.

He smiled at Xiaomao next to him, and then slowly looked at the target.

Both of them instructed at the same time:

"It's over, Geng Gui (Hu Di)! Use the last dream eater!!"



The two Pokémon activated their final power at the same time, and two dark phantoms that looked similar to them came out through the body, and flew towards the sleeping fossil pterosaur. The sound of fear.

Double big trick, eat dream! !


The sleeping fossil pterosaur let out a muffled grunt, and its closed eyes finally turned into spiral eyes...

Overlord of the sky?

As long as the two of them work together, even if Champion Du came, he would rush together today!

But Geng Gui and Hu Di, who were still in the state of candles in the wind just now, became flushed again in the green light, and returned to a healthy green blood state.

"Xiao Mao, our cooperation is perfect!"

Seeing the mighty fossil pterosaur fell in front of him, Xiaozhi's face was flushed, but he was gasping for breath, wanting to yell at the sky.

The aura of the enemy always felt stronger than when he faced that Ah Ju that day!

"Hmph, Xiaozhi, I will temporarily admit that you are my strong enemy, although only today..."

Xiao Mao supported his old waist with one hand and was out of breath, but his eyes were full of joy.

Previously, the two of them suffered extreme injuries together, exchanged venues to cover each other's double hypnosis, and double dream-eating, all without any verbal communication, all by eye contact.

Maybe it's really a new town, maybe there really are some fetters...

The two looked at each other with a smile, waved their palms at the same time, and held each other's palm with a "snap". This was the first time they recognized each other's strength after traveling from Zhenxin Town.

It's as if they have rediscovered the leisurely days when they played and played together when they were young, and fried Kentello's feces together in the back mountain of Zhenxin Town...


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