He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2009 Battle against the subway, Baby Bureau! (superior)

Seeing that Xiaozhi still looked reluctant, Douzi hurriedly explained carefully.

"I think you misunderstood. Our plan will never delay you, or specify where you will go or what tasks to do."

No way, now their company has no bargaining chips, and their attitude is extremely low.

"What we want is Mr. Xiaozhi's right to create public opinion, and be responsible for the post-publicity, hype, and creation of some characters for every battle and every Pokémon you have done~!"

"And these things don't need you to do it yourself, you just need to delegate power to us to do it!"

With a serious face, Douzi patted his chest to assure him.

With Xiaozhi's performance, there is actually no need to exaggerate the marketing. Spreading the actual situation is enough to attract attention.

What was lacking in the past was that there was no media that would continue to dig out Xiaozhi's news.

This is definitely an excellent opportunity for their BW Arts Company to catch up!

Hearing that he didn't need to do anything, Xiaozhi's expression relaxed a lot.

Seeing that he was back on track, Dou Zi secretly rejoiced, and then noticed Ming Yi next to him, and immediately had an idea.

"By the way, aren't you guys going to challenge the subway today? Just right, Mr. Nanxia and I will team up and have a 2v2 battle with you~!"

According to her investigation, Xiaozhi is a fighting maniac.

Talking to myself like this is still a bit strange and estranged, but as long as there is a hearty battle, the relationship between each other should be closer!

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up.

"Hey~ can you fight with Miss Douzi?"

Mingyi didn't react, and looked at Nansha curiously.

Nanxia's back is always standing straight, which is the professional quality of a conductor.

He looked at Douzi, and immediately understood the latter's plan, but he didn't stop him, he just said:

"Yes, yes, but I will not pay you extra wages for the battle."

Sitting in the kiosk to get a seal and accepting the challenge as a facility trainer are naturally two different jobs.

"Okay, okay~!"

Douzi's voice gradually became louder, and he waved his hands nonchalantly.

When she wins Xiaozhi's big order and comes back to life, she will never work part-time again in this life!

"Don't underestimate me, my strength is also very strong~!"

Douzi looked at Xiaozhi and the two of them, pointed at himself with a thumbs up, and said in high spirits.

This aroused Xiaozhi's interest. This woman already knows her resume information, and she can still be so confident in this situation. Does it look like she really has a hand?

"Then let's fight!"

So Xiaozhi immediately let out a low shout, it was rare to come down to fight the subway, so he just tried the battle here!

After a while, the four of them had arrived under the subway tracks.



The lights above were a bit dim, and there was an endless dark train track tunnel in the front and back, and the sound of the speeding subway could be heard from time to time.

On both sides, there are two subway tracks speeding in opposite directions, and the stadium is sandwiched in the middle.

The location is not particularly empty, it is a standard arena specification.

However, there is no extra space outside the left and right bounds. Once it goes out of bounds, it will fall directly on the subway track, and may be scratched or hit by the subway passing by suddenly.

"You can fight with peace of mind here, the subways are built very solidly and securely, don't worry about any damage to the surrounding buildings~!"

Standing opposite, Douzi put his palms to his mouth and shouted like a trumpet.

Obviously she is very familiar with the environment of fighting against the subway.

Nan Xia beside him also added:

"Then in this doubles match, everyone has two Pokémon as the choice side, and all 4 Pokémon lose the ability to fight, that is, the winner!"


Xiaozhi looked at the elf ball in his hand and calmed down a little.

Mingyi beside him also clenched his fists, secretly encouraging himself.

It's the first time to play doubles with Xiaozhi, so don't hold back!

Under the signal of a conductor referee, four people on both sides threw the poke balls at the same time.

boom! boom!

Nanxia sent a small black and blue stone-shaped Pokémon without facial features or limbs.

In the center of the body, there is an inwardly sunken yellow hexagonal hole, below which is a pair of short rock legs.

"Beep! Stone balls, rock properties, hardness not inferior to steel, have energy cores in their bodies, often used by big rock snakes to rub and polish their bodies, and stone crabs destroy rocks to create stone shells, and sometimes super-armored wild rhinos will stuff them Enter the hole in the palm and launch Loto~!"

Rotom broadcasts reports automatically.

Three Pokémon appeared in succession, which made Nanxia's expression darken.

Is Shiwanzi so miserable?

And Douzi's Pokémon, which Xiaozhi met once in the desert on Route 4, was a vulture chick.

Like Bobbi, the lower body is still wrapped in a light brown eggshell, revealing short wings and a red-skinned, hairless head, but there are a few soaring feathers on the top of the head, which looks a bit vicious .

"Beep beep! Vulture girl, evil and flying attributes, playful personality, wings are too small to fly, so she often jumps and longs for the sky, pay attention! The eggshell of the vulture girl's lower body is not an eggshell, but the eggshell after eating food. , the protective shell Loto made of the remains of prey~!"

Rotom's introduction was somewhat terrifying.

This made Douzi take a few more glances at the weird picture book floating in the air.

She remembered that in the data, Xiaozhi didn't have this machine by his side before, right?

Perhaps this interesting and eccentric illustrated book also has the potential for hype?

As for Xiaozhi and Mingyi's Pokémon.

A vine snake on one side and a water otter on the other.

The four of them coincidentally sent out baby Pokémon.

Since it was the first round, it was natural to relax a little.

Of course, there is only Mingyi, because there is only a baby on him.

The battle begins!

"Ishiwanko, use Rockfall!"

"Barbara, use Air Slash!!"

From the very beginning, Nanxia and Douzi launched a fierce attack.

Barbara is the nickname Douzi gave his vulture girl.

In the next moment, several rocks floated and condensed around Shi Wanzi's body, each of which was bigger than the body.

The vulture girl jumped up, flapped her short wings forward, and immediately sent out several sharp air slashes!

Although the two of them are small babies, they are all mature moves.

They have all seen Xiaozhi's resume, the opponent is extremely strong, even though it is only a baby at the moment, but the moment he makes a move, it is a real move.

"Rice wine rice wine?!"

The two moves came at the same time, and the otter panicked. He quickly raised the scallop on his chest to block it, and almost dropped the shell in his panic.

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