He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2010 Battle against the subway, Baby Bureau! (Down)

"Vine snake, use tornado!"

However, in the face of two dangerous moves attacking at the same time, the rattan snake did not panic at all, a blue light flashed in its eyes, and then the little snake flicked its tail horizontally.

Whoosh! !

Immediately, the entire arena, from bottom to top, blew a whirlwind.

The power of the airflow is not too great, but it has a dense and entangled feeling. It not only restrains the movements of the vulture girl and Shiwanzi at the same time, but also blows the attack trajectories of the rock avalanche and air slash upwards slightly.

This caused the two moves to deviate from the track, passing over the heads of the rattan snake and the water otter, missing the target.

"Oh, the newly cultivated Pokémon, what a powerful rattan snake!"

Douzi's eyes brightened, and she was familiar with the Fuji Vine Snake from the Yusan family in the Hezhong area.

But although the rattan snake in front of me has just started, its calm and wise temperament seems to be completely different from other rattan snakes.

Seeing that they had completely turned into the background board, Mingyi and Shui Otter secretly encouraged themselves.

"Otter, use the shell blade!!"

Unwilling to admit defeat, the water otter immediately raised the water shell blade and charged straight at the two of them.

And Douzi and Nansha looked at each other, Mingyi looked like Xiaobai, and the latter quickly said:

"Shiwanzi, Cannon Light Cannon!"

Ishiwanko quickly broke free from the shackles of the tornado, the energy core in his body exerted force, and a silver-white laser beam suddenly shot out, bursting the ground in front of the otter, forcing the latter to stop its movements.

"Now, Barbara, use the wave of evil!!"

Under the cover of the smoke, a beam of countless black light circles suddenly struck, breaking through the smoke and directly attacking the otter.

The powerful power made the otter stunned for a moment.

"Vine Snake, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

However, the next moment, a turquoise figure descended from the sky, and the rattan snake spun several times in mid-air, and the forked blade at the tail turned into an emerald green energy blade, slashing straight at the wave of evil!

Boom! !

The wave of evil was split apart, turning into a violent explosion in mid-air.

"Now, Mingyi!"

At the same time, Xiaozhi turned his head to look at Mingyi.

Ming Yi came back to her senses, her pretty face tensed, and she shouted:

"It's now, water otter, use the wave of water!!"

The otter nodded, waved his small hand, condensed a water bullet, and threw it viciously!

This time it was its turn to use the smoke to cover, and Shiwanzi didn't see the target clearly until the waves of water flew in front of him.

Boom! !

The wave of water exploded on Shi Wanzi's body, stirring up a large pool of water and blasting it several meters away.

The effect is outstanding! !

The corner of Dou Zi raised his mouth, and suddenly shouted:

"If you have one hand, then try this move, Barbara, use your wings!!"

The vulture girl's wings were suddenly covered with white light, and she launched a close combat, attacking the rattan snake below.

Quite a raptor culling gesture, making it difficult to dodge

"Slap the ground with your tail and jump up!"

But the rattan snake's slender and flexible tail slapped the ground suddenly, and it leaped up to a height of more than ten meters with its strength, dodging the double-winged move.

However, Xiaozhi's offensive is not over yet, he pointed with his big hand and said:

"Now, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

I saw the figure of the rattan snake spinning in the air, condensing the leaf blade to slash, and the target was to smash straight at the stone ball behind!

Caught off guard, Nanxia could only hastily respond:

"Use the iron wall to block it!"

Shi Wanzi's whole body was covered with a metallic luster, and then Ye Renzhan volleyed down and slashed heavily on the former!

boom! !

The huge power of the leaf blade cannot be resisted by a simple iron wall. Shi Wanzi was immediately split and flew horizontally, falling heavily to the ground.

The effect is outstanding!

Seeing that his companion had gained the upper hand, the water otter immediately raised the scallop shell, condensed the shell blade, and was about to attack the vulture girl.

However, Douzi's command was even more violent, and he suddenly shouted:

"Barbara, use Brave Bird to attack!!"

The vulture girl kept flapping her short wings, and she could only fly to a height of five meters. Then, her whole body was bathed in fiery red flames, and her momentum soared.

Boom! !

In the end, it turned into a faint blue brave bird and rushed out brazenly!

The brave bird attacked the shell blade fiercely, the power gap between the two moves was quite different, and the shell blade was thrown flying in just an instant.

The vulture girl arched her head, bumped into the otter's belly without hindrance, and sent it flying!

Boom! !

The huge movement startled even Xiaozhi.

What the hell, is this really a baby? Why did it even come up with a big move like Brave Bird Attack?

At the same moment, at the rear of both ends of the arena, Ishiwanko and Water Otter fell to the ground at the same time, their eyes were spinning, unable to fight.


Mingyi gritted his teeth and could only take the defeated otter back into the elf ball.

The same is true for Nansha on the other side.

Both of them were not in a hurry to release the second Pokémon, they just watched silently on the field, only Vine Snake and Vulture Girl were left facing each other.

Xiaozhi can also see that Douzi is quite powerful, and he is definitely not an ordinary person.

The vulture girl of the same gender in front of me, the charming moves that Fuji Vine Snake is good at can't be used either.

"Barbara, the wave of evil!"

"Vine snake, stir the grass!!"

With a sudden momentum, the two launched a long-range attack at the same time.

It's just that the power of the wave of evil is even stronger. The black halo broke through the green leaves and exploded around the rattan snake, causing good damage.

"Barbara, use Brave Bird to attack!!"

Douzi simply activated his big move and launched a fierce attack!

The vulture girl's body was once again bathed in red light, and her aura continued to rise.

It's just that the vulture girl hasn't evolved to the peak after all, and the big move of the brave bird's fierce attack still needs to be charged.

Xiaozhi's pupils shrank, and he suddenly shouted:

"It's now, entangle it!!"

The Fuji Vine Snake understood, and jumped up to the mighty Brave Bird.

Then he turned his body sideways, and quickly strangled the vulture girl with his slender and flexible snake body.

Almost suffocated, the vulture girl's moves were also interrupted.

Finally, the snake body of the vine rattan snake suddenly pulled out, directing its strength downward.

Snapped! !

The vulture girl was beaten heavily to the ground!

"Now, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

The vine and vine snake in mid-air kept spinning, condensed its blades, and fell down in one go!

Boom! !

Ye Renzhan hit the target again, hitting the vulture girl's head.

hit the nail on the head!

Although the effect was mediocre, the Ye Ren Zhan that hit the vital point still made the vulture girl's eyes turn white, and her body finally fell over.

Seeing this, it took Douzi a while before his breathing gradually calmed down.

"Thank you, Barbara..."

She raised the elf ball and retracted the vulture girl.


(Family, happy new year~! Good health and good luck!)

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