He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2011 One-on-two, King Yanwu and the veteran builder!

Taking back the vulture girl, Douzi looked forward in amazement.

It's not that he was surprised by the fierceness of the offensive combo, but by Xiaozhi's boldness.

Facing the onslaught of the brave bird that was about to charge up and launch, he did not retreat but advanced, and took the initiative to attack.

One second later, the rattan snake will be attacked by the brave bird at zero distance, and if it takes another life, it will probably die on the spot.

"Come back for now, rattan snake~!"

On the other side, Xiaozhi took the rattan snake back with a satisfied expression.

The rattan snake has made great progress, and with his calm and mature personality, coupled with his command, the battle of one person and one snake is very tacit and smooth.

Xiaozhi secretly estimated that the rattan snake should evolve soon.

Seeing that Nuannuanzhu in the team suddenly ate a large amount of experience evolution, Fujivine Snake himself couldn't wait, right?

Putting away his emotions, Xiaozhi looked at the two people in front again, with a serious expression.


So the next step is to get serious, right?

"Mr. Nanxia, ​​you have to be serious next time!"


In front of Douzi was a tall, pig-headed Pokémon with a reddish-brown body, and its abdomen and lower limbs were covered with black bristles.

Both of them have seen Xiaozhi's resume. Although it is unbelievable, the strength of this foreign electric mouse in front of him will be extraordinarily powerful.

In terms of momentum, it was suppressed by the little Pikachu!

"Beep beep! King Yanwu, fire and fighting attributes, is the evolution of stir-fried pigs. The flames burning on the mandibular beard are the embodiment of mental concentration. He can skillfully use fighting moves with both strength and speed, but his straightforward personality, It's easy to be taken advantage of by Lotto~!"

The next moment, the four people on the field threw the second round of poke balls.

"Yan Wu!!"

"Mingyi, from now on, you can just watch the show in the back, leave this game to me~!"

Whoosh! !

The super speed is not a flash of lightning, it is full of momentum, knocking King Yanwu back several steps.


It's not recognized, he's only seen it on some junk marketing accounts, boasting that the careless kicks of turban gangsters are better than the boxing of old builders.

But by coincidence, the opponents in front of them are all powerful Pokémon known for their fierceness.

The oath of fire is more of a restrictive move. Once the target is controlled, the builder's sharp stone attack can hit accurately.

Pikachu let out a high-pitched low cry, and quickly jumped onto the arena, his cheeks sparkling, and he looked closely at the two Pokémon in front of him.

Douzi turned his head to look at Nansha, clenched his fists and said.

"And then one hundred thousand volts!!"

Nan Xia nodded. The two cooperated tacitly and took out the elf ball in their hands at the same time.

The Pokémon in Nansha is also a tall human Pokémon.

Rotom automatically prompted.

Immediately afterwards Xiaozhi called out the most fluent combo technique.

King Yanwu let out a low cry, and was about to smash his fists to the ground, creating countless pillars of lava and fire.

Taupe body, some pink muscles can be seen on the surface of the body, like an old man with a big red nose.

And the second Pokémon sent by Mingyi.

"Pikachu, use super speed!"

"Is this Pokémon the evolution of Chaochao?"

Pikachu bounced up in mid-air with his strength, and dazzling lightning burst out from his whole body, and the lightning roared and shot towards King Yanwu!

It can only be said that this feeling of not being hacked at the beginning is getting more and more comfortable.

"Then it's up to you, Pikachu!!"

And what Xiaozhi sent was naturally his absolute ace Pikachu.

As Xiaozhi's voice fell, Pikachu sprang out quickly, turned into a ball of blue light and lost his figure, the speed was unbelievably fast.

With a fat body and strong limbs, as well as the cirrus pattern covering the body, in terms of momentum, it looks like a brave heavenly soldier.

Even Mingyi also trembled for a while, sweating profusely nervously.

And when Douzi mastered all these routes with different styles, her strength also surpassed that of ordinary trainers, and she was also extremely adaptable to all kinds of battles.

Nanxia also initiated the command.

After this King Yanwu came out, he even smashed his fists in front of him, and the position of the lower jaw and neck suddenly splashed with hot flames.


There is too much difference in the level of the enemy and the enemy, and Little York is free.

Singles, doubles, and even triples even have some special fighting rules.

Naturally, she also has a very good relationship with the two supervisors of the battle subway, and she is also a teacher and a friend.

But Xiaozhi took a step forward and said loudly.

The heroic wild boar head has raised black eyebrows, a pair of sharp fangs protruding from the corners of the mouth, and a real flame is burning around the neck and jaw.

Nuannuan pig and Chaochao pig are still ordinary piglets, but King Yanwu is more like a flame warrior, and his appearance has changed drastically!

"Builder, prepare to use sharp stones to attack!!"

The extremely thick palms each held a concrete column more than one meter long as a weapon.

The introduction of the illustrated book made Nan Xia frown slightly.

In a one-on-two match, there is also a huge gap in body size, but Douzi and Nanxia in the rear are both holding their breath as if they are facing a big enemy.

However, this premise must be that the speed of the two is faster, and the first move is made.

At the beginning of the game, Douzi took the lead in attacking. This time, King Yanwu's nickname was Heinier, which sounded like a rough man.

But she didn't go to the regular challenge alliance gym, the conference and so on.

Instead, he set his goal underground and focused on dominating all lines of the battle subway.

The battle begins!

"Heinir, use the oath of fire!!"

As soon as Little York came out, he found that he was facing two tall bully Pokémon at the same time. He immediately let out a low cry, and stepped back timidly.

"Beep beep! The old builder has the fighting attribute. The concrete pillar used as a crutch can be swung freely even without relying on brute force. It is said that the technology of human beings to make concrete originated from the old builder but it is recognized that the old builder His fighting skills are not as good as the hooded gangster Lotto~!"

The way to fight each line of the subway is different.

Knowing this, Mingyi could only nod helplessly and take a step back.

The next moment, Pikachu had appeared ten meters away, and bumped into King Yanwu's chest.

Douzi is 2 years older than Mingyi, and started traveling as a newcomer trainer 2 years ago.

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he blurted out, his temperament is completely different.

This made Xiaozhi not need to hold back, and he could display his overwhelming strength from the very beginning!

"Build the old craftsman, cover it, use wild swing!!"

Nanxia quickly opened his mouth and said, the veteran builder in front of him also landed in front of King Yanwu, swung the two concrete columns in his hands, and shook them vigorously.


The stone pillar slammed, and it smashed the lightning forcefully!

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