He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2012 The strongest move, double-edged head hammer vs high-voltage electric shock!


The attack of waving and swinging did not stop, the veteran builder let out a low shout, the thick stone pillar in his hand hadn't been completely put down, and he swung it directly towards Pikachu in mid-air!

"Iron Tail!"

Pikachu in mid-air focused his eyes, his figure spun around, and the steel tail swept out horizontally.

Bang bang! !

With a burst of metal explosions, the larger builder was actually at a disadvantage. The concrete stone pillar bounced back suddenly, and even almost flew out of his hand.

"Don't forget me, Heinir, spray flames!!"

At this moment, Dou Zi, who seemed to be invisible behind him, suddenly spoke.

After knowing Xiaozhi's strength, even if it was a two-on-one match, she didn't intend to be courteous, and would fight mercilessly when she got the chance.

And this battle made Dou Zi even more excited.

"Hainir, use your nose!"

Xiaozhi also quickly took a deep breath, one-on-two, and the level of the two opposite Pokémon is not low, it still needs to be fully concentrated!

"Pikachu, use the shadow clone!!"

This also allowed Xiaozhi to seize the opportunity, and quickly said:

The figure just covered the lights on the subway platform, and Pikachu smiled slyly. When the figure was staggered, the dazzling light immediately made King Yanwu and the old builder mess up.

Pikachu was taken aback. It had just crushed an old man to the ground, and immediately a heavy flame pig also fell down.

At a critical moment, Xiaozhi noticed the cracked hole under Pikachu, and suddenly had an idea:

After landing, Pikachu's entire body was dyed black like coal, and he shook his head quickly.

Douzi had an instant response, and hurriedly said.

Finally successfully dealt with one, Xiao Zhi heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly looked at the only opponent on the field.

This is still a combo technique, which greatly increases the power and attack speed of the sharp stone attack!

There was only a burst of roar and explosion, and King Yanwu's arm was like a musket barrel, pushing and shooting rocks like grenades!

Sure enough, the boy in front of him was definitely the perfect target!

Under her marketing efforts, Douzi is confident that Xiaozhi's fame will never be lost to the supernova champion in the Galar region in the future!

The effect is outstanding!

The next moment, Pikachu spread out, gliding and diving in the air nimbly like an electric flying squirrel, and his own momentum was constantly superimposed.

Xiaozhi has already seen that the level of this King Yanwu is obviously higher than that of the old builder, and the threat of Douzi is also higher than that of Mr. Nansha.

Then get rid of a relatively weak opponent first.

The strength rebounded as much as possible, and the heavy Yanwu King was directly sent flying!

"Is there still such a way to deal with it?"

Although Pikachu rarely uses the shadow clone move, he still understands it.

Pikachu immediately understood, and with a spin of his tail, he threw out a huge grid, which completely covered the edge of the pothole that was almost two meters wide and one meter deep.

"Builder, use sharp stones to attack!!"

"Now, use Iron Tail!"


"It's now, use the flying body to press!!"

"Right now, Heinir, we use high temperature and heavy pressure!!"

But at the same time, Douzi also yelled out:

King Yanwu sniffed his nose, reacted quickly, and looked at the sky suddenly.

With such an offensive, Xiaozhi didn't dare to block it head-on.

Boom! !

The flame hit Pikachu head-on and exploded on its body.

"Heinir, let's use push!!"


King Yanwu's nose has an excellent sense of smell, and he can judge Pikachu's real body position.

Pikachu understood, and immediately started to run flexibly. Dozens of Pikachus appeared around the arena in an instant, and it was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

This scene also made several people in the arena a little dumbfounded.

boom! boom! boom! !

At this moment, King Yanwu, in the posture of a flying pig in the sky, was bounced to the highest point in the sky, and he was about to land soon

With piercing eyes, Douzi pressed his fingers down, and shouted proudly:

"Heinir, use the double-edged head mallet!!"

I saw several huge sharp rocks condensed by the old builder, suspended in front of King Yanwu.

"Can you still use the big move of the rock attribute?!"

Xiao Zhi was startled, this is his signature move of the Hammer Dragon, right?

However, feeling Douzi's strong fighting spirit, Xiao Zhi and Pikachu looked at each other, neither planning to retreat or dodge.

"In that case, Pikachu, let's do our best too! Use high-voltage shocks!!"

Bang bang! !

Iron Tail hit the target completely and suffered heavy blows one after another. Finally, the veteran builder couldn't stand it anymore.

After escaping, Pikachu quickly jumped out of the pothole, facing the stunned old builder not far away, he just shot a strong and blunt iron tail, and he was not polite.

However, the power grid seemed to have turned into a trampoline, the extremely strong flexibility completely absorbed King Yanwu's strength, and then...

boom! !

The concrete stone pillars in his hands were scattered messily, and the entire huge body also collapsed, unable to fight.

But the two people on the opposite side didn't give Xiaozhi a chance to think, and they launched an attack again.

So Xiaozhi roared loudly.

I saw that King Yanwu's whole body was hot and red, and steam was constantly coming out, and flames were even sprayed out from multiple places on the surface of his body.

In the end, he leaped up and rushed towards Pikachu with the momentum of Mount Tai!

The moves of the two Flying Heavy Press are somewhat similar, but Flying Body Heavy Press focuses on dexterity, while High Temperature Heavy Press is an absolute force!

I don't know when, Pikachu has jumped into the sky several meters high.

"Yan Wu!!"

King Yanwu suddenly spewed out a beam of flames, and the timing was captured in seconds, making it difficult for people to dodge.

"Pikachu, use the grid!"

And Pikachu himself retracted into the pothole

The next moment, King Yanwu descended from the sky, and the high temperature and pressure exploded with all his might!


There was no time to dodge, Pikachu covered the old builder's face heavily!

Boom! !

The power emanating from the small body crushed the huge body of the builder in an instant!

King Yanwu exerted strength with his arms, spread out his palms, and kept pushing forward in parallel.

It's just that the expected violent blasting sound didn't happen, instead there was a strange sound of spring compression.

In the sky, King Yanwu's whole body was suddenly covered by a layer of rough gray-blue energy, especially the front of his head, where a pair of sharp rock horns protruded, and he swooped down from the sky brazenly!


Pikachu clenched his fists on the spot, looked up to the sky and let out a low shout, and a burst of violent thunder and lightning burst out all over his body in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, the figure suddenly ran forward to accumulate energy, and a layer of golden lightning coat continued to condense and skyrocket, appearing on the periphery of Pikachu's body.

In the end, he jumped up, and Pikachu completely turned into a cloud of lightning shock waves, facing the swooping double-edged head hammer, and bumped into it!

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