He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2013 Studio...Leiwen Gym!

Chapter 2013 Studio. Raven Gym!

Boom! ! !

The high-voltage electric shock collided with the double-edged hammer, causing a violent explosion in mid-air. The gray-blue rock streamer and the golden-yellow lightning energy were intertwined, forming an energy vortex soaring into the sky.

However, in the end, the golden lightning strike swallowed everything up, completely illuminating the sky above the track.

The figures of one big and one small also flew back to their respective arenas at the same time.



King Yanwu and Pikachu's backs were heaving, they were both panting heavily, and electric arcs of anti-injury flowed on the surface of their scarred bodies.

But in the end, it was Pikachu who was more powerful.


Douzi cried out worriedly, the Yanwu King in front of him was exhausted, and suddenly let out a muffled groan, first knelt on one knee to support himself, and finally fell forward.

"King Yanwu and the veteran builders have lost their ability to fight, so Xiaozhi and Mingyi will win this competition!"

The conductor referee immediately said loudly.

Although it's basically this player named Xiaozhi, it's just one against two.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also exhaled a little foul breath and relaxed.

This Yanwu King should be Douzi's initial Pokémon, it's quite strong, if it weren't for Pikachu, it's hard to say that he can win it steadily.

Seeing that the outcome had been decided, Douzi lowered his eyes and took back his King Yanwu.

"You did a great job, Heinir~!"

It seems that there is still a gap between myself and Xiaozhi.


Just when the atmosphere became tense after the war, a high-pitched dog barking attracted everyone's attention.

Several people looked at the same time, only to see Little York, who had been watching the play behind him, suddenly jumped restlessly on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body was suddenly covered by white light, and his figure also continued to swell and grow in the light.


Mingyi stared at Little York in a daze, smacking soy sauce all the way, and then evolved?

"It looks like you are full of experience points, right?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. Although Pikachu was fighting one against two throughout the whole process, it was actually a 2v2 battle.

"Ha Wang~!!"

With another high-pitched cry, the evolution was completed, and Little York showed a brand new posture.

The body size has grown from a small dog to a medium-sized dog, and the hair on the eyebrows and chin is thicker, like a long beard, making Hajok look a little old.

There is also an extra layer of black and blue long hair on the back, as if wearing a cloak.

"Evolved into Hayoke~!"

Mingyi came back to his senses, and immediately cheered and jumped up quickly, hugging Hayoke's neck.

Hayoke turned back and licked Mingyi's face, his eyes were firm and his temperament became more mature.

If it is said that Little York didn't even have the courage to fight against the tall Yanwu King and the old builder.

Now, although Hayok still has some gaps in strength, he will not have any timidity.

"Congratulations, Mingyi-chan~ This is a very nice Hayoke~!"

Douzi also walked up with a smile, and said with a smile, the previous fighting emotions had been completely put away on his face.

It can be seen that Mingyi is just a rookie trainer who has just started.

However, through this battle, Xiaozhi also had a better understanding of the girl in front of him.

"Miss Douzi. No, Douzi."

After a little hesitation, Xiaozhi finally opened his mouth and said:

"I can think about what you said before."

Hearing this, Douzi immediately raised his palm, smiling and screaming in celebration.

"But I also have my own travel, so I probably won't cooperate with you to do anything. As for other things, it's up to you to control it yourself. I don't really care about it."

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi still added.

Well, it seems pretty good if you let a professional person do the promotion and don't have to do anything yourself?

Although a company that is about to close down does not sound so professional.

But Douzi is currently the first person who took the initiative to come to the door, and just because of this, Xiaozhi still agreed.

"Leave it to me, Teacher Xiaozhi!"

Douzi hurriedly stepped forward to hold Xiaozhi's palm, with a serious and sincere attitude, his expression hard to hide his excitement.

Sure enough, her tactics of fighting closer relationships were correct!

However, after getting in touch with him now, Douzi has a general understanding of Xiaozhi's character. It seems that there are some things in the contract that need to be changed.

Some cunning tricks in business can be removed, and the simplest thing is to cooperate sincerely.

"As the most important customer of our company, I will go back and sort out the detailed contract details! Let's sign again tomorrow!"

So Douzi quickly exchanged contact information with Xiaozhi and Mingyi.

"Please come to my studio tomorrow~ and Naruto-chan too~!"

Douzi hadn't given up on bringing Mingyi into the gang, and finally waved his hand, throwing him out of the subway platform in a hurry.

Looks like I'm going to work hard all night to get ready!

This energetic move made Xiaozhi and Mingyi a little puzzled and dumbfounded.

So why is this company on the brink of bankruptcy?

"Oh, are you leaving~?"

And Nanxia, ​​who had been silent by the side, looked at Douzi's leaving back, smiled and shook his head.

Still so enthusiastic~!

But if he can really bring the company back to life, he still hopes that Douzi can achieve it.

"However, if I leave early, I won't pay today's part-time salary~!"

Nan Xia said to herself with her palms behind her back.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and Mingyi also bid farewell to Nanxia, ​​and were about to leave the battle subway.

Before leaving, the two also gave a blessing, hoping that Mr. Beishang will return as soon as possible.

Xiaozhi really wanted to help, but the sea was vast, and Beishang disappeared suddenly, so there was no clue.

This made him powerless, and the only thing he could do was verbally bless him.

the next day.

Since the time agreed with Mr. Akromar has not yet arrived, Xiaozhi and the two can only temporarily stay in Raven City.

That's right, let's go to Douzi's studio today!

Although it was only a short contact, this enthusiastic girl gave them a good impression.

Guided by the address, the two walked through several streets and came to the east of the city.

A few hundred meters further to the east, it seems to be a large playground, and a huge Ferris wheel can be seen standing there in the distance, which is quite magnificent.

Then the two turned their heads and looked at the building in front of them.

Raven Gym?

Both of them were stunned, and Xiao Zhi carefully compared the addresses in his hands, and then looked at the house number of the gymnasium in front of him to confirm that he did not find the wrong location.

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