He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2022 Fantasy Bridge, Electric Ghost Rotom!

"Beep! This is the unique weather of Route 16, Loto~!"

Soon, Rotom began to introduce the three of them.

The continental area of ​​the Hezhong area is divided into several major plates, and in front of it is the edge of the central plate where Leiwen City and Feiyun City are located.

Being close to the ocean, the moisture in the air is naturally richer

However, the altitude here is not low, so there are no seaside beaches, only dangerous cape cliffs.

"But it's not a big problem. There is a bridge called Fantastic Bridge built here, which can directly connect to Luoto, the eastern plate area of ​​the Hezhong area~!"

Rotom suggested.

Similarly, the west side is connected to the west side of the Hezhong area by the Fanba Suspension Bridge.

So in the Hezhong area, bridges are very common buildings, and there are several very famous bridges at the same time!

"I see."

Xiaozhi was amazed when he heard that, the continental structure in the Hezhong area is still very special.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Mingyi, a local, also nodded repeatedly.

She seldom travels far, at most she goes to Feiyun City by boat to see the world, and she doesn't know much about the geographical structure of the Hezhong area.

The gray mist made the surroundings look a little gloomy. Seeing this, Xiao Zhi simply released Xitri Zoroya and Forsaken Monkey. These two ghost Pokémon led the way.

"Give up drinking~!"

The Abandoned Monkey walked in the front, taking steps that no relatives would recognize, with a wild spear raised above his head, and a pair of sunglasses on his face——

These are the sunglasses snatched from the black-eyed crocodile.

For children, if you learn how adults wear sunglasses, let me wear them for two days first!

Not to mention, wearing sunglasses added a bit of aura to his villainous image, and Abandoned Monkey liked his new look quite a lot.

And Zoroya in the Xicui area has a unique combination of general + ghost attributes, which makes it bolder in the face of the gloomy and dense fog surrounding the timid character.

"Solo, Solo~!"

It hummed a ditty with a smile on its face, followed behind the Abandoned Monkey wagging its head, and the faint blue fluff that floated up from its body danced lightly like will-o'-the-wisps.

Mingyi: "."

She doesn't understand Xiaozhi's brain circuit.

The environment is already gloomy enough, but two ghosts will be released.? !

Shouldn't the hot fried pigs be released and spray flames into the sky!

However, this No. 16 road is not very long. After walking for about 2 hours, several people have come to the end.

In front of the ends on both sides of the asphalt main road, there are bottomless cape cliffs, and the bottom is the swift and tumbling ocean current, flowing from north to south.

Coupled with the surrounding environment, if it falls, something big may really happen.

As for the end of the main road, there is a bridge.

No, it's an elevator! ?

Several people came to the large elevator door and looked up, only to realize that the structure of this bridge is extremely special.

You need to take the elevator first, ascend to a high platform nearly ten meters high, and after you get out, you will find a bridge built on the sea water.

On the other side, the structure of the elevator platform is also the same.

Even the exterior decoration of the entire bridge has a strong futuristic sci-fi style.

Especially in this foggy environment, it takes a bit of courage for passers-by to just walk up.

"Fantasy Bridge, it really is fantastic"

Xiaozhi clicked his tongue and called Qidao, and the name of the bridge was Fantastic Bridge.

Being bold, he immediately pressed the elevator button, ready to board.

Da da..!

I just pressed the button several times in a row, and the elevator room hanging above never fell down.

"Is there something wrong?"

Mingyi also reached out and poked curiously, but there was also no response.

Could it be because the weather is too humid and the electrical appliances have failed?

When it comes to electrical appliances, this is Akromar's area of ​​expertise, and he immediately touched his chin and began to study.

"No, it's not a malfunction"

Soon, he had a judgment, and when he spoke, he turned his head and looked at Rotom strangely.

Immediately, he quickly directed his own gear, and took out a radar detector from the backpack of the accompanying robot.

Still need to be more rigorous.

"Acromar Detector~!!"

Although it had been shown before, when he took it out again, Akromar held it up high and introduced the name.

Then, under Xiaozhi and Mingyi's confused eyes, they operated the detector.

I don't know why, but after a while, all the structural diagrams of the elevator appeared on the detector screen.

On the screen, an orange-yellow pattern with a laughing expression attracted Xiaozhi's attention.

"Huh, kind of familiar.?"

It is like a ghost, constantly shuttling through the various mechanical parts of the elevator.

Holding his breath, Xiaozhi put his ears on the elevator door, and indeed he could faintly hear the sound of children's mischief.

This voice is too familiar to him

Xiaozhi's head seemed to be pierced by lightning, and his thoughts were clear. He immediately raised his finger, pointed at the person behind him, and said loudly:

"So the culprit is you, Rotom!!"

"Beep!? Loto?!"

Rotom was taken aback, and a shocked expression even popped up on the screen.

Akromar licked his lips, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

So is it a wild and troublesome electric ghost? With Rotom's ability, it is indeed possible to disable the elevator.

Akromar has been eyeing Xiaozhi's illustrated book for a long time, and is looking for an opportunity to experiment and copy it.

The equipment is easy to manufacture, but the rare and rare electric ghost Rotom is hard to find.

Coincidentally, isn't there a wild Rotom delivered to your door?

Akromar was immediately pulling out new scientific instruments.

"Beep! Is it the same kind of troublemaker? Damn Loto!"

The CPU finally turned around, and Rotom also became angry for no reason, and flew to Akromar's side, ready to cooperate with him to help.

It simply tarnishes the reputation of the Rotom clan!

Xiaozhi and Mingyi, two laymen, watched blankly from behind.

Hidden among small electrical appliances, Xiaozhi can still help out.

But if this wild Rotom is hidden in this giant elevator, even the entire bridge connected seems to be constructed of metal.

There's nothing he can do about it.

But just as Akromar and Rotom were busy ahead, Xitri Zoroya at Xiaozhi's feet suddenly sniffed his nose.

It seemed to smell something, and the blue resentment fluff on its body fluttered.


With a low shout, Sorolla suddenly turned around and ran towards a certain direction of the road behind him.

"Hey Soraya, where are you going!?"

Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on, but the dense fog around him couldn't let a baby Zoroya run around, and he was about to catch up.

But Xiaozhi glanced at his companion behind him again.

It should take some time to deal with this wild Rotom.

If it is handed over to Mr. Akromar here, it is not a big problem.

"Mingyi, I'm going to check on Soraya's situation!"

After leaving a word, Xiaozhi immediately followed, and after a while, he and Zoroya disappeared into the dense fog that filled the sky.

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