He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2023 Zoroark and the Fantasy Forest

"Hey Soraya, don't run around!!"

On Route 16, Xiao Zhi chased Soraya in the fog.

Of course, he didn't use all his speed, he just kept about 3 meters behind

This Zoroya in Emerald Emerald form has always been timid and doesn't pay much attention to the outside world, but today he behaved so strangely.

Xiaozhi became interested. It seemed that something attracted Sorolla's interest.

Could it be a local ghost-type Pokémon?

Suddenly, in the middle of the road, a figure appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

But he saw a seven or eight-year-old boy with a blank face and two red dots on his brows.

It would not be surprising if you saw it in Raven City, after all, the streets are full of such children.

But at this moment, in a place full of fog on Route 16, a little boy stood there alone, and the atmosphere seemed particularly strange.

Seeing Soroya stop, he looked at the child carefully, obviously attracted by the latter.

Xiaozhi also stopped, and was about to raise his hand to ask:

"Kids, what are you doing here"

And this little boy first looked back at Sorolla, and the unique shape of Sorolla in the Xicui area made him stunned.

"Hee hee~!"

Then his expression suddenly changed, his eyes and mouth became unusually long and pointed, and he let out a creepy laugh.

Both hands were raised to the chest, the palms were bent, and the nimble eyeballs like a sneaky fox scanned the two of them.

The sudden change shocked both Xiaozhi and Zoroya.

Immediately afterwards, the little boy didn't say much, let out furtive laughter all the way, turned his head and ran towards the jungle on the north side of the road.

After a while, the figure completely disappeared in the thick fog.

"Hee hee hee~!"

However, this No. 16 road still echoes with strange laughter, it is completely a supernatural road!

"How about it, do you still want to catch up?"

Xiaozhi's expression quickly returned to calm, he bent down and rubbed Soraya's head, and asked softly.

This "little human boy" can fool others, but not himself.

He could tell at a glance that the latter was not a human being!

"I guess it's a Pokémon with the power of camouflage and illusion, right?"

Xiaozhi murmured, like Latias, also has this ability.

After understanding this point, there is nothing to be afraid of. It is estimated that the local wild Pokémon is playing a prank?

But why did it attract Sorolla's attention?

Could it be a ghost-type Pokémon?

On the side of the Fantasy Bridge elevator, Mr. Akromar should still need some time to deal with that troublesome electric ghost

Xiaozhi's shoulders were empty, and Pikachu didn't follow.

Pikachu was borrowed by Akromar to discharge it before, as a bait to lure the wild Rotom.

Just in time, it's rare to have a solo adventure with Sorolla!


Sorolla nodded, seemed to have a strong interest in that "little boy", and immediately ran with short legs.

When running, the blue fluff on the back dances and flutters like a flame, which is very eye-catching in the thick fog.

Zoroya is a fox, and his sense of smell is still very outstanding, and he can vaguely capture the direction of the target.

Just go further, and there are no roads and trails at all.

It's completely barren weeds and densely grown trees.

The distance between each tree is extremely narrow, and Xiaozhi's body can barely squeeze through. If Mingyi came over, there is a high probability that he would be caught by the burden on his chest.


But for Sorolla, who is small in size, it is not a big problem.

"Hey, where is it?"

After walking for tens of meters, a trail suddenly appeared in the dense jungle.

Although the space is still small, it is a road that has obviously been stepped on by many people, leading to the deeper jungle inside.

Xiaozhi scratched his head. He remembered that Rotom had checked it when he first came to Route 16. There was nothing worth exploring here.


Just as he was about to go up, the bushes next to him suddenly moved, making Xiaozhi's breath hard.

Immediately afterwards, a fat figure came out of the grass. He was wearing a brown mountaineering suit and was carrying a huge field backpack on his back. His dark skinned face looked very simple and honest.

Is it a mountaineering man?

After seeing Xiaozhi, the mountain boy was also taken aback for a moment, and then he said cheerfully:

"Is it a foreign tourist? It's really rare that someone would come to this place~!"

Listening to the smooth words, Xiaozhi heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that the mountain boy in front of him should not be some ghost Pokémon in disguise.

But it's quite strange that a mountain boy suddenly appeared in this place.

Immediately, the mountain boy walked in front, waved his fat hand forward, and was about to lead Xiaozhi and Zoroya into this hidden forest.

"Is this Sorolla from another place? It's the first time I've seen it. It looks weird."

During the period, Zoroya, who had glanced at Xiaozhi a few more times, showed a surprised look.

After passing through this long and narrow path, after arriving at the end, the jungle area in front of you suddenly became open-minded and open-minded.

The area is spacious, the center is a green space, and the dense trees at the edge form a boundary, wrapping and hiding this place, it is a small world.

But this place looks very barren, no one takes care of it, weeds and stones are everywhere.

Seeing humans entering, some wild Pokémon were frightened and ran to the depths of the edge of the jungle and hid themselves.

"This place is called the Enchanted Forest, but it is a secret forest that few people know~!"

The mountain boy opened his arms, took a deep breath, squinted his eyes, and introduced with a comfortable expression.

“I come to this place every year for camping, this is the most relaxing time of my life~!”

Xiaozhi nodded and listened, while looking around.

Although there is much less fog here and the field of vision is still wide, the atmosphere is even more weird.


Soroya kept lowering his head and sniffing his nose, trying to find the little boy's taste trace again.

But this big fat human being in front of him seems to have this breath?

And for some reason, the aura emanating from Mountain Man also gave Zoroya a strange sense of trust.?

After taking off his big backpack, the mountaineering man also introduced the origin of this forest to Xiaozhi.

"In this psychedelic forest, it is said that there used to be a pair of Zoroark mother and son. By the way, it is the evolution of your Pokémon, although it seems to look different."

"Oh, my Zoroya is from the Xicui area."

Xiaozhi held Soraya to his chest and explained with a smile.

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