He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2024 I am human, my name...N!

Chapter 2024 I am human, name.N!

When answering, Xiaozhi came back to his senses.

That's right, Sorolla itself is a Pokémon in the Hezhong area, and he is good at disguising and transforming, so the little boy just now should be the disguise of the local Sorolla, right?

After evolution, is the name Zoroark?

This can explain why his Soraya is interested.


So Luoya squinted his eyes and jumped on the mountaineering man's shoulder.

It stuck out its small tongue and licked the latter's cheek, looking very intimate.

"So cute"

And this mountaineer was also rubbing Sorolla's head with a smile, but his body was shaking, and his expression gradually became weird.

He is obviously a rough mountaineering man with a thick back and a waist, but the expression on his face has a feminine softness, just like a mother?

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, guessing something in his mind.

It's not human!

What the latter said just now was "Zoroak mother and son".

The little boy is a child, so Zoroark, as the mother, is naturally the mountaineering man in front of him.

It's just that this appearance, which is completely indistinguishable from human behavior, surprised Xiaozhi.

You must know that it is the legendary Pokémon, even if it understands telepathy, it can speak human language

But as soon as you hear it, you know that it is not a normal human expression, and even the behavior is very obvious.

How long has this Zoroark lived in human society before he is so familiar with human speech and behavior?

Almost catching up with Team Rocket's Meow!

call out!

And under Soroya's constant licking, this chubby mountaineering man's body began to flash a burst of light, and his figure also kept shrinking in the light

Finally, a big human-shaped fox appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

The height of an adult, walking upright, with a thin body covered with gray-black fur.

There are sharp red claws on the limbs, some red patterns on the fox's head and face, and a thick and wild crimson mane growing on the top of the head, extending almost all the way to the ground and tied at the end of the hair.

"Rotom tut."

Xiaozhi subconsciously called out, and then spat.

Rotom wasn't around.

But this handsome and monstrous human-shaped fox in front of him is obviously Zoroja's evolution - Zoroak is undoubtedly.


And this female Zoroark held Zoroya in one arm, and her slender eyes were staring at Xiaozhi closely, as if she would pounce on him at any moment and tear him to pieces.


Soroya's eyes sharpened immediately, and he jumped up and landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder, yelling a few times in a childish voice, signaling not to attack his trainer.

"Haha, I was just passing by that one, there is no malice."

Xiaozhi also smiled dryly and quickly raised his arms, indicating that he was not in danger.

It seems that this fantasy forest is the secret base of the Zoroak mother and son.

As a result, they accidentally broke into it.

"Has your disguise been seen through?"

At this time, a human voice suddenly came from a corner of the fantasy forest.

This is a male voice, which sounds quite gentle and friendly.

A figure also walked out slowly.

He was tall and tall, wearing a black and white hat, and his long green hair was tied up in the middle like Zoroark.

With a fair and handsome face, wearing a white shirt and brown trousers, with a strange pendant on the neckline

As soon as you walk out, it gives people a feeling of affinity and nature.

Even the many frightened wild Pokémon around them slowly poked their heads out, as if they had lost their guard.

"It's you! That kid just now!"

Xiaozhi looked at the green-haired man's shoulder, where a Zoroya was lying on its stomach.

The local Soroya is similar in size to his own Soroya, but his fur is black-gray all over his body, and there is a bunch of strange red hair on his head.

"Hee hee~!"

This Hezhong Sorolla was still laughing slyly, his appearance and demeanor, as well as the two red dots between his eyebrows, were exactly the same as the little boy before!


And the mother Zoroak let out a low cry, and walked slowly to the side of the green-haired man, apologizing.

It was the first time I saw Sorolla in another place, I couldn't hold back, my motherhood broke out

This blue and white Zoroya is much cuter than this unlucky brat!

But only when she transforms into a human form, can she speak human language familiarly.

When returning to the original body, it will not continue to speak.


Xiao Zhi looked at the green-haired man in front of him again and again.

It's so strange, what happened today is so strange.

It even made him wonder if the human in front of him was also a Pokémon in disguise.

Among other things, the natural aura emanating from this green-haired man is indeed like a wild Pokémon, not a normal human aura.

"I am human, my name is N."

As if seeing Xiaozhi's doubts, N took off his hat and introduced himself softly.

Although before, he still had doubts about whether he was a human being.


Xiaozhi blinked, the person whose name is a letter.

Could it be Pokémon Hunter?

For example, Hunter J, and the Hunter Association behind it, seem to be named after a single letter?

However, N's friendly and natural aura makes people completely unable to feel any hostility.

But if it's human, it's easy to communicate!

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, from the Kanto region, this is Zoroya from the Xicui region, and there's Pikachu."

When Xiaozhi introduced himself subconsciously, he realized that one shoulder was empty today, and Pikachu did not follow.

N first took a slightly surprised look at Sorolla in the Xicui area, which was also the first time he saw him.

The two Sorollas are also stepping on the shoulders of the trainer at this moment, staring at each other.

Similar but not the same, this is the magic of the regional form.

"Solo hee~!"

However, the personalities of the two Sorayas are completely different. N's local Soraya grinned, still smiling wickedly.


On the other hand, Soroya in the Xicui area was a little timid, with his eyelids half drooping, and his head was almost retracted into the fluff of his furry neckerchief.

N rubbed Soraya's head, signaling not to be too naughty, and then looked at Xiaozhi.

"I know you, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, an amazing out-of-town trainer."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was a little surprised. Could it be that Douzi's marketing has worked so quickly?

But at the next moment, N's eyes froze, and he focused on Xiaozhi.

"So if it's you, with a real heart, can you build a real world?"

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