He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2025 Baby Bureau, Soraya vs Soraya!

Xiaozhi: "?"

He scratched his head, what real world? Is this some new riddle in Hezhong?

But looking at N's serious expression in front of him, it seems that he is not joking.

"No matter what, let me see if you are qualified to be ...'s partner."

When N spoke, he paused for a while, making Xiaozhi confused again.

Whose partner?

Soon N had walked ten meters forward, and then turned around, looking at Xiao Zhi from afar.

This distance is exactly the distance for a Pokémon battle.


The treacherous Soraya on his shoulder even jumped out directly, grinning the corners of his mouth, and staring closely at Xiaozhi's foreign place, Sorolla, with his long and cunning eyes.

"Uh, do you want to fight?"

Before Xiaozhi could react, he entered this psychedelic forest inexplicably, and met a strange human being and Zoroark's mother and son.

"Well, do you want to fight?"

Although he didn't know what the opponent's purpose was, Xiaozhi still handed over the choice to Zoroya.


After Zoroya hesitated for a while, his half-drowned eyes finally narrowed, and he mustered up his courage.

Between the same race, it is often more able to arouse each other's competitiveness.

"In that case, it's up to you!!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, originally thinking that Sorolla would jump a few steps tacitly like his own Pikachu, and jump into the field along his own arm.


However, Zoroya shrank into a ball and did not move, as if he was afraid of heights.

Xiaozhi could only rub its head, picked it up and put it on the ground.

Zoroya's timid appearance cannot be described simply by his personality.

More like the race itself, that's what it is.

After all, in the description in the illustrated book, the Pokémon that was driven away by humans, died once and was resurrected in a gloomy place, full of resentment, caused a natural sense of fear no matter what it faced at this moment.

This look, which I feel pity for, makes the adult-sized Zoroark overflow with maternal love, and I can't wait to hold it in my arms immediately and love it hard.


The local Soroya snorted, indicating that he is her precious son.

Seeing that the two Zorojas had already played, the mother Zoroak immediately jumped to the center of the arena, her figure changed, and after a while she became a mountaineering and camping woman.

He raised a hand, and what came out of his mouth became a fluent human language.

"The rule of this game is 1v1, so far. Then, the battle begins!"

Having been in human society for many years, Zoroark, let alone speak human language, is even very familiar with the rules of all walks of life in human society.

She is completely capable of being an ordinary city dweller without leaking any flaws.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and N immediately tightened their faces, and started a battle on this flat lawn in the psychedelic forest.

"Zoroya, use the shadow to sneak attack!!"

Since it was a battle, it was natural to go all out, and Xiao Zhi took the lead in attacking.

But just when Xitri Zoroya was about to sneak into his shadow and launch a sneak attack

"Zoroya, raid!"

N also attacked at the same time, and the priority of the surprise move was higher. Hezhong Zoroya laughed, turned into a ball of black streamer, and slammed out.


He hit Sorolla's chest with his head and sent it flying.


Xi Cui Zoroya stood up unsteadily, shook off the blades of grass on his body, and received a considerable amount of damage.

The effect is outstanding!

The attribute combination of general + ghost, among the 18 attributes, the only one to be afraid of is the evil attribute, which can be said to be very popular.

However, the ordinary Zoroya is the only evil attribute, which just restrains

This puts Zoroya in the Emerald Emerald form at a disadvantage.

"In this case, we use high-speed movement!"

Xiaozhi attacked again, glancing at the opposite trainer from time to time.

N's hat was pressed low, so he couldn't see his facial expression clearly, and his command seemed very capable and concise.

Seeing that there are already several little gray and white foxes around, when they are running fast, Zoroya's faint blue fur is still beating, very agile.


Hearing the command, N's Soraya tried to open his mouth wide, letting out a foxy growl!


But the sound is not very loud, it can only be regarded as a low roar.

However, the powerful sonic attack still interfered with Xitri Zoroya to a certain extent, and his high-speed movement slowed down.

"Crazy scratching!!"

N's Sorolla showed a sly smile, raised his little claws, and scratched towards the target.

But on the other hand, Xiao Zhi's Zoroya move is more luxurious.

"Zoroya, we use Shadow Claws!!"

Also raised the small claw, but the dark black energy attached to the surface turned into an energy black claw, and slashed up against the opponent's move.

Hush! !

The Shadow Claw with this attribute bonus is obviously more powerful. After a moment of stalemate with Crazy Claw, it directly sent N's Zoroya flying.


After several rounds of fighting, Xiaozhi also probably saw the level of the little fox on the opposite side.

A baby game where chickens peck at each other!

This Zoroya in normal form is not very high level.

But this green-haired man deliberately lured him to this forest, right?

It sounds like you want to test yourself, but why is it just a low-level Zoroya?

Xiaozhi squinted his gaze and landed on Zoroark who had turned into a human next to him.

Such an experienced Zoroark should have a high level, so it is almost enough to fight with this Pokémon?

As if seeing Xiaozhi's doubts, N also temporarily stopped fighting, and said:

"Compared to the intensity of the battle. I value the inner communication between humans and Pokémon more."

This answer is quite metaphysical, but when N looked at Xiaozhi's Soraya, his eyeballs moved a little, as if he was trying to understand the latter's inner thoughts.

Xiaozhi's expression became even weirder.

What is this man here for?

"It doesn't matter, anyway, since we have fought, we must win!"

Xiaozhi raised his finger and launched an attack again:

"Zoroya, use the shadow ball!!"

During this period of time, under the strict training of the instructor Abandoned Monkey, and the powerful increase of his own Pokémon virus, Sorolla, who had just hatched for a long time, improved by leaps and bounds, and also mastered several powerful moves.

"Evil wave!"

Facing the oncoming shadow energy bomb, N's expression didn't change much, and he responded in the same way.

Hezhong Zoroya opened his small mouth as hard as he could, and countless black halos spewed out to form a beam of laser beams, bombarding them out!

It also possesses a powerful move of this attribute!

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