He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2029 The psychology of young Pokémon now...

Chapter 2029 The psychology of young Pokémon now.

Route 14.

This is a prairie with a wide view, the wind blows, and the grass blades bow.

Beautiful scenery, surrounded by the outline of some jungles.

At this moment, Xiaozhi and his party are camping on Route 14 after passing the Fantasy Bridge.

Although there is a city nearby.

South of Route 14, there is a city called Black City.

It is said that it is still a rather supernatural place, and outsiders sometimes enter a modern city full of skyscrapers and black buildings everywhere.

Sometimes when you go in, it turns into a wild and barren forest, full of strange white tree holes.

After listening to the introduction, Xiaozhi was still very interested.

However, there was some discrepancy in the route. They wanted to head towards the seashore in the northeast, and the black market was located in the southwest, so they needed to make a detour, so they didn't go.

"It's probably a gimmick to attract tourists~"

Akromar is a staunch materialist, so he just sneered at this, a little dismissive.

Now that they had finished their lunch, several people were busy on the high slope of the lawn.

Since there are special robots to clean up food and clean up after meals, they don't need to intervene at all.

"It's easier than Teacher Gang."

Xiaozhi simply put his hands in his pockets and couldn't help sighing.

When traveling with Xiaogang before, although he didn't cook, he was also responsible for collecting firewood and tidying up the dining chairs after meals.

It can only be said that the power of technology is really great, it can make people more lazy!

On the other side, Akromar is sorting out his machine.


The electric ghost Rotom who had just been subdued was also looking around curiously, preparing to fly in from time to time to experience the circuit board.

Akromar occasionally popped out a few professional terms, trying to teach Rotom some knowledge.

As for Xiaozhi and Mingyi, they are also training their own Pokémon.

Since the battle against the subway, it was obviously a doubles match, and I was standing next to Xiaozhi, but I couldn't help at all

"Water otters, Hayoke, Four Seasons deer, and zebras, we have to work hard!"

Mingyi clenched her fists tightly and looked at the four Pokémon in front of her with all her strength.

She doesn't want to become such a powerful trainer, but at least she can't hold back.

Even if you are playing a high-end game, you can help a little bit and make a little effort.

After getting to know Douzi, the confident and powerful Douzi is Mingyi's goal!

"Rice wine! Rice wine!!"

The otter was the first to respond with a low drink, and held up his scallop shell.

Not to mention, it always feels that its "holy sword" trick is about to succeed!

Hayoke and Sijilu also responded, colliding with each other and exercising.

And the zebra is just a baby, and its fighting power seems a little weak


It's not a big problem, it doesn't need to fight now, it just needs to practice running in this grassland and it's done.

Because it is not the horse posture of the thunder zebra, when the zebra runs on its four short legs, there will be a little blue arc on the surface of the body with black and white stripes, which is quite cool.

"Oh~ Mingyi is also very motivated today!"

Next to him, Xiaozhi looked at Mingyi and the little zebra running past his eyes.

Speaking of the electric-type Pokémon in the Hezhong area, it seems that many of the electric shocks released are blue?

There is no difference in power between blue and yellow.

However, I am used to seeing Pikachu's yellow lightning, and sometimes seeing blue lightning makes Xiaozhi's eyes shine.

"Let's find a chance and let Naruto infect all Pokémon with the virus."

Xiao Zhi secretly thought that with the help of Pokémon Virus, the growth rate of Pokémon would increase exponentially.

He looked again at the Hezhong baby army in his team.

Abandoned Monkey and Xiao Zhi fought side by side, with their arms folded and wearing the sunglasses they snatched from the black-eyed crocodile, with an attitude of "I am the trainer".

But the appearance is actually more like Xiao Zhi's cold bodyguard?

Chaochaozhu has completed the evolution, jumped up in height, and became the leader of the baby team.

After evolution, Chaochaozhu's personality has also become a lot more outgoing.

During the Nuannuan pig period, although he was not as timid and cowardly as Sorolla, because he was abandoned, he also had a kind of inferiority complex and lack of self-confidence.

After evolution, these negative emotions seem to be eliminated.

Stir-Fried Pig's upright body imitates the posture of the abandoned world monkey teacher, with his chest upright, his arms folded, and spark mist sprayed from his nostrils from time to time, just like a hot-blooded boy.

Standing next to the fried pig is the rattan snake. Although she is petite, she has a cold and proud temperament, making her seem to be 1.8 meters tall.


Just looking at the stir-fried pig next to him that was two heads taller than him, the rattan snake was in a bad mood, with a gloomy face.

She was the one who helped Nuannuanzhu regain her confidence

As a result, I am still at a stage now.

"Stir fry~"

The Chaochao pig next to him quickly squatted down, smiling, and looked at the rattan snake with a fawning look.

But what greeted it was the rattan snake's merciless rattan whip.


The crisp sound of the whip instantly made the fried pig straighten up again, not daring to move.

Hmph, she herself will evolve soon, and she doesn't need a licking pig to comfort her!

Although it was a fierce rattan whip move, it didn't do any harm to the fire-attributed fried pig, and the whipping feeling of the rattan whip made it secretly happy.

Xiaozhi: "."

I don't quite understand the psychology of young Pokémon now.

But it's not a big problem, the rattan snake is a mature Pokémon.

Indeed, as she thought in her heart, the evolution can be completed immediately, all that is missing is an opportunity.

On the other side, there is a little awkward, stupid ancestor bird.

The progenitor bird with a stone head, the brain seems to have one less tendon than the modern Pokémon

Or was it broken by the fossil pterosaurs who were frequently thrown at high altitudes?

"Since that's the case, Vine Vine Snake, Primordial Bird, you two should practice against each other!"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi said.

The flying attribute moves with outstanding effects can cause effective damage to the rattan snake, which may allow the rattan snake to find an opportunity for its own evolution.

"Stir fry, stir fry!"

Chaochaozhu became anxious when he heard it, and clamored that he wanted to be the training object of the rattan snake.

Only your own flame moves can make the rattan snake better practice stress resistance!

"Stir fried pig, you face that tree and train your boxing strength."

Xiaozhi had no choice but to knock the fried pig's head, and then pointed to a thick tree trunk next to it.

You must know that there are lush lawns everywhere, if you use flame moves indiscriminately, it is easy to start a prairie fire!

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